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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. I think the difference here between Gabi and Nicole is that Nick was actually tormenting Gabi (thus to some extent provoking her) and a lot of other people while Eric did nothing to Nicole to deserve the treatment he got from her. Eric was an innocent victim. Not sure we can say that about Nick (at least I can’t. I’m sure some fans of the character might.) Gabi’s crime of murder might have been worse but she didn’t act entirely for her own self gain whereas Nicole was the only person that benefited from her actions. Plus Gabi has shown remorse and expressed her regret to the people hurt by Nick’s death. Nicole is still a lying mess of denial. That would be nice for the viewer as I’m gonna go out on a limb here and guess that there aren’t a whole lot of fans that would want to see that. Yeah but they’ve been trashing Abby for months and she’s still around. I don’t think TPTB read their own FB page. Some days I can’t figure out if I’m watching Days of Our Lives or Lifestyles of the Desperate and Pathetic!
  2. YES! Both pairs have hints of some chemistry; they need to explore that. They also need to give up on the long and winding road to Jordan's secret reveal and produce an anonymous loaded donor for the Catholic school so they don't have to worry about fundraisers. End of both stories. Sami should turn out to be Kate's daughter. Is Marlena--the woman once possessed by the devil and responsible for the fake death of half of Salem really going to pass judgement on what Kate and Sami did? Has she been hanging out with the Hortons lately?
  3. Apparently not. Julie’s back to demand her turn. If Doug has any balls he’d put three bullets in her to finally shut her big bossy mouth up.
  4. Nope, as usual, no Kayla. And I totally agree she has more chemistry with Aiden than Hope does. And now that Hope is realizing that Aiden isn't such a bad guy, doesn't she owe Kayla an apology for trashing him??? What irritates me about the casting on this show is that TPTB don't seem to know when they have characters that the audience relates to/likes and when they don't. If they did, they'd quite relegating MBE to recurring status and cut KM from her contract.
  5. There is something seriously wrong with this show and the writing when Nicole points out all of Jenn's major personality flaws (that were spot on) in the first 15 minutes and yet Jenn still makes more sense than Nicole. If NuBen is lucky they will SORAS Arianna Grace before Abigail gets her claws into him.
  6. Perhaps it's a contagious nose disease that Stefano afflicted John with and Marlena has caught it too. Brady would probably have it except his drug addiction has given him immunity--he's snorted so much cocaine that he can't smell at all!
  7. Would love to see JKJ come back as Phillip but not to be hooked up with the likes of Chloe or that god awful Melanie. I really thought he had good chemistry with the last actress that played Belle. As the son of Victor and Kate (and kinda Viv) he could be a great legacy character if they wrote it right. (Which this current batch of writers no doubt wouldn't.)
  8. Is anyone in Salem ever really dead? As much as I’ve disliked Jack’s character since the day he showed up on screen and became a throne (and much more) in Kayla and Steve’s side, it would make a good storyline to finally bring back Steve, Bo, and Jack in an epic adventure that better explains their absences and in the end reunites them with their families as heroes (Steve and Bo) and Jack decides he likes being Billy better because his Horton wife and kids have become such pains in the asses. YES Yes, Yes I could live with that. I’m a sucker for sweet HEA moments between a couple when they have chemistry together. (So that statement does not apply to Dannifer should they ever leave the screen together...or Eric and Nicole) I’m surprised she’s never blamed that on Stefano. Technically due to all the years she was “dead” she didn’t do much of the raising of her kids. Roman/John floated around testing out various step-mommies as he smelled the farts of Olivia Reed, Diana Colville, Bianca Torres, and Isabella Tuscano during most of the kids’ formative years. Sami and Eric would have only been like two when Marlena began being kidnapped and “murdered” (paraphrasing the various plots where Marlena was out of their lives).
  9. In the real world yes, but since this is Salem, probably not. How old was Kayla when she had Joey a few years ago???
  10. OMG that would be great! Someone feed Abby a special donut and let 'the good times' roll. And then let Jenn walk in! Bonus points if stoned out of her mind, Abby giggles "this is better than both Dimera dicks I've had." Double bonus points if it's somewhere at the hospital and Ann and Theresa are with Jenn for the reveal.
  11. I agree that strangely Hope is now closer to Aiden than most other people around her (call it bake sale bonding) and that Abby and Paige are more like acquaintances. I assume they “bonded” over the incident where Abby ran into her and accidentally broke her phone but really what surprises me about Abby’s “friendship” with Paige is that Abby has rallied against the idea that she is still a teenager (both to EJ when she offered herself up to him at the cabin the first time proclaiming she was all woman and then later to Sami when she made some remark about Abby being a teen.) Yet, she quickly seemed to friend Paige. Abby probably should run with the teen crowd because she doesn’t have the maturity to hang with normal girls her age who like available men. At this point Abby is running out of female friends. Melanie and Chelsea left town; Gabby is going to prison; we haven’t seen that hooker looking friend of hers since New Years; and Sami will surely drop her ass when she finds out what a backstabber Abby’s been.
  12. I have to wonder if the writers could come up with better plots and stories if they wouldn’t loose actors in the first place (PR, SN, JS all come to mind). Then they wouldn’t have to spin an eye rolling lame ass tale of where Bo is or why Steve won’t come back. Right now they have both Bo and Steve doing things they would never have done—abandoning the loves of their lives and their families. The scene a few years ago where Kayla told Lexie and Abe that she and Steve were through was just laughable outlandish to long time Steve/Kayla fans and did nothing but show how little the writers know about the characters they are writing for. I wish Marlena would turn her study to the Horton family next. Maybe then she can explain to the viewers why that bunch thinks their butts don’t stink.
  13. Yeah he’s back on the force he just took himself off this case, unlike Hope. In hindsight I guess that should have been another clue that Gabby was the shooter since she was one of the only people Hope wasn’t related to. I thought that was weird too. If Salem’s prison is anything like the police station, Gabby won’t be lonely. This show should be ashamed of themselves for the way they have trashed and destroyed the great supercouples that once boosted their ratings and drew in new viewers.
  14. Would be the best wedding ceremony Sami ever had, whether she knew it yet or not!
  15. I could definitely go for that type of ending--drama but with a final HEA. I loved Carol and Doug on ER and while I was disappointed that their HEA was so short, it was still a great joyful tears scene. It would also make sense that Sami would forgive him for the Abby sex if he took the fall for her. And if with him being in "hiding" AS would be free to return for cameos even if JS didn't want to/wasn't free. And then if they do decide to return together in the future, no retro explaining that he didn't really die as the viewers and Sami would know the truth.
  16. Apparently women that have a thing for men who are already attached. I wonder if there is a name for this type of psychological disorder or if Marlena can coin one and take credit for it? I swear Abby only half likes Ben because he is single. If he had a girlfriend, she'd be all over him. So now since EJ has scared the living daylights out of her, she's trying to make Ben more "attractive." On the flip side, she washed her hair for him today.
  17. Me too, and I agree the writers drop us little crumbs at Abby's craziness but they never give us the whole cake.
  18. Someone please send Marlena to shrink Abby because she just reeks of the early signs of becoming unhinged. She takes Ben picture (after he doesn't want it taken) and photoshops it w/Gabby's! Is this because she kinda likes Ben but would like him more if she could picture him with another woman because that seems to be Abby's kink???? Did she not see the hypocrisy that she didn't like her real picture being taken w/EJ but it's okay to photograph Ben and morph it into a fake photo with a girl he barely knows? It's becoming quite clear that she doesn't fall far from Laura and Nick on the Horton family tree.
  19. Can we nominate the writers and the directors for the Daily Dumbest??? This whole SL should get them the award hands down... So Gabby kills Nick because he’s blackmailing her over the Melanie stalker thing and the original attempted murder, which was self defense, and he didn’t report, and EJ cleaned up all the evidence. And yet rather than take her chances with those two charges, she kills Nick in cold blood this time thus ensuring she’ll go to jail and lose her daughter for good. I’d say that made Gabby dumb, but I’m dumbfounded on the writing and direction where Gabby is a nervous wreck after dumping Nick in a river but calm and collected when shooting him three time in the chest. Oh then when viewing his body only hours after killing him flashes back to their “happier” times and “romantic” moments together. WTF??? Not to mention that if Sami hadn’t showed up that one afternoon Gabby looked very willing to have sex with Nick only a few weeks before murdering him when he was supposedly blackmailing her. Since CB did not make an abrupt departure (heck we’ve known about it for months), its not like the writers had to make some hasty SL changes resorting in this ill thought out crap! And finally, two things that bugged me about Gabby’s confession scenes…why in the world did Gabby not tell Hope and the DA that Nick tried to rape her at one point? All she said was he got physical. Give details!!! I wanted Hope to at least walk out of that room realizing what a menacing little prick her cousin really was, not still clicking her tongue, saying for the twentieth time, “He didn’t deserve to die.” And the DA---what a witch she was! If I was EJ, I’d put her on my hit list next for being so unprofessional to opposing council.
  20. Why does Nicole always live in hotels? Seems like that would get expensive. She's been staying in one for how long now and lived in one after she left EJ for a while too. Is the apartment market so difficult in Salem? Theresa and Dan's apartments look so similar (I think it's the glass tile backspalsh) that I feel like they should be in the same apartment building. Where is Eric living these days?
  21. I think QuelleC is referring to Brady living at Victor's. Has it been said where John is supposed to be staying? Is he a guest above the Brady Pub like Gabby used to be? Does he still have possession of the loft that was once his home (as well as Steve/Kayla's, Belle's, to name a few)?
  22. I don’t expect a lot out of this current writing team. Every time they have something that looks like it has potential, they either drop the ball or screw it up. That being said, I have low expectations for Ejami’s departure, mostly so I’m not disappointed. I loathe the idea of EJ being killed off. Not only does it blow the often rare opportunity that they have of having both halves of a couple leaving at the same time, but it’s so cliché when it comes to the Dimera’s (and even the Brady’s these days). When it’s a character like Liam it has more impact because nine and a half chances out of ten the character is never coming back. But EJ by now is a huge piece of history in the Dimera legacy; unless the show isn’t renewed next time around, his character (whether played by JS or someone else) will probably return at some point (whether long term or for a small stint. AS has said she will/would). I’m so sick of all these convoluted storylines and hokey explanations to explain how characters return from the dead (Roman, Steve, Hope, Tony, Andre, Stefano so many times over) I just want to see the show avoid that future pitfall and have Sami and EJ leave town as a family.
  23. Opps, I thought it was black sheer…as in she got dressed in the dark and put her undergarments on the outside. Lol How ironic that Abs did the big bad Dimera in the very cabin (bed??) that she was born!
  24. That's it! Now I know how the big Ejabby sex reveal turn out so different from EJ's "dream." In the midst of the reveal between Sami and EJ, Johnny will ask for pizza for dinner, they'll order it, EJ will pay Rory the pizza boy and then Sami will pick up a slice, throw it at Ej, and then miss and hit Stef's portrait! Gooey cheese will drip down Stef's illustrated face. When Abby shows up at the Dimera mansion, Sami will shove her face, big buggy eyes and all, into the rest of the pizza box, and smear the pizza sauce in her hair. Ciera will happen to be there with a camera and post the pics all over Abby's Facebook account, tagging Jennifer so she gets immediate notification, and Abby is humiliated. Ciera should probably get to reveal somehow that she knew already and have a line line, "that's what you get for begging to be EJ Dimera's mistress." Sami then buys Ciera more expensive earrings. They won't win an Emmy's for the scene but at least half of the viewers will pee themselves laughing.
  25. Good point! I've disliked Jack since the day he came between Steve and Kayla--hated him since he raped her-- so he's one death I'd never mourn on this show. Kuddos too for the explosion taking out Miss Mad World (Brady's ex that I can't even remember her name). The fact that Gabby has now taken out Nick (another character I detest) makes her oddly useful in a strange kinda dumb as rocks way. Perhaps EJ should call her next time he needs someone "taken care of." Hint, hint--Abigail.
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