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Everything posted by Chalby

  1. I also felt she took it the hardest, but I also feel it was an important event in her maturing. I found Milania to be a hard character to warm up to because she behaved horrible. She was rude, demanding, spoiled and would flip out if things were done her way, on her time line. When she realized that all the meltdowns, crying jags, etc. in the world were not going to change the court's mind nor sentencing, she learned that there are "real" consequences to our actions - not just fake ones for television. Listening to her phone conversations with her Dad were enlightening because we all got a glimpse of her 'growing up'. She did have a mini set back when she complained that Joe's deportation was "not fair!" but she rebounded nicely. So many teachable moments for the girls on living life with no regrets (eg: Dad should have become a citizen since he was so proud of being American). Watch, now Joe will embrace being a full-on Italian, again. Joe, jail and now Italy was just what the doctor ordered for Milania and the girls.
  2. I cannot help but laugh every time Teresa and the girls go on and on about Daddy Joe (gasp) 'being DEPORTED"!!! Family drama and meltdowns - while Daddy's in jail - I understand and fully empathize with. But being deported to one of the most beautiful countries in the world (at half New York's cost of living) is hardly a situation worth wailing about. Joe repeatedly ignored his parents' and wife's requests to become a USA citizen. He went on to break the law, was convicted, and has now paid his dues. So when Teresa and the girls complain how 'unfair America's treatment of Joe is', I wonder if they even see what we are viewing? Furthermore, the best place for this misogynistic, vertically-challenged man (carrying a BIG chip on his shoulder) is far away from the family he publicly humiliated and disrespected. Delores et el can explain all they want that these behaviours are "an Italian thing", but a family consisting of impressionable 'women' does NOT need to be taught that 'good' Italian women should be doormats, who keep quiet and remain perpetual victims. Teresa successfully pulled her family out of the financial gutter, and doesn't even get any respect for her efforts. I don't even recall her complaining an eighth as much as Joe has about being incarcerated. I think we can all agree that Joe expects Teresa to finance his new European lifestyle, because he considers any $$ in the bank as rightfully his. He refuses to admit that any earnings he may have once earned are long gone, and Teresa's been the breadwinner while he was out cheating and looking for $$ shortcuts that don't actually require him to work. She really needs to end this toxic relationship and move on so she can (hopefully) finally find love and with a man who will love her unconditionally and make her finally feel validated. I will say something good about Joe... Jail did him (and his body) good. He looks slim, trim and younger. Stay away from that booze Joe - it ages you.
  3. I agree 100% with you. I feel these hoarders definitely need the tough love approach because they are caging and neglecting beautiful animals, all in the name of "protecting and loving them". I call BS - they only love the feeling it gives them to be seen as a 'rescuer" which they ARE NOT. Place them in jail, or do not allow them to ever own another animal, again.
  4. I also began to watch it, then soon realized that the crimes sounded sadly familiar. Sure enough, Luka was an infamous Canadian killer - yet another time where I felt so ashamed that my beloved country could produce such an evil monster, on par with, and as vile as vile as Bernardo and Holmolka. That's when I shut it down. Blech! Rot in Hell.
  5. I don't think I will EVER understand why everyone (including Andy) found it so hilarious when Kam sang that inane ditty about Thailand where everyone gets a baby elephant. I still do not 'get it'.
  6. What really bothers me is that Brian could have extended an olive branch to Rhylee (for the upcoming last charter) by purchasing, and offering her, a bracelet as an apology for ostracizing her, but Noooo.... These young 'uns have no f'king clue and never will. I will be happy to never see any of them again. Tanner: "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson...?" lol
  7. As well, Rhylee's response and subsequent angry tirades are no more, and no less, 'despicable' than her male counterpart's. It appears to me that the deck crew is unwilling to acknowledge the same 'bad behaviour' within themselves.
  8. I felt for Rhylee because she made it clear to Kevin that she wanted some of those items he's was monopolizing in the market. Was it really necessary for him to tell the clerk he'd take it "all" knowing Rhylee was right behind him, waiting patiently to buy some. And then he found it amusing that she was P.O.'ed with him for grabbing it all and being a pig. So I think that was the 'last straw' and she went off on him.
  9. I hear (and agree with) you! I find it interesting how the hoarder will milk any and every bit of sympathy out of the therapist as soon as they notice the person "tsking, tsking" what the 'poor hoarder' has had to deal with throughout life. But boy, oh boy, the hoarder's true nature comes out as soon as someone demands they make a decision. I watched this sobbing (hoarder) mother hugging her adult daughter, promising that they will get through this together, etc. The moment the daughter went to toss a ripped, urine stained garment, the mother called her everything under the sun, starting with "you nasty bitch. Get the fuck out of here!" The daughter left the area mom was in and that's when we learn this has been a repeat performance. Sorry, but I would walk away as no family is worth that type of abuse.
  10. Hoarders seems to come on TLC every Thursday morning (early). Has anyone else found this?
  11. I just watched, Hoarding: Buried Alive "Owned By the Roaches" (original air date 2012/01/15) and my heart is breaking for her, her sons, and her ex husband. Here is a woman, a successful psychologist, who cannot see what is in front of her and who lashes out in anger at anyone who states the obvious. The level of fury and anger she displays tells me that there is so much more at play. I 'sorta' get hoarding, especially if one grew up in poverty but I cannot wrap my head around the filth. I have also known individuals who are so depressed that they cannot find the strength to clean themselves, let alone a home. However, these people often welcome and accept offers to clean their homes. But she is behaving as though everyone around her is exaggerating her home's filth and her hoarding, for attention or reaction. Does she not see or smell what is around her? Truly sad. .
  12. She is so ignorant, it's embarrassing. Bottom line, she truly doesn't 'get' why her comments are offensive. How does one even begin to explain xenophobia (fear of the foreigner) to someone like that? When she dismissed her comments as not being racist because she sat in Julio's lap, I just about died. Who is this woman and why is she on TV?
  13. Is there a forum I am missing to discuss Jo and Supernanny in 2020? I am following a lot of shows and for some reason, I seem to get lost when I am searching for Supernanny topics. I am just curious if anyone else struggles to truly like any of these children at the beginning of the show. I am aware that the darling only behave this way because their parents have allowed it (and actually encourage a lot of the naughty behaviours). I also want to know if others fall in love with the kids at the end of the show, only to wonder if ANY of these parents were actually able to change their approaches after only a week with Supernanny. I certainly hope so, but as an ex family counsellor, I somehow doubt it. Signing off - Negative Nelly.
  14. I wonder how Rhylee would be received as a bosun? I remember when Tyler was hired as a deckhand and Rhylee was very encouraging as his deck mate (of course she was sleeping with the guy which may have helped). Her attitude only became bitter when the Ross and Ashton began offering to train Tyler to do activities that they never offered her. Any ideas?
  15. It always makes me wonder why a woman yelling back at a man is viewed as 'screaming' or 'giving attitude' etc., whereas no descriptors are attached to a guy responding in the same way?
  16. I agree, and for the life of me I cannot justify why anyone would share with her children the fact that the 'man she loves' is ashamed to to his family and friends that they exist. How does that make children feel - Mom's happiness is going to be destroyed because we exist?
  17. I hate when the show infuses fake dramatic exchanges in an effort to keep viewers. I had noticed Mursel always wore a wedding ring during his TH comments, so I figured they must have married despite the sob story farewell at the airport. Mind you, those were REAL mascara dripping tears in Anne's case. I wonder what she'll think when she watches the show and sees how badly Mursel lied to his parents, and how judgemental and horrible his parents' reactions were?
  18. I agree with you. I only wrote this because Simone acted so surprised when Kate stated she wasn't performing well as a '2nd stew', whereas Kate has always seemed vocal when crew is doing well, and when they're messing up. Simone has probably been very aware of any discontent Kate may have had.
  19. Yes, Ben can pull off some great meals especially when he's forced to mind annoying preferences. Adrian was my fave 'effortless' chef. I loved how nothing seemed to rile him, and he didn't allow any chaos surrounding him enter his kitchen 'zen-mind'.
  20. And I want to give another million 'loves' to this part.
  21. YES!!! And fabulous post. I agree with it all. Last year, I found Rhylee to be obnoxious, but this season, it simply appears that the deck crew have turned into their own testosterone- fueled, mean girl group. I give her credit for hanging in there without complaining to Captain Lee. I would hope that Lee would view some footage prior to taking someone's word that Rhylee needs to be fired.
  22. I had no idea D'Andre had a facelift, but wow, does her face and skin ever look gorgeous/ flawless. This is a good facelift because she looks the same, just more rested and her eyes appear more alert. Did she say who her doctor is? I want a facelift, now. So Primetimers... Who'll start my Gofundme page CHALBY'S exterior need for improvement fund? LOL. I have no idea if D'Andre is a closet drunk as Leanne would like us believe, but I do know that I enjoyed watching her this season. She appeared less uptight and less worried about what others thought of her. Aside from her mean-girl, multipurpose dress fiasco, she was the most entertaining of the group. She's come a long way from the guilt-ridden gal having regrets about a K-Cup show, to a Spanx baring, F' You all because I am going to have fun, Boss! . All I know is I felt entertained every time she was in the scene. She was hilarious, and if this is her big F U to Dallas Society and their judgemental ways, all the more power to her.
  23. Add to that JJ "Don't tell me what the policeman 'told you'. That's hearsay!" Plaintiff - "Okay. So the cop said..."
  24. Was this the case where we learned he hadn't disclosed all the monies he had handled on behalf of parents. JJ asked about any insurance policies and he acknowledged cashing one in, so the sisters were awarded $3000+, but it was clear the brother sold the parents' home and spent the $$ on funeral and bills. No will, no proof of bad accounting (aside from not lying when JJ directly asked about insurance claims.)
  25. How true! I get so bored with the dog cases (yet I am amused when the people begin attributing feelings and forethought to their animals.). However, has anyone else noticed that JJ follows the wind on different days with regards to her off-leash dog park rulings? I've seen her dismiss a case because dogs will be dogs and the plaintiff took a risk by bringing his dog to an unfamiliar off-leash park. Yet two days later, the defendant had to pay the vet bill because he did not have control of his dog, at the off-leash park, when his dog treated the plaintiff's dog like a chew toy. Then there's the case where they had to split the bill because they were both at the spot where the fight and attack happened, and each was pulling back on their dog. Seriously, people need to quit flooding the courts with these vet bill claims and find their own solutions e.g. make an effort to split the bill. Quit wasting taxpayer's money.
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