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Everything posted by RoyRogersMcFreely

  1. God, the Gilmore's wasted so much money on Rory's education.
  2. Ugh. Everything in Rory's story-line happened for "reasons". All through I was like why is this happening, now why is this happening, and the whys just kept piling up and no answers. Such a waste of time.
  3. http://tvline.com/2016/11/09/gilmore-girls-a-year-in-the-life-where-is-marty-wayne-wilcox/ For the people who wanted to know if Marty was going to appear.
  4. Ausiello posted an article about this subject. Do you want to know or do you want to just go in with a blank slate. If you want to know I can post it in the spoiler thread.
  5. She was constantly told that rich people are jerky snobs growing up. So she's going to have a chip at least subconsciously on her shoulder going into Chilton. She on some level thought she was better because the world was more black and white to her at the beginning of the show. Rich=bad, working-class= good, once she got to know her grandparents and the world in general a little more she began to soften that stance and be more accepting of people as people. Her insecurities come from the fact that you can't know yourself, not really at sixteen. Especially without being tested in any way by the world. It's easy to be confidant and independent in when you live in a snow globe.
  6. Lorelai raised her to be entitled. She feels like she should be the center of the universe to anyone she cares for, because that's how she was raised. Everything was for Rory, Rory, Rory. That's what love looks like to her. She wasn't raised to think others happiness matters if Rory's not happy. Lorelai put her first to a fault, I think. Most prefer her in the earliest of seasons but I don't. She was born and raised in a fairytale. She was nothing but strawman strength and sense of self. She was always going to be broken by the world because you can't stay attached at the hip to mommy forever. I know a lot hate who she became in later seasons but her trajectory makes sense.
  7. Context definitely matters here. You have to take into account where each relationship (or lack thereof) is at the time. Tristan is a jerkboy 97% of the time she's around him and they were never really anything. She has only been dating Dean for a handful of months. Jess skipped town for a year, without telling her he was leaving, then sprang his "I love you" on her. Logan, she hadn't spoken to in about 2 months, during which time she thought they might have still been together until Honor called and told her they broke up. I'm glad she didn't melt when the douchnozzles said it. Declarations of love don't absolve past behavior. The only one she could have handled better in the moment is maybe Dean, but she was super young and he goes so batcrap crazy about it that he loses my sympathy.
  8. Honestly, I would probably look back at cheating even on a grandiose scale as a better, simpler time too. Compared to a present which included a league of assassins, magic, and evil on a truly epic scale. Ollie wouldn't look too bad to me then, because I would imagine you would at least feel in control then. Like, you might have put yourself in this position, but you can also step away if you choose to. There isn't the helpless feeling that comes with the things they face now. She romanticized the past because things got so much worse.
  9. Geez, nothing got Oliver and Laurel hotter than screwing over Tommy, huh? I do think its funny the writers are basically like "F*** all y'all, we don't even follow our own comic as canon", though. The mind of the costume person on this show fascinates me. How can you get Felicity's jeans so very right and the shirt so very, very wrong. R.I.P. Black Serinus Canaria(who try as she might could never make Oliver) Domestica
  10. Somebody actually was going at Katie pretty hard about that picture. Accusing her of trying to steal Stephen. They even tagged Marc, Stephen, and his wife in the comments. I can see not wanting to deal with crazy over a dumb picture.
  11. I'm hoping this show is just the sheriff's out of the box thinking to get funding for what the jail really needs. More guards. Because the majority of the problems we've been shown could easily be avoided if the prisoners were being monitored at all times.
  12. Maybe Oliver will flashback to when they were alone in her hospital room and it turns out he tells her he loved her. If not that whole "I love you" thing is just kinda cold-blooded.
  13. Poor Laurel fans. Like they couldn't just kill her, they gave her fans hope she'd be okay then, with her dying breathe she ships Olicity. Just...yikes. But yay picture call-back, I guess? Such a lame show.
  14. Well the episode itself didn't bring the funny for me, but it did point me in the right direction by making me remember this:
  15. Rory's college years were basically a waste in terms of character. She didn't expand herself or explore anything. She had basically zero curiosity about the world and people around her. And it was touched on in another thread and its absolutely true, she had no passions outside of herself and her hobbies. That's fine in real life, but on tv that is a boring, static character. The overall potential of taking a introverted, naive child and turning her into a strong aware women ready to take on the journalism world was wasted on the character they attached it to. Seeing her make sacrifices and taking lumps and understanding that life's kinda hard was needed. She needed to start looking outward and caring or at least empathizing with people about issues and problems. We needed to see her develop a passion for telling their truth and their stories, but Amy was too focused on Rory not having to change and being perfect as she is, to ever get anywhere interesting with the character.
  16. There would be a certain level of humor in Amy writing Rory's endgame in a way that no fans were happy. Like, there is a dark part of me that would find Rory ending up with a recasted Tristan hilarious.
  17. I actually like the idea of most of the relationships on the show, the execution however was always lacking. No romantic relationship on this show felt completely right to me. I think romantic relationships just aren't something Amy is particularly interested in writing and it shows.
  18. Yeah, they are probably pushing back a little at the non-stop "Mother trucking,Olicity loving, pretty bird hating, sons a beaches" things they've been hearing.
  19. Yeah, they might be mocking both fan bases because the "kind of a big deal" joke is mostly used facetiously.
  20. These writers keep side-stepping the actual emotion that comes from the moments they build to, it's baffling.
  21. OMG, who is this guy that interviewed her?! Two of those questions were just a waste. The comic one is useless, and the corpse one is just ugh. Her response to the first question made me laugh, though. Hopefully they let her character find some kind of happiness on this show.
  22. This exchange: Luke: Do you have a sister? Lorelai: Um, no. Boy Scout: I do! Luke: You have my sympathies. Boy Scout: Thanks. I appreciate that. The little boy's smile as he says it makes me laugh every time. He's just so happy.
  23. No, I get Oliver's life is paramount and the most dire always. But for me they can't have Oliver selflessly walking away from his child because of the life he leads and not make Digg and Lyla look a little selfish for bringing a baby into a similar life. Just my opinion. I'm going to drop it now.
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