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Everything posted by Wellfleet

  1. Boob will never get over the numbers thing. Each new child, now grandchild, is another punch on his "get-his-righteous-tuckus-into-Heaven" card.
  2. I love vegetable lasagna, made without sausage or ground beef but with carrots, zucchini, spinach, sometimes even yellow squash and a luscious alfredo or garlic-Parmesan sauce. Oh yum. But isn't every day Praise Jim-Bob day?
  3. I would have LOVED to have seen this question asked in one of their "viewer mail" episodes. I'm certain it was among the questions sent in, but obviously never chosen by the Duggars to be answered. I mean, what could they have possibly said that would have made any kind of sense? And they couldn't have told the truth - "we're just monumentally lazy..." either. But it would have been great listening to Boob or Me-chelle stumbling over themselves TRYING to explain it.
  4. No kidding - wow! I recommend everyone take a look at this on Derick's actual blog. I had to enlarge the page 1 size up to read the "newsy" part of his posting, but the size of the font used for the "If you'd like to financially support our family ministry, you may do so here..." line is probably 2 or 3 times the point size of the other text. Truly and completely tacky. It's SO clear what is really important to Derick & Jill. Boob has definitely taught his kids one thing very well - how to get an income for yourself without earning one. Let other people pay your way.
  5. That was my recollection too - Jerry Falwell was Liberty U.
  6. Nothing is evil as long as it makes $$ for Boob. He'd find some double-talk way to be OK with abortion IF he could figure out a way to make $$ with it.
  7. Something tells me that Boob is going to act as though it was HIS idea. What the children will hear will something along the lines of "I've decided we aren't going to work with TLC any longer..."
  8. 100% agree. And very succinctly put, absolom. This is exactly why it took two months to cancel 19 Kids - and only one day to drop Honey Boo-Boo. TLC was actively trying to save the Duggars.
  9. Right now I'm praying Funny or Die will do a new spoof on the cancellation. With the same actors who portrayed Boob and Me-chelle in the earlier "Josh scandal response" parody - they were awesome.
  10. Now I'm wondering if they'll run reruns? They certainly have a boatload of reruns. I mean, to turn on the box and find a Duggar marathon going on was not unusual, especially on the weekends. However, they don't run Honey Boo-Boo reruns. Or at least I've haven't seen any.
  11. Normally I'd agree with this statement. But with RAINN involved, hopefully it will be handled intelligently. I just hope the RAINN team gets final cut approval, and knew enough to ask for that before they signed up for this project.
  12. No one has guessed meth lab or drug house yet. Squatters? Illegal aliens? Human trafficking? Terrorists? My mind is rife with ideas. I guess it's my Cancerian imagination is cranking into high gear.
  13. Me too. My TV watching is usually limited to two-digit Time-Warner cable channels and some network. I have wandered into the 300s for PBS' Create channel, which I love. But PBS is mainly for geeks, nerds and other some such like me. And I was lucky - my parents raised us to care about being smart, not cool. Thanks Mom & Dad.
  14. "It is not a thread about toes..." Wow, now there's a sentence I never expected to see online - LOL! Best laugh of the day for me - thanks Bella. :>)
  15. Thanks, doodle. Great to get hear real stories from someone who's recently experienced the country and culture first-person.
  16. My own theory about Priscilla is that she is definitely developmentally-challenged, maybe due to oxygen-deprivation at birth. Maybe the Kellers, like the Duggars, didn't always have pre-natal care by an MD or give birth in a hospital. If the Kellers were homeschooled, and I think they were, then she didn't get the services she needed during her school years, or likely before that as well. Priscilla reminds me of a female Forrest Gump. I'd place her IQ at somewhere between 80 and 90 - and closer to 80.
  17. Yes, please. Anything constructive I can do to help now might make me feel better. I'm heartsick about what is happening to these new friends I've never actually met. And sometimes all the "hang in theres" in the world, while wonderful, are not just enough. I badly need to do something real and productive. So count me in - thanks.
  18. 100% agree. If this is the look Derick was going for, that's one thing. But he looks like he's smiling with a big load of food he hasn't swallowed yet. Although I'm not knowledgeable about dental work in any way, this procedure does not look complete to me either.
  19. Cool. I think we should ALL have seat backs at our jobs. Wouldn't that be fun? And just think, Happy! Like Forrest Gump and the shrimping business, you'd be out in front of things, one of the few making them for a while, so you'd be likely to clean up $$-wise - big time! At least for a while.
  20. Oh Jenniferbug, you poor kid. You've just been through labor and childbirth, something an OB friend of mine equates physically to the running of TWO marathons, one immediately after the other. You're completely drained of energy, and we won't even get started on the perfect storm of hormones that are surging through you right now. IMO, you did everything exactly right. You were in a hospital with qualified medical professionals when you needed to be, and your daughter is where she needs to be too, especially if she needs help with anything. Don't be shy about asking for what you need, and don't listen to ANYONE who second-guesses or criticizes you about this. A - it's none of their business and B - it's none of their business. PS - congratulations on your beautiful new little pudder - what's her name? Sending you my usual baby girl present, virtual this time - a huge bouquet of sweet peas and violets. And a hardcover copy of Goodnight Moon. God bless...
  21. Happy - post back sometime with a list of "your movies" if you ever have enough time - would love to see that. One of the very few daily blogs I read is written by a theater, voice & dialect coach who's also taught at prestigious theater programs in Boston and San Diego - and one day she shared a list of the many famous individuals she's worked with - twas really keen! Her husband is an actor too - and I think she did his list one day too. Six degrees of separation, dontcha know?? PS - true anecdote. My dad was in a movie with Gregory Peck - or as Dad always said "Gregory Peck was in a movie with me..." LOL.
  22. Spot-on, Happy. You had me at "they may not, in fact, have been pumping out blessings. They were pumping out followers..." That's exactly what they were doing. A little army of admirers and sycophants for Boob - and a staff for Me-chelle. An entirely free staff of household help - no salary, no Social Security, no days off - just perfect for the world's laziest mother.
  23. Very good point, and excellent example. I do think the Internet and social media add a slant now that Ron Howard's parents didn't have to consider in the 50s and 60s, but whether or not that will be significant is unknown. It might be for some. Obviously not everyone who takes a drink becomes an alcoholic, and not every child involved in reality TV will have a bad experience, or suffer ill effects because of it. How children react to everything is a combination of organic and environmental factors. Some kids really are born shy, for example - but that doesn't mean they're doomed to be hermits for the rest of their lives. If slowly-drawn out in a sensitive way by people they trust, they gradually learn to feel more secure and self-confident - and will learn to make friends and more importantly, see the value of friendships with others. IMO, the single most important factor for how a reality TV kid will turn out are the reality TV parents. Certainly the added stress of what's involved in reality TV - the filming, the publicity demands, the lack of privacy - are going to add difficulty to the whole situation. It's pointless to deny that. But, and I know it's a very broad generalization, for the most part, thoughtful, intelligent and unselfish, parents raise happy well-adjusted kids. Not perfect kids, and not kids who are happy every moment of the day either. And that's OK.
  24. You're right, Dangerous - thanks for the correction.
  25. I actually think Will - especially - is not too concerned with the film crew being there. He's accustomed to it. The staff at his Chinese foster home, orphanage, whatever it was, was very big on videotaping the children quite often - both individually and during group events, holiday events etc. Although the orphanage probably didn't have as large a crew as TLC does, I think it pretty much looked like business as usual to Will, even on his first night with Bill and Jen.
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