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Everything posted by CSunshine76

  1. Omg Avery, get a clue. If I were her mom, I’d do anything I could to prevent her from going. ANYTHING.
  2. Amber, desperation is not a good look. Where is your pride and self esteem? Are we sure she is a middle school teacher and not IN middle school? On a shallow note, please wax your upper lip....the stache is driving me bonkers!
  3. This show was kind of awful. Didn’t see it in its entirety, but caught portions a few times. Bill - if you have so much money, WHY can’t you get your teeth fixed? I couldn’t get past them. I don’t know what Briana is doing with him, other than having her lifestyle financed. So gross. Fun fact - I was in the restaurant they had lunch at (Toulouse, which is in Plano, not Dallas) last summer and saw RHOD’s Brandi Redmond’s husband there. I guess they are reality tv friendly. The restaurants Dallas “society” folks dine at are not going to allow the cameras in. I may tune in just to catch glimpses of my hometown, but other than that, it’s pretty boring so far.
  4. Ashley is a special kind of batshit crazy. The girl seriously needs some help. i didn’t even recognize her in the Talking Head interview. She looked like she was wearing a bad wig and something was way off with her look.
  5. Do these women get paid every time they say the word “husband”? Holy crap, they have names, use them!!
  6. What is this bullshit 6 months later brunch to sit and talk about LVP? The show just couldn’t end without these bitches rehashing this argument? They are sitting around discussing this like someone has died. Come on show.
  7. Pole can’t even speak English clearly. Portuguese would be a damn miracle!
  8. Evelin is the female Azan. Corey, she’s just not that into you. Turn around and fly back to your Mommy. Or maybe go to FL and you and Nicole can live together in blind stupidity!
  9. Loren is drinking water in a wine glass again, and her face is puffy. Baby Alexi on the way?
  10. Surely everyone else dining on that patio works for production? Cuz let me tell you, my friends and I would put our forks down, order more wine and enjoy the show! No way we would keep our backs turned and act like we didn’t hear that shit show!
  11. Surely that was producer driven? Is it really that strange to see a white wedding dress and comment on it? My god.
  12. They really couldn’t tell the DJ not to call Matt’s Mom to the dance floor? How awful for him. Geez producers.
  13. I noticed that too, I don’t like where my mind went. But after the aggression Andrei showed with her phone, it’s concerning.
  14. So they know who they are looking for if Larissa skips out.
  15. Damn storms have my DirecTV signal out. I’ll be reading you folks’ fantastic snark to keep me company!
  16. Meghan’s blog about the affair: https://www.meghankedmonds.com/im-sad/ She says she didnt call the woman. Is she unaware of the recording, or is it not her? (Honestly I can’t tell if the voice is Meghan or not)
  17. This grown ass man has his Mommy with him at the Dr? And has he ever heard of malaria...thinks it isn’t deadly. Good lord, get off the compound!!
  18. Dean’s (purely physical) allegiance to Chantel cracks me up!!
  19. Good lord, in bed food prep is an epidemic on this show.
  20. I’m sorry, if you are my house guest sleeping on my pull out couch, please don’t start cooking in it. Surely Sister David has a full blown kitchen. SMH
  21. This is beyond disturbing. Yet here I am. Ugh.
  22. Why does Kathryn need a $111K car, that is 8 years old?! Holy crap, save money for your kids and when this show ends. A $50K brand new SUV wouldn’t suffice?!
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