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  1. Yes to top row, no to bottom IMO. Karen’s lips look very puffed up!
  2. From your lips to God's ears. Kick Phaedra back to RHoA and off this show. She was a bad fit here. I don't know why Bravo is so insistent on making Phaedra happen, I find her so irritating.
  3. Completely agree on Kyle, she is having her own mid-life crisis right now. It really is too bad Garcelle and Sutton were gone when she started tap dancing around whatever Mauricio had done to break her trust or however she put it. It amused me that they left the Sutton and Garcelle seats open on the right couch. Andy will not allow any other than his designated preciouses for the season to be right next to him? 4 people scrunched up on the left couch, Crystal and AnneMarie on the far edge of the right.
  4. Some kind of divider wall that was glass tiles/bricks fell down. I thought it was odd we didn't see them telling the Captain or more follow up on cleaning it up and fixing it. I don't understand Cat's fixation on not having any bff's immediately. They've been together, what? A week? Only Barbie has been kind of mean to her. Everyone else seems to be fine with her. I guess it's leftover trauma from the foster family situation but it seems strange to me.
  5. Wow - The NY Times, no less, is talking about their separation. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/23/style/kyle-richards-mauricio-umansky.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Yk0.4rQP.yRzfWgVJqIco&smid=url-share
  6. I just...is Apollo a doctor now? Please. Don't try to make Apollo happen somewhere else Bravo. 🤣
  7. Agree. I thought for a second he was going to shoot himself, but no - of course he would prefer to have his son have to shoot him. Revenge for his son being closer to Liz than to him.
  8. Dr Damon's event was a meet and greet between personal injury attorneys and doctors? Did I hear that correctly? Ewh.
  9. Both scenes were in part 2, but just rewatched and definitely not the same guy. False alarm 😉!
  10. I was watching distracted and will re-watch later, but what was the deal with the professor (teacher?) that Danvers went to visit, and I thought it was implied they'd also hooked up at some point? I thought the flashback they showed when Leah said Danvers used to dance with her dad was him? I know it will all be explained at some point but yeah, too many new people to keep track of. 100% same, LOL!
  11. Andy looked gleeful when Monica whipped that out. Because, of course he did. 🙄 For some reason, Lisa repeatedly telling Monica she did not know how to argue, or did not argue well, was cracking me up.
  12. But the purple loafers coordinate with Lisa's suit, which is all that matters. Which came first - Jack's shoes or Lisa's suit?
  13. Gently nudging y'all to Small Talk if you'd like to discuss further.
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