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Everything posted by Chalby

  1. I still don't understand why it was so difficult for him to grasp. I would say the majority of us have had to move family members in and out of homes. It's not that hard.I love your "Sigh... what an idiot". LOL
  2. I don't believe this is the case at all. I figure Kody and Robyn must have pointed out how many bright, scientific minds probably displayed mannerisms akin to Asperger's. I have worked with Aspergers students and yes, while they are very bright, they also tend to perseverate on details they may not be important to you or I, and they are definitely socially awkward. I could see Kody explaining aspergers and rattling of generalities like "Oh I bet so and so has it". Kody tends to make up history as he goes along. I had to watch what I said in class as aspirer students were very literal. So if I were to say, "Oh, I bet most geniuses have Aspergers" - they would research geniuses then automatically brand them with aspergers. Overall, I love listening to students with this form of autism because they tend to be brutally honest and quite mature. They can be anxious of the unknown - to the point of major meltdown - but once they understand a situation, they offer fabulous observations. Thanks for the explanation. I think it's ridiculous that any spouse demands that their significant other unfriend someone. I understand not having Ken in their home, and Christine not speaking to Ken, but to tell Kody he should shut Ken out...? She's far too sensitive about polygamy.
  3. I would fall off my chair if an announcement was made about a pregnancy. The Brown sister-wives would have to let Kody actually get intimate with them for that to happen, and judging by everyone's recent body language, there's not a lot of love in the air. OMG - Your entire post was hilarious. Thanks for the laugh!
  4. Regardless of the reasons behind doing the show, I am glad the Kleins are filming episodes. I find their lives intriguing and informative as I would never have had the guts to actually ask a little person how they function in day to day life. Thanks to the Kleins, I get to be a fly on the wall for the challenges they meet, and how little people manage to cope as children.
  5. How long is TLC going to finance this mess? The Browns are not really a polygamist family anymore. As everyone has pointed out, they live separately. Robyn hired a babysitter so blended families aren't a goal. Meri even said last week that they are nothing like they were years ago. They all discuss their 'busy' schedules and how they don't have time to be with each other. Finally, as others have also noted - this group of people can barely stomach each other, let alone be intimate. Every time I see Janelle walk out on Kody in mid topic (because he makes ridiculous assumptions about women) I keep waiting for her to continue walking - out of everyone's lives. I hope she's built another nest egg. This show offers us nothing different from any other family that has stepchildren, ex wives, and financial ineptness. The real story is in Kody's children's response to him, especially when he pretends to give 'fatherly advice'. Does anyone else notice the eye-rolling, the snickers, and the general tuning him out or doing their own thing?
  6. I just don't see it. If you go onto Las Vegas MLS - you can get amazing homes for much less. I doubt if they would actually get those prices if they tried to sell. I am sure the homes are appraised as such in order to squeeze out some taxation dollars. Am I being fussy, or are all the homes quite boring (decor wise)?
  7. I have read this entry so many times and stopped myself from responding, yet here I am again and I can't be quiet. Having worked with the Ministry, and with youth either in group homes/ or contracted out to natural homes and foster homes as contracts. I have encountered hundreds of children with a variety of issues - some of it food. But it really bothers me when people make generalized statements about kids in care. "They DO have food obsessions..." as if once an adult admits his/she was in ministry care, we are all going to assume he/she has food issues? That is not the case at all, and in my experience I only had two clients who were hoarders, and they lived with their natural famiies. I realize kids raised in environments where food is scarce, or there's too many children and not enough supervision, or perhaps the opposite - micro-managing parents watching a child's every caloric intake = those homes "can" produce food issues within children. More often than not, kids who have no control over their dysfunctional home or school environment will often attempt to control anything (within their power) in order to feel some normalcy - be it hoarding food, refusing to eat, organizing food, structuring bedroom toys, and displaying some minor OCD routines (lights), etc. By having a small ritual or 'routine', that only they can perform/control, will make all the dysfunction around them slightly more bearable. All children are susceptible to developing some 'off/odd behaviour' based upon genetic and environmental variables. That's what makes us all unique. ** I have wondered one thing (with regards to Will not adjusting as well to school). Please, If anyone else has thought about this, post and share. If Will is attending Kindergarten (or preschool etc); there is always a structured snack time. I can't see this sitting well with Will for a number of reasons. 1) if the snacks are brought from home, it will be on his mind until he can eat it 2) if the snacks are put aside, but visible, he will not be able to concentrate, and 3) if the children all bring their own snacks, God help the student whose parent packed them some cake, (or something heftier than goldfish, lol). I cannot see Will letting this go. I once instructed a child who had a rare eating disorder, and the entire classroom had to be devoid of any food until 12:00, at which time each child was given a specific amount of food. At 12:20 the food was all removed including the garbage! (This was discussed and agreed upon by all parents prior to school starting.) Fortunately, the parents and students were amazingly supportive and the child flourished that year - BUT there were quite a few meltdowns at the beginning - with the child wanting his own lunch and screaming because he wasn't allowed the lunches near him. Lots of initial physical aggression but the whole community united to make it work.
  8. Great episode! I am impressed with Will's and Zoey's ability to not delve into the Hallowe'en candy, and their speaking is a lot clearer. Zoey is really coming out of her shell and the two of them had me laughing out loud. Jen's doing a great job with lots of help.
  9. Isn't Jen a foot smaller than Bill? There's no way she could be on the floor with those two playing on her like they do Bill, she's just too petite. Gosh those kids were cute at the pumpkin patch. Too funny. As well, I am noticing that Jen continues to be such a sharp dresser - her outfits get nicer and nicer with each season.
  10. That is such a sad, but true, statement.
  11. Totally! Good way NOT to ever get hired. The designer would never see her as anything other than a child. And she should have put more effort into that portfolio. I know nothing about design but I know enough that I would have fabric samples clipped to my design as well as photographs of accessories. Something, anything!
  12. Thank you for pointing out their lifestyle choices, so I realize I am not alone. I often wonder how they can afford all of their activities and I question how they can all be overweight (save for maybe Robyn and two kids) when I never see this family cooking or eating. It's not like the Duggars, or Little Couple where you see them constantly cooking huge meals, or picking up takeout...
  13. I love that term, "skeevy" lol. Women who are dependent upon others for their well-being or happiness could he easily sucked into this mentality. The part I don't understand is how Kody Brown was able to talk anyone into having a group marriage. He is so simple-minded and self absorbed. I just shake my head and try to erase that mental image of him seducing anyone. Sheesh...
  14. If love really is meant to be multiplied, why aren't the wives allowed to add to their 'repertoire"? Maybe Robyn would be able to get pregnant with someone else? Or if Jannelle doesn't want to wait every 4 days to spend time with a loved one, she could find a fill-in for 3 days. It doesn't have to sexual. Just someone to love her and pay attention to her. I don't feel that any of the wives have attention paid to them, aside from the kids. That's why they look so beaten down in life. They need to get independent jobs, friends, and interests.
  15. Doesn't Nevada have cheaper taxes? Or does the same income tax apply federally? (I am not American)
  16. This is their bread and butter. I think Kody would go as far as to acquire a fifth wife if it meant keeping on air. He's a media tramp.
  17. Same here. I am really rooting for Madison to go out and become something great in life. I think Madison is so much brighter - beyond her family's ability to even comprehend. When Kody talks about her being far away from his 'protection' I have to shake my head. This coming from the guy who said your hormones escape through your mouth while kissing.. I have to give kudos to Madison for not rolling her eyes or saying anything in response to the adults' idiotic "words of wisdom". And the Browns really have to stop their lip synching dances - they look so absurd. And as Madison pointed out - the song had nothing to do with graduating.
  18. I know that Meri has said she was raised in a polygamist family. I think she would be happier with monogamy as well, but I think she hangs in there because despite what the other wives say, want, or do, she is the only 'real' wife. She has the top rung of the hierarchy. I do wish she would find herself a flirtation. I don't mean an affair, but a man who compliments her and flirts with her so she has some fun . Kody is clearly not interested, and really... who want want to even go near Kody? Eww
  19. My WTF was with Kody's whole spiel about modesty, class, etc. This coming from a man who dresses slovenly (and with a ponytail)! I agree that none of the sister wives dress very well. (I do think Janelle is beautiful and wish she would dress up more.) And when Kody goes on and on about the fashion industry's attitude towards sexualizing women... well, I'm sorry but isn't he sending a clear message to Mykelti that her mother wasn't valued enough for monogamy? He needed more wives/women to have his kids. If that isn't 'sexualizing' women, what is?
  20. Good point. I have clearly missed some shows.
  21. Yes, you have summed it up very well. His being in the USA is a result of 'picking up women" yet I almost get the impression that he is disgusted by (what he sees as) loose morals. I know he a has an agenda, I just don't know what it is. I figure he would prefer to work here because working three jobs at his home would probably be equivalent to the pay of one job here. I would love to be a fly on the wall to find out what the real deal is. She seems intent on having a man to support her and her girls.
  22. I think Mohamed and Danielle have everything worked out. She knows he is not interested in her, sexually, but she's willing to stay married to him if it means she can say she has him for a husband. He doesn't strike me as someone who interested in picking up women - I truly think he just wants to work.
  23. I think Mohamed tells 'his' truth. He's not said anything outrageous from what I hear. He hates that he can't work - that is refreshing to hear because I know many people who would prefer not to work. If Mohamed wants to work three jobs, and help Danielle with her girls, what's the problem?
  24. I remember that. He was upset on the phone and saying this was all her idea. She talked him into coming (and she's the one who proposed marriage) and he was panicking.
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