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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Someone that doesn't think it was "hot" or "mind-blowing!" I would think being told it was "lovely" would be like the kiss of death. But since Abby is kinda prissy maybe EJ though that was what she wanted to hear.
  2. I get the feeling Rafe thinks they broke up or went on break but forget to give Jordan the memo. Here’s what’s really silly about Abby and the whole thing---Abigail is like 21 years old and Sami and EJ are in their mid-late thirties. How many 21 year olds do you know that spend so much time with thirty year olds aside from people they are related to or because they work with? Abby could have easily have told Sami she didn’t have time for both the art history lesson and wedding planning. Any former “mistress” with half a brain would have gotten out of being in either of those two situations. Of course, I can see why Sami might have a hard time believing that—Abby has few friends and doesn’t seem to do the things that the average girl just out of college does (hang out with friends, go to parties, go to work! etc). Heck at this point she has the prospect of a new relationship with Ben. I would find a scene where Abby was looking at Sami and EJ’s wedding announcement on line or a photo on Facebook believable, but her constantly being in contact with them is just grating.
  3. I would love to see her throw herself at Victor in his office just to hear the responses he rolls off with.
  4. I don't get why it would bother you when you were kissing your new guy the day before! And yet I suspect if she walked in on Ben kissing some girl it would make her want him more. Abigail is one nutty cookie.
  5. Yes they do seem to be retconning the Ezra/Allie physical involvement, and age of consent might protect him to some degree with Aria, but he's still a teacher who had sex with one of his students--I would think if Hollbrook uncovered that he'd at least bring it to the attention of the principal. Also, Ezra's cameras and filming the girls should certainly fall under some kind of stalking laws should Hollbrook uncover Ezra's lair.
  6. Unless they aren’t planning on renewing KM’s contract when it’s up (at the end of the year??) then they need Abby to have her public fall from grace (via Sami over the affair) and let her find some self-awareness and redeem herself. I don’t see how they can sell us on a romance between her and Ben or any other guy until she does. As it is now I look at her and Ben on screen together and think, “Oh Ben, she would be so much more into you if you just had a wife, fiancé, or even girlfriend.”
  7. Oh I want her to know she's been played but I also want her publicly humiliated. Abigail knew what she was getting into--as in knew EJ was engaged, knew what Sami was like when she's crossed, knew that children were involved, and knew the reputation of the Dimera family. There's no way she should get a pass on this, especially since this isn't her first rodeo.
  8. I’m holding out hope that since Hollbrook seems a little more with it and not corrupt that he knows Ali’s story was total BS. He’ll be my hero if he figures out what a perv Ezra is and is the one to arrest him for having sex with a minor(s). Oh that would be awesome if he suspected Ezra as the kidnapper and followed him around under surveillance.
  9. I hope Sami has known way longer than Nick's death. For one, the irony that EJ hired a hitman to kill him to shut him up and Sami already knew would be priceless. Second, (and this is the one I really want to be true) Sami was too nicey-nice to Abigail back as far as when Abby thought she might be pregnant. Sami was the one that put the idea in her head in the first place and then she kept in pretty close contact with her till she found out. Plus it would mean the whole "help me learn art for our Paris honeymoon" would be part of her plan to further rub her "honeymoon" in Abby's face. Anything that makes the long-con longer is awesome so that in the end Abby knows she's the one that's really been played.
  10. When Eve came to town looking for Shane she met pimp Nick Corelli. She was only like 15 and needed money and he sweet talked her into working for him. She was in town a little while before Shane knew she was his daughter as she tried to work her way into his life. Not sure about her departure as I started tuning out by then.
  11. I think she’s afraid to back out and arouse suspicion. She doesn’t want to do anything that would make Sami figure it out which is hilarious now since we know she has. I also find it funny that Abby is being forced to not only organize and bear witness to their nuptials but to see first hand the lengths that EJ would go to for Sami.
  12. I'll be interested to see what the writers come up with as the point Sami got the photos and found out. I'm imaging a flashback scene might accompany it. I honestly hope Sami has known longer than Nick's death. She was a little suspicious when she was at Abby's house for "art lessons" and Abby got sick and Sami suggested she might be pregnant. I'd like to think Sami knew then and was just playing her. That would mean that Sami's crack about Abby being a teenager was purposeful as well as her comment/reminder about Jennifer being judgmental. Kudos if Sami has been messing with Abby's head for months.
  13. So to recap so far this week—Rafe has betrayed Jordan and slept with Kate; Sami knows her fiancé cheated on her and thus is in the middle of a long con on Abigail; Nicole is still blaming God for all of her problems and probably about to go lie to a bishop; Dirty Dan has broken Jennifer’s heart; and Hope and Aiden salvaged a PTA fundraiser. That’s the biggest excitement for the cop and the lawyer--I feel like Hope and Aiden are on their own show. Can they not find them anything scandalous to do?
  14. Did I miss how Mona knows what happened in NYC since she was clearly in Rosewood at the time? Did she hack Ezra's numerous creeper cams???
  15. I wish Kayla would write a book about her life as Mrs. Jack Deveraux. Not only would it give MBE some screen time but I'm sure it would be a best seller--poisoned by her maniac senator father-in-law the and raped by her politician husband.
  16. I don’t think it would be a stretch to interpret the scene in EJ’s office where Abby begs him to be his mistress as Abby wanting to break them up. She still wanted EJ, didn’t believe he loved Sami till he shouted he loved her more than his own life, and saw becoming his mistress as an opportunity to worm her way further into his life in hopes that he would eventually leave Sami. She was only terrified of Sami finding out they slept together behind Sami’s back and Sami either breaking her little bones or humiliating her in public. But I’m sure if she thought she had EJ backing her, she would have been quite smug to tell Sami that he didn’t love her.
  17. I did too! I'm figuring the dog was sent from A, but someone else killed Mrs D.
  18. Oh EJ definitely needs a vasectomy. After the Abby pregnancy scare, he should have run to the Dimera urologist for one! Maybe Sami will do it for him now. Other than that I’m not interested in EJ getting Sami’s wrath. Five months ago when it happened, yes. Now I just don’t care. Knowing that they are leaving the show I just want them to move on and move on together. That is after Sami exposes Abigail. I honestly feel like it would be a bigger slap in the face for Sami to stay with EJ and show Abigail that she wasn’t enough to break them up, that she doesn’t hold that kind of power, that she was in so over her head, that she finally messed with the wrong Brady sister. And if Sami does it at the wedding after they say their “I do’s” in front of most of Salem, but especially Jennifer, I’ll pop popcorn for everyone to watch the viewing.
  19. Jennifer was probably too busy running her fingers through Dan’s nasty hair to realize that her daughter was having an affair with a Dimera causing the current said anxiety. This is even more sad by the fact that Jenn and Abby supposedly work together, but then neither of them every show up for work.
  20. Agree KM giving the interviews does not give anything away because half of the time no one knows what she is talking about. AS is at a disadvantage because she can speak coherently. I guess I would just rather she didn’t elaborate at all on the question and give some kind of vague politician answer that dances around the question. I know there are other shows out there that continually “fake out” or “string along” the viewers in their publicity interviews and as a result turn off the viewers so I guess I just found it disappointing that AS/Days did it.
  21. Eve Barron—so now she’s taken back her original name? Seriously? This return is already so lame. And I just can not see her as Eve. Sami with the photo was a nice twist that could be quite interesting, mostly because I hope her wrath is funneled at Abby. I want Sami to stick a big middle finger in Abby's face at the wedding, expose the secret, and marry EJ anyways. I can't think of a biger FU to that holier than though little mistress wanna-be. The one problem I do have with this storyline is that clearly Sami has been playing Abigail for a while, but I’m a little irked that AS denied it. I understand an actor/actress being asked a question and not wanting to spoil things but I’d much rather see them give a vague “you’ll have to tune in and see what happens” type response than basically out right lie. I really dislike when actors/writers/producers do that—dispel a rumor even though it’s true. "TV Guide Magazine: Some of the fans suspect Sami has known about the affair for quite some time and that she's setting EJ up for a big revenge — Emily Thorne-style. But isn't she way too transparent to pull that off? Sami wears her heart, and everything else, on her sleeve. Sweeney: Exactly! Everything you've seen on screen is sincere. There is no secret agenda or revenge plot. The idea that she has known all along just couldn't happen, especially not with this story going on for so long. Sami could never pull that off because you're right — she does wear her heart on her sleeve. There's another fan theory floating around that Sami knows what EJ did but she's already forgiven him. That's so not happening, either." http://www.tvguide.com/News/Alison-Sweeney-Book-1082328.aspx
  22. Yes, Mrs. Hastings referenced it in the conversation with Spencer about the photo of the girls and Allie taken at Halloween. Also I think Det. Holbrook mentioned how many weeks it had been since they saw her when that photo was taken. Apparently the second half of last season must have only been a few weeks in their time. I agree though--ridiculous.
  23. Kristin Rory Abe Should we have Mary Beth on the list??? (Paige's friend)
  24. Yes, suddenly their hair, make-up, and dresses made sense once they got into the bar fight. It was like eye candy for the male viewers. I must admit thought I was disappointed that EJ wasn’t the one to break it up. They missed the potential for some good lines there given the past history of that trio. All of what you said is spot on! Nicole and Eric are both pathetic at this point. It might be the only thing they have in common. Sami’s family treats her so shitty and they wonder why she’s marrying a Dimera! Frankly at this point I think I’d take Stef’s house of horrors over the hypocrisy of Marlena and Eric if they were my mother and brother. And why does Eric think that EJ knew “all along?” Is he just assuming that because EJ is a Dimera? If he is so disgusted by the Dimera’s and that his own sister is about to marry one of them then why was he okay to marry a former Mrs. Dimera himself? The hypocrisy in this town just reeks some days.
  25. Johnny and Sydney are to leave town as well. The real life parents of the children have apparently said the kids filmed their last day on JS's last day. Allie will remain on the show since Lucas is her father and he's still in Salem.
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