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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. After a speech from Roman, Rafe got his job back the other day. Either Thurs. or Friday last week. Just in time to be assigned to the serial killer case. Abigail and her Dimera dick love just blows my mind. How does she still waltz around Salem the little Horton princess when she can't stay out of bed with the biggest crime family in town??? Unreal. From the flashbacks today it amazed me how much Marlena hasn't aged. John looked older but Mar looks almost exactly the same. Either DH ages really well or she's had plastic surgery.
  2. I think my biggest issue w/Kassie DePaiva (aside from the awful theme music they gave her) is that she's Eve. I probably wouldn't mind her if she was playing an original character but not only was she not right for the role of Eve, the writers all but rewrote the character and the history. And I don't really understand why they chose to bring back Eve's character when they didn't have the original actress available and they didn't also bring back Shane and Kim and Nick--the main characters that she had the most chemistry and dynamics with back in the day. This feud with Jennifer these days comes off really immature on both of their parts for two fifty-some year old women.
  3. Sami & Eric were born on screen in 1984. Andrew in 1986. Shawn D in 1987. Belle in '93. Of course these days that means little since EJ was born in 1997 after them all but was clearly portrayed as older than Belle and Shawn, and close in age to Sami. SORAS is such a curious affliction, affecting each differently ;-)
  4. Viewers of other soaps, don't shoot me for this perspective but admittedly I've only ever watched NBC soaps and the few times I've attempted to tune into the other network's daytime programming I've found it...well on a different level from Days. So maybe that's why I always felt that Kassie DePaiva, Ian Buchanan, and Sarah Brown sunk rather than floated on Days if you catch my drift. They just never seemed like a fit w/Days for me, bad writing or not. Now I know that Vincent Irizarry has been on other soaps, but I only remember him from Santa Barbara and since one of the new head writers also used to write for SB while being a fan of Days, I'm still hopeful that Irizarry's character won't suck. Except I'm a little confused on him as a Kiriakis. The actor strikes me as having an Italian decent. Seems the Dimeras would be a better fit than the Greek Kiriakis family. Also, isn't A. Martinez joining Days too? Wonder if we will see other SB alum???
  5. I too recall Kim working at the hospital in the '80's as some kind of children's counselor; don't think she had the actual MD in psychiatry credentials Marlena did then but they may have given her additional education and career advancement over the years much like Kayla used to be a nurse and is now a doctor. I would love to know why they never have cast an adult Andrew. I picture him English and dashing like his father, maybe even working for the ISA. Someone in Belle & Shawn's age group.
  6. I loved Orpheus's character. He's one of Days great forgotten villains. I blame DH's exit to do primetime for why he wasn't kept on longer. It would have made sense to connect him to the Dimera's as he fit that mold in many ways but at the same time it was nice to have independent villains, not always connected to the Dimera empire.
  7. What a difference a day makes. Watching yesterday felt like the show was moving in the right direction (aside from the Abigail/Ben snooze fest). Today I feel like I'm tuning back into the crap I left 11 months ago.
  8. I caught a passing mention of Stephanie as a throw-away line when Kayla and Joey were at the pub talking but otherwise they didn't say where she was. Steve and Hope were good friends back in the '80's so it made a lot of sense that he'd go see her. (I always liked their chemistry too but in a totally platonic good friend way.) I don't remember many scenes of him and Jennifer at all but then the last time Steve came back to town I gave up on Days for a while so I might have missed more recent stuff. Otherwise, Jen was in the teen scene when Steve & Kayla's romance first developed.
  9. I thought the same thing! At his age he'd have a desk job, not dangerous undercover assignments. And why all of a sudden is the ISA so dangerous?? Shane worked from home most of the time in the '80s. Had that fancy little hidden computer room and everything.
  10. Unless they've given a better explanation over the last year when I quit watching, the last time they addressed "the break-up" was several years ago when Steve's absence was explained via some BS conversation between Kayla with Abe & Lexie where she claimed they broke up over the phone because Steve said mean things to her and wanted a more exciting life than the one in Salem. (I think he was going to work or continue working for the ISA). It was clearly written by writers that never watched that couple a day in their life or took the time to check out a few old youtube clips since Steve was never a 9-5 guy and Kayla still fell in love with him despite the things he did and said to her back in the '80's. Basically, the whole scene made Kayla's character look....well not like the real Kayla and it was one of the most pathetic break ups those two ever had.
  11. There's no room because MR is still part of the cast and we all know why Peter is the never talked about Dimera. Maybe if Jennifer bites the dust, Peter can return from the jungle or the grave or the slammer....I can't remember where they shipped him off to so that MR's marriage would be safe ;-)
  12. Corday is truly a moron if he doesn't believe in Supercouples. Their best ratings years were back in the heyday of the Supercouple. He must be blind, stupid, and deaf to not notice that along with all the fans that exited with Ejami. I've always thought the key to getting the ratings back up was to look back at the past when the show was a real success.
  13. I fondly remember the days when there was a multitude of villains and "gray" characters so there was an actual mystery element to the show. Not everything plotted back to the Dimeras. Emma was a great villain. The actress played her well. Somewhere in the mid to late '80s we also had Harper Deveraux--deranged senator supreme; Dr. Hopkins--Alice Horton's looney ex love; Larry Welch--crooked DA; Philip & Serena Colville; Victor; Gillian Forester--Shane's ISA partner gone Fatal Attraction; Orpheus--revenge never looked so sexy ;-) There was so much more variety back then.
  14. Oh yuk so they have already been together? What is up with Days and the cougar thing??? I thought Kate and Rafe were bad enough. Lucas's character always has so much potential. I can't figure out why they can't put him with a good female lead.
  15. Bear with me here because I jumped ship when they killed off EJ and I haven't officially tuned back in yet. I'm still trying to catch back up on what's happening as I'd like to see Steve again and a few others coming back. Soooo....Adrienne and Lucas???? Please tell me it ain't so. Isn't Adrienne like 15-20 years older than Lucas.
  16. Was it Spencer Hastings in the backyard with a hockey stick? CC Drake in the front yard with a rock? Or Mona Vanderwault along the road with….what….her laptop case? For those of you that remember the movie Clue based off the boardgame, given the mess this show has become I think Marlene King should have just gone with a Clue themed episode to wrap it all up, possibly with multiple endings because, let’s face it, there’s too many continuity errors for her to make any one really make sense as ‘A’. So instead of the high tech room, ‘A’ could have lured the girls to a large foreboding house on a hill on a dark and stormy night. And once it was all recapped and explained away in the style of the movie, they definitely needed to spoof the unanswered questions with this line: “So this all had nothing to do with Ian and Jason’s creepy NAT club or Ezra’s surveillance fetish of underage girls?” Tanner shakes her head and looks surprised, having once again uncovered evidence that she pegged all wrong. “No, voyeurism was just a red herring,” Caleb, having helped uncover real clues to find the girls, explains.
  17. This is slightly off topic of the previous comments but...Spencer's hair 5 years in the future??? I'm not a fan of the bangs. And did anyone else think it made her look like the actress that plays Ana in Fifty Shades of Gray???? ;-)
  18. The moms were the best part of the episode, especially their realization that they just met Charles. I have to say though, I was expecting them to find Kenneth's body. The Rosewood prom though? Gee maybe if they made it less creepy, creepers wouldn't be able to crash it. And seriously, forbidding the girls. I kept thinking that Spencer's parents are both lawyers and could probably have a good case to sue the district for something like that. If nothing else, the publicity on social media alone would make them cave in the real world.
  19. Yeah, Officer Toby the Brownie Theif was too contrived. If there was simply a plate of them sitting out it might of been one thing but what kind of a boyfriend steals what looks like a present (since it was wrapped with a tag) out of his girlfriend's bag without at least saying "Hey, can I have one?" Jason and Ally clearly looked too close in age in the ridiculous video. Do the writers even care any more if there's a thousand continuity errors? Emily was grating my nerves and it wasn't 10 minutes into the episode. Can we say lousy friend (she chooses her love interests over them) and possessive girlfriend! Sara actually seemed like she was acting normal around her friend and Emily kept butting in because she felt left out. wtf Clearly it's not really Sara's well being she's concerned about.
  20. I thought that too. Had to wonder if MK spent a weekend dipping into the Spencer brownies will watching creepy horror films to get the inspiration/rip-off for that.
  21. THIS! Dear Hollis College, The '90's called and they want their equipment back! Seriously, what college still has this? Where are all the digital photography classes? And is some LA magazine really going to want negatives instead of digital files?
  22. And can the writing get any more sloppy than the same episode that establishes Sarah is still 17 has her getting a tattoo not five minutes after applying for emancipation.
  23. Emily Fields--you are the weakest link…and A knows it.
  24. I feel like my quote was taken a little bit out of context. What I went on to say was that her mother should have consulted medical advice about Spencer having a sleep aid rather than denying her the medication. Yes, she had a prior addiction that made her situation different from the other girls but that doesn't mean that she'd automatically become addicted to it if given in a controlled environment under medical care in a temporary time frame. If Spencer was badly injured and required pain medication would they deny her that because of her previous addiction to stimulants? In most instances, the patient would just be monitored more closely or perhaps given lower doses. Also, there is the psychological element to Spencer's addiction--what drove her there in the first place--the need to stay awake. That's not the same in this situation. In fact, it seems that the girls not getting proper treatment/counseling is what's driving Spencer back to drugs. It just seems like Mrs. Hastings was hasty (no pun intended) in her decision to deny Spencer a sleep aid immediately following their rescue without considering the implications of not relaxing/sleeping/stressing.
  25. I agree that not letting Spencer take a sleep aid was a bit extreme since her addiction was to the exact opposite type of drug. Surely a physician at the hospital could have advised her on the best course of action if Mrs. H would have consulted one. Heck, her other daughter is dating a doctor--she could have called Wren for advise. Mrs. Hastings has been characterized as a professional, educated woman so it seems odd that she didn't take the issue more seriously in terms of the effects of Spencer not being able to sleep and thus becoming sleep deprived again. What I don't get is why all the parents aren't taking therapy for all the girls more seriously. They were kidnapped and tortured. You don't just adapt back to regular life after that. Sure it took Emily taking her dad's gun for her mom to decide it was time, but wasn't it time as soon as they were rescued and before they went back to school?
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