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Everything posted by Peanut6711

  1. Wasn't Steve also hired by Emma to run Kayla out of Cleveland? I thought he worked for Vic before Kayla came back to town but I'll admit I'm a little fuzzy on this at the moment. Was Steve tied with Victor and the whole Savannah Wilder bit?
  2. After all these years of watching Days, I really can't get too bumbed out about a character being killed off because dead only goes so far on Days. That's not to say I didn't spew curse words at Corday and the writers last year when they killed off EJ while willing the tears not to form, but even now I see where JS has said he's not coming back at this time, maybe later so like I said, dead doesn't mean much in Salem. Heck, Steve, Hope and many other main players have been dead in the past and are walking around Salem alive and well right now. Very few characters have been killed off and remained that way. On this show, a character is like a cat with nine lives.
  3. I'm kinda curious if the Nov. reveal will be a really big--as in we didn't see it coming a weeks away--reveal or it will simply be finally showing the killers face for confirmation even though we've all figured it out by then. Will be interesting to see how Days plays this.
  4. What the heck was up w/the continuity on today's episode? It's night one scene/morning the next. I thought maybe I dozed off and...missed a whole day!
  5. I really want to know where Steve is staying! And I secretly (okay not so secretly) want them to concoct some contrived reason why he has to live with Kayla. Have we ever seen her place?
  6. Did Mike and April actually marry? I remember her being his girlfriend during the Johnson's wedding but I can't recall if they ever tied the knot. April is not Jeremy's mother though. His mother is Robin Jacobs, also a doctor. I'm pretty sure that's who Mike left town with in the either late '80's or early '90's when he was played by Michael T. Weiss--also my favorite Mike (really the only Mike to me.)
  7. I'm pretty sure I've seen this set before. I think it's where she lived during the time Will was coming out and seeking her out for advice frequently. I remember him stopping there a lot. So a recent address for her but not sure when she left the penthouse. Perhaps this is where she moved into when she returned to town in 2011???
  8. She was trapped in some fire/explosion in the basement of where she lived at the time (the loft). It was an attempt on her life by her former father-in-law, Sen. Harper Deveaux who was later revealed to be the Riverfront Knifer. She survived but woke up with hearing loss. Some of it was physical, some of it was psychological. She had surgery at one point but still couldn't talk. Her voice came back in the middle of her wedding vows to Steve. A very poignant moment.
  9. Yes, I forgot about that. Doug also once owned a club, "Doug's Place, later "Blondie's" and then "Wings" where the original Eve belted out hits.
  10. Watch out, Wally Kurth also sings. Eve & Justin may come together for a duet ;-)
  11. Bo was missing because he was sailing around the world with Hope by then, right? Oh, I still hate Jack to this day. I've never gotten over what he did to Kayla. But I was glad he didn't actually get to crash/ruin Steve & Kayla's wedding. Just had to watch it and suffer. While I didn't like him, from a writing perspective it at least showed how Jack was starting to wake up and face the reality in front of him--his whole identity had been a lie. His "father" wasn't really his father or an upstanding Senator but a deranged killer; his real brother was a hero instead of a bum; and the woman he loved would never love him. Doesn't get much lower than that. Video clip (about 3 minutes in): https://youtu.be/4lkkSa6T0-M Does anyone know why Kim & Shane aren't on the list to come back for this 50th? With their granddaughter being murdered it would seem like a good opening for them to return. Are the actors busy with something else?
  12. I kinda took Rafe's eavesdropping to be part of his displeasure or even distrust of Justin at the moment. Given that the new head writer is apparently a Rafe fan, I expect Rafe to come out the hero in this case. And honestly, I'm really liking the idea of Justin being the killer in the end. WK could definitely pull it off with the right material and it would fit GG's press comment that the reveal was an amazing performance and the identity was one they had to do a double-take when they read the script. Plus, it would add layers to the story if Justin gets involved with Eve over the coming months, the mother of one of his victims. And it was so funny how many times Harper failed at killing her. The women got the better of him in the end. Kayla & Steve's wedding was great...the vows were so emotional. And it had an added layer to the story with a defeated Jack looking on. It was if they were showing just how much Steve & Kayla triumphed.
  13. Yes, I think that was one of his previous attempts to kill Kayla. She survived the loft basement fire or explosion (forget which) and was left deaf. Wasn't too long before his reveal if I recall.
  14. Harper's misogynist rant was phenomenal acting and story telling. They actually connected the seemingly random killing of prostitutes on the riverfront with the more high profile victims--the show's main cast and their colorful personal lives. Harper's motive was hilarious--love the part about him "cleansing" the nation, and yet so fitting as a politician gone insane. Now if only he could get released from prison and make an appearance today. I'm sure Abifail would be top of his victim list. Can you just imagine what he'd say about her? Here's the clip for those who didn't watch then or did and want a good trip down memory lane: https://youtu.be/yVWitkIW2Oo (Edited to add: Love the creepy horror music at the end of the clip) On a current note, it was good to see Kate and Theresa together today. That was long overdue.
  15. That was a great reveal. Totally didn't see it being the Senator when it started out. I hope the current killer reveal is along those lines. JC who played Harper gave a stellar performance when he got caught.
  16. Kim did save Eve once but it was from a john in a motel when Eve was prostituting rather than the Riverfront Knifer. The Knifer attacked Eve on the pier, slashed her face, and Eve sported a large scar on her cheek for a while.
  17. I'm sure the writers will probably ignore it, but now not only has Eve's daughter been killed by a serial killer, Eve hersself as well as her mother was attacked by one in the '80's. Another reason it's too bad CR did not reprise the role of Eve. Could have been a great opportunity for flashbacks.
  18. Me too! Plus if this flower is so rare that no one else in Salem can grow one, what is in the Dimera dirt that they can? Maybe it's grown in the garden where all the dead Salem residents really reside til they come back to life when the writers need them. In that case, Andre probably picked it up on his shoe when he was crawling out of his grave ;-) I agree that it sucks that all of Hope's other love interests have turned out to be criminals while Bo's have just been plain annoying (Carly & Billie). Although I don't think Steve is trying to tell her she can't have anyone but Bo, I just think he senses that all is not as it seems and wants Hope to "halt the presses" for lack of a better expression. I suspect in the end, he'll be okay with Hope moving on with Rafe (cause that's clearly how things are hinted to go: Bo returns; Aiden is exposed; Bo is killed; Rafe picks up the pieces) once she has some real closure.
  19. I would love to see either one of them as it would be totally unexpected and out of character. And it would finally bring some real depth to their characters. I feel like at this point we can basically rule out the following: Hope and Rafe since they are working the case as well as JJ since he found Paige, unless the writers are going with a split personality troupe. Chad unless the writers are using some strange plot twist of going with the obvious. Steve and Bo since Steve was with Joey during the first murder and Victor during the second, and Bo is being held captive, unless the writers are oblivious to continuity errors. Aiden since he’s scheduled to leave the show in November and the serial killer storyline goes into 2016. Edited to Add: Justin might make an interesting killer too. Would explain his sudden personality change and his push to arrest/convict Chad.
  20. BTW, In case anyone is wondering "Whatever Happened To...Roman and Marlena's house set circa 1986/1987," I think you can still find it today in the guise of Hope's home. Watch closely to the layout; of course Hope's place is decorated fabulously right now so the decor is differnt, but the "bones" are basically the same. Most be a popular architectural blueprint for Salem builders.
  21. I think that would be the simple solution provided the identity is even leaked before the reveal date. Maybe this time (with the anniversary and all) they will really keep in under wraps. Otherwise, all the discussion is just speculation, deduction, and possibly some clues, all of which should be fair game in this particular thread. Also, it would be very hard to separate out some of the spoilers since we don't know who all will be included in this plot, possibly most of the cast considering the extend of the storyline. What might seem like a general spoiler today could be a major one in a month. There's just no way to evaluate what one person is okay with and another one isn't.
  22. I agree and to add to that, I still can't help but feel that there is something more about Steve's absence that he isn't telling. Like he knows something from his own personal experience that makes him on the alert about Bo's absence. (If not, he's intensely more perceptive than everyone else in town). Now I could very well be giving the writers way too much credit but I've noticed that Steve has said he left the ISA but hasn't said exactly why (unless I missed that). Does he know something? Distrust something? Also every time someone points out to Steve that he's been gone/abandoned his family, he doesn't say much. The old Steve would have more vocally admitted that--rather loudly, probably yelling "yeah I'm a bum but I still want Kayla back." But this Steve seems like he's holding some info back IMO. But again, it could just be the writers. I don't see Steve as a judgmental busybody at all. That distinction goes to Abifail, Julie, Maggie, Jennifer--most of the Horton crew and Adrienne. Steve was following up on a hunch and then acting on evidence from the letters sent to Victor. His concern is that Bo's life is in danger. As well he has concern for Hope getting involved with a guy he senses isn't trustworthy. Unlike Hope's nosy relatives I doubt Steve would care who Hope married or slept with if there wasn't uncertainty about Bo's whereabouts, but he doesn't want his long time friend to get hurt or make a mistake she'll regret. After all, I can almost see the wedding scene now where Hope and Aiden are at the alter and a rescued Bo busts in proclaiming his love for his FancyFance. "I've been trying for two years to get back to you!" Then cue Hope's shocked face.
  23. That's where I'm confused about this week's spoilers that the face will be seen. Should we take that to mean that the killer is someone on screen this week, and thus not someone who hasn't returned yet.
  24. When I was in college back in the '90's there was both the communal like you mentioned as well as suite style--where two rooms shared one bath, essentially four people sharing one bathroom. But they certainly did not have modern tile like that and the grout was not white! Does Paige have no roommate? Absolutely the best line of the day! Theresa is my new best friend, right next to Steve--the only person in town who seems to have a clue. If Adrienne was my sister, I wouldn't bother with her either. Steve is a smart man.
  25. I'm confused...Hope filled for divorce and she said Bo didn't respond, but did he SIGN the papers???
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