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Everything posted by SilverLake0315

  1. Marjorie on "Mom" would disagree with the explanation presented on this show 😉
  2. I've watched the first movie dozens of times. I never get tired of it. The sequel was cute, but nowhere near as good as the original. Can't stand John Ambrose. I hope to see neither hide nor hair of him in the third movie. I agree with those who said Jordan and Lana had no chemistry. Zero. I couldn't take him seriously as a "threat" to LJ/Peter because...I just don't see it. Plus, it will forever bother me that I'm just supposed to ignore that there was an entirely different actor in the first movie 🙄 They finished filming the third shortly after the second, so hopefully we won't have to wait a year+ for that to be released!
  3. If you're on a computer, add "ss" (without the quotes) right before "youtube" in the url. It'll open en.savefrom.net and give you the option to download. It's a little more complicated on a phone, but still do-able. If you want to PM me the video link, I'd be happy to do it for you 🙂
  4. Between the pinata with the confetti and glitter, and the food fight, my biggest takeaway here was that I feel sorry for the crew who worked this episode. I don't mind that the Delilah's father's stories in the car affected Sophie. I DO mind that it seems to have absolved Delilah completely in Sophie's mind 🙄
  5. Right there with you. When Jubal asked if she was ready to get back out there, I said "Noooooooo!" out loud.
  6. That was so much better than I was expecting. I was dreading a Kate centric ep, but I actually enjoyed it. (Was also glad to see that Kevin and Madison did NOT sleep together in Kate's house.)
  7. Same. You must live in my area. I stopped liking Olicity several seasons ago, but still! Way to ruin the last minute of a series finale, local affiliate 😒
  8. Week after week, I'm at a loss as to why I even watch this show. I hate every one of these people. The only one I could ever stand was Connor and they took him away from me. Ugh.
  9. Same here! And I live in a first floor apartment! No, thank you, Show 😳
  10. Not sure what part he'll have in the series finale, but the penultimate episode is just a backdoor pilot for the spinoff, so I imagine Oliver's absence doesn't play much of a part there.
  11. I read the whole thing last night (after telling myself I wouldn't start any new ones that were "in progress" because the waiting kills me!). This Ain't Love (It's Clear To See) http://archiveofourown.org/works/1745657?view_full_work=true
  12. I almost replied "He'd been in her car before! She pointed it out to him at Big Belly Burger when she brought him the book." and "He picked the lock with an instrument he had in his pocket." This is what's known as a sure sign that I've been reading entirely too many fanfics during hiatus... lol
  13. Not one of my favorite episodes of the series, BUT it had one of my all-time favorite fight scenes!
  14. SA doesn't get nearly enough credit, in my opinion, for little things like that. He says so much with his facial expressions. I'm consistently blown away by what he's able to do with the material (unapologetic Stephen Amell fangirl here).
  15. If it were me he was talking about, I might feel differently...but, he didn't use full names or takes pictures or anything. It could have been anyone.
  16. It makes complete sense to me because I feel the EXACT same way. I always feel like I'm watching Katie "act".
  17. Just for clarity's sake - he'll only be there Thursday and Friday (he won't be there when Stephen is).
  18. Yeah, based on her Instagram posts, she's been shooting a movie up until a day or so ago.
  19. Honestly, there's a group of people who will call "fan pandering" no matter HOW the writers handle the relationship. If Guggenheim specifically saying "it's not fan service" doesn't convince them, nothing will. Most of the ones saying it don't seem to have a clear understanding of what it means anyway. Their definition seems to be "doing something I don't like". I've always believe that if anything is pandering, it's just about any scene with Laurel, since she's almost always shoved into a situation unnaturally. "Promote what you love instead of bashing what you hate." I've had more than one person tell me on SA's Facebook page that I'm not a "true fan" because I've never read a comic book in my life...or that they wish the show would only focus on the action. My standard reply is "note the network this airs on; good luck with that hope".
  20. Unless it was a deleted scene, that line is absolutely not from season 2.
  21. Did you see nonstop flights from Van to SD somewhere? Everything I see is a connecting flight. The shortest total travel time I see is 5 hours. I know SA, at least, was on a connecting flight, since he mentioned "on my first flight..." in his FB status on Friday.
  22. Willa also manages to make me feel for, and relate to, Thea even when I think she's being unreasonable or dramatic. Katie/Laurel? Not so much. Also, I somewhat expect brattier behavior from Thea, as she's been a teenager for most of Arrow's run. Laurel is a grown ass woman acting like a child, more often than not.
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