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Everything posted by Chalby

  1. And how is it that Brian hasn't clued in to the fact that any discord between Courtney and himself has always been instigated by Kevin the idiot Bru who has a knack for embellishing details?
  2. Thank you for your post! I agree with everything you noted. I find it annoying when people insist on reading into 'body/face language' while the person viewed is simply being gracious and doing their job. I felt the primary was overreacting and creating drama due to being in an alcoholic stupor for most of the charter.
  3. While social media does offer monetary rewards in exchange for posts and/or mentions, Tamra's online accounts also have to remain accessible, timely, and relevant (to companies and viewers). Given the immediacy of today’s online culture and the public's demand for instant gratification, I can't imagine the stress of having to post something 'newsworthy/ interesting/ trendy/ shareable' every day just to earn a living online. Since posting online as a career is the norm nowadays, it's highly competitive. Tamra's up against teens who are already savvy to online-marketing. Communication and visibility is everything in Social Media. Without RHOC, Tamra’s shelf life will soon be past due.
  4. Since you are part of this focus group, can you explain to me why on earth they would want Kenya back? I remember her from a couple of years ago, and she was 'okay' but she always seemed to have secrets. This year, she is just shady and unlikeable - almost as unlikeable as Danielle S (although Danielle is a true villain on par with Vicky. Interestingly, I used to view Porsha as a throw away character, but now she's my favourite because she is so darn funny. Her timing is great. (I still really like Kandi, too.) But Kenya has got to go!
  5. How right you are. I don't think Shannon is aware of how much life she sucks out of others. She is rarely interested in anything or anyone if she is not part of the topic/ equation. Remember the 7 distressed phone calls a day to Tamra when Shannon was going through her divorce? I understand the emotional trauma Shannon felt, but if Shannon had a 'good' day, Tamra and others wouldn't even hear from her. Shannon never did see herself as others did, and she became so offended when the HWs pointed out that she needed to give more, emotionally, to offset all her 'taking'. She simply refused to see herself as an emotional black hole.
  6. Although I may miss the odd housewife, here and there (eg: Bethenny's wit) I think it was really important that Bravo made some clean sweeps this year. Everyone is replaceable. As much as my Mom loved me, that was one of the early lessons she taught us kids - Don't get airs because everyone is replaceable. She's right. We may not like the replacement, but given time, soon it becomes the new normal. Too many of our OG HWs have it in their heads that THEY are the show, rather than the cities, the additional 'friends', certain personality combinations, real storylines (eg: Bobby's death) and the simplicity of Andy's initial creative spark. Just hearing about Joe G taking credit for Andy's HW success makes me wish more 'regulars' would get fired. Funny thing, I don't even remember Joe G until some fight at a christening? Even then I didn't get who he was. My firing wish list: From the OC: Braunwyn, Emily (give Gina one more year to save $). From Jersey: Teresa, Melissa, Danielle. From NY: Ramona, Tinsley, Luanne. From Atlanta: Kenya, Marlo, (still out on Nene) From Dallas: Leeanne, Kary (bring back Danish Cary - she was straightforward)
  7. Can you imagine how FURIOUS Tamra is that Shannon was kept on while SHE was cut loose? I imagine she fully expected Shannon to walk out in solidarity with Tamra, but Shannon knows she needs to earn an income. Hopefully, Shannon and Kelly can be chummy again because they were hilarious together. Brauwyn's okay but her laugh is intolerable. Nails on a chalkboard for me - and yes, I know she can't help it. Just as I can't help but click mute when I see her.
  8. Do any of you remember Adrienne and her hubby taking their private jet to one of the basketball games (where she invited Kim Richards)? Kim didn't appear 'with it" but I was still a newbie viewer who didn't understand Always Ignore Richards' Behaviours. I do remember thinking, "Holy Smokes - they filmed that? She's going to be so embarrassed. What if people think she's whacked out on drugs...?" Ha, little did I know that would be the least of Kim's worries. Sorry gang, I should be sharing this on Hollywood Housewives...Oops. Let me add a correction. As in OC fashion, I will do a Tamra/ Vicki interjection and simply not apologize. After all, there's no mistake - I intended to post that little comment to add variety to the OC forum. Furthermore, I (like Tamra/ Vicki) refuse to accept responsibility for any behaviour not seen as fabulous. As per OC, I shall look for an innocent bystander and shift blame. Yes, now I remember. Clearly, when I read Adrienne's name in Chenoa's post, I was immediately triggered to recall the "Kim" exchange. Therefore, any digression is ALL Chenoa333's fault. Sheesh, Chenoa333, I think you owe me and this forum an apology. Well, forum members? Do you think Andy will hire me? LOLOLOL
  9. I imagine you are not alone with this sentiment. I, however, am celebrating AND looking forward to PVRing RHOC after several years being on strike. I stopped taping because I sincerely felt Vicki and Tamra had to GO! I will never understand why a Network (or host) would keep characters on air knowing that they were spreading unfounded (or blatantly false) rumours. Rumours that could/would impact the person's life (as Tamra may finally understand why it's wrong, after a couple of lawsuits.) Vicki was the worse of the two, as she could lie without conscience or compassion. Even when confronted with proof that she told a lie, she'd shrug, not apologize, and go on to say, "Well, who knows who said it, I just heard it somewhere." To this date, she further distances herself from the Brooks' cancer fiasco and now blames the lies and deception solely on Brooks. Tamra is the silent pot stirrer. I should say... appears silent, but after watching a few clips, it's obvious to everyone (but Shannon) that Tamra finds good gossip or makes it up/ starts gossip, urges others to spread same gossip, then looks away if anyone looks to her for further support or back up. Even worse, she will be the first to suggest to the group that certain bits of fake gossip not go further than their ears, ONLY to release same information thus making others look like bad friends for not sharing what they had heard. She's just as evil, but less unbalanced. Tamra is a version of Lisa Vanderpump, but she's the trailer park trash version. She's the one who only knows curse words whereas LVP can curse, but chooses not to. Lastly, Tamra's not overly bright, whereas Lisa is.
  10. Vicki will ensure her wedding happens, one way or another. I, like you, think she thought her marriage to Steve was going to be the 'Gotta Have It' storyline and money-maker for RHOC. I think she even planned it so it would be shown during ratings sweeps (as well, the timing would ensure the businesses involved offered her wedding comps in exchange for prime advertising time, etc.). I also believe that because the majority of viewers/ people/ (anyone who loves watching a messy wreck) are making the same assumptions as we are; everyone's anticipating Vicki's meltdown while cancelling the wedding. BUT sadly, Vicki actually believes her own press, and considers it criminal to deny her fans the opportunity to watch this glorious exchange. (Regardless of how Steve truly feels, or how many botched escapes he's attempted.) Yes, our self-proclaimed Goddess of the OC is going to double down in her efforts and I guarantee she will succeed in presenting 'something close to a wedding'. A union will occur because of the "revenge" factor. In Vicki's mind, the appearance of popularity re: her wedding is important because it's Vicki flipping Andy and the network the figurative middle finger (and literal) while PROVING all her naysayers (eg: everyone else) WRONG! I also think she's delusional enough to plan that IF Steve disappears and runs for the hills, she'll have hired a look-alike, and just ensure her 'private vows' are filmed from afar during her and Steve's intimate elopement. Hell hath no fury as a Delusional Vicki scorned...
  11. I had forgotten who Alexis was while reading your post. BUT THEN.... lol, saw her on Below Deck and I had to come and find your post because I fully 'get' what you are saying now that I know the players involved. I won't even go into her behaviour on BD, but let's just say this gal has some screws missing. I can imagine she wants many things, and the last thing the public needs is her as a bingo caller, or as anything in public.
  12. LOL - I feel ya! Terra ridiculous behaviour gets me so irate, I've deleted episodes as well as the series recording. Now I am looking through channels to see if it's on again. I am a glutton for punishment. (But seriously, someone needs to call out Terra. She's so thirsty for fame she is behaving like the lowest trash there is. I thought Matt was disgusting... make way for Terra.)
  13. LOL - Imagine ordering some only to learn they're plastic. But hey, they won't die....
  14. Your comment reminded me of when I was 4 years old and I (with 5 siblings) had to get out of bed so men could take away my bunk bed, and other household furniture - lack of payment. My Dad had opened his own electrical company and his 5th client was a big contract! The guy needed complete wiring of two restaurants and a house to the tune/discounted of $35,000 (big bucks in the '70s). The people involved never paid him, even though the restaurants were open. Dragged it through court a couple of years, with nothing but lawyer's fees, and later they claimed bankruptcy. My father almost lost everything. He did close his business, and for 2 years he lost his dignity at not being able to take care of his family. He worked any job he could and we spent weekends looking for copper wire and bottles. Those type of 'people' hurt more victims than you realize.
  15. Thank you! I couldn't find the words to explain how annoying and arrogant Joe G appears, and then I read the above. That's exactly the issue - he thinks he is smarter than any/everyone else. And he still does! Lastly, the fact that ANY of this family was whining about Joe's deportation "not being fair" is incredulous. Even Teresa's Dad kept nagging him to become a citizen, and Joe would just wave it off. These smart guys, y'know...?
  16. Joe and Teresa are like cockroaches and/or bad odours - there's just no getting rid of them. With regard to different comment re: them vs a murderer... I can hate a murderer, see him convicted and then put away. Sadly, we can never get back the one who was murdered. But there's a small level of satisfaction. Then there's Joe and Teresa and our vitriol isn't understood? Ha, that's why these forums were built and are far more popular than the snark on a crime show. Even with serving jail time, there's no getting away from these two dumb-asses. MY disgust with Teresa is her disinterest in being anything but ignorant, it's like she's proud of it. Despite the glimmers I see of Teresa being an amazing mom, she implies to her daughters that Joe's behaviour towards her is "normal" marriage. Yes, she's complaining more since he's in jail, but I still have PTSD from Joe's treatment of Teresa and other family members throughout the years. Appears too late for the girls, since they already blame Teresa for "making Joe so angry he belittles her". WTF? So my vitriol for Joe is because his bad behaviour NEVER ends and his ignorance only grows. He never seems to learn from his mistakes, and is too busy pointing at EVERYONE else for being a shitty person and having a shitty attitude. We all want to see him get a clue, but he's so busy finding fault, he's too wrapped up in himself to offer a sincere apology to his entire family for his dick behaviour. I can't ever get over the things he has said and done to Teresa, and I can only assume she had Stockholm syndrome until he finally went away. So the vitriol will remain until he provides a satisfactory end to his "story."
  17. Is this really "the pool guy"? If so, then he's a perfect guy to date because they went to high school together, and she was flirting with him during the whole appointment. When she asked him why they didn't go to Prom together, he was blushing, and then twice she mentioned how good-looking he was. That's when I wondered if she was doing a gradual "Tony... I want to show you off, I mean I want you to meet ALL MY FANS from my oh-so famous show." Let's see how they react to you...
  18. I hope she's hidden away some rainy-day savings. You know if it were the other way around, he'd have several oversea accounts set up that Teresa would never know about. (Not that she's ever known much about anything.) EXACTLY! 10,000 thumbs up for your post.
  19. I also felt she took it the hardest, but I also feel it was an important event in her maturing. I found Milania to be a hard character to warm up to because she behaved horrible. She was rude, demanding, spoiled and would flip out if things were done her way, on her time line. When she realized that all the meltdowns, crying jags, etc. in the world were not going to change the court's mind nor sentencing, she learned that there are "real" consequences to our actions - not just fake ones for television. Listening to her phone conversations with her Dad were enlightening because we all got a glimpse of her 'growing up'. She did have a mini set back when she complained that Joe's deportation was "not fair!" but she rebounded nicely. So many teachable moments for the girls on living life with no regrets (eg: Dad should have become a citizen since he was so proud of being American). Watch, now Joe will embrace being a full-on Italian, again. Joe, jail and now Italy was just what the doctor ordered for Milania and the girls.
  20. I cannot help but laugh every time Teresa and the girls go on and on about Daddy Joe (gasp) 'being DEPORTED"!!! Family drama and meltdowns - while Daddy's in jail - I understand and fully empathize with. But being deported to one of the most beautiful countries in the world (at half New York's cost of living) is hardly a situation worth wailing about. Joe repeatedly ignored his parents' and wife's requests to become a USA citizen. He went on to break the law, was convicted, and has now paid his dues. So when Teresa and the girls complain how 'unfair America's treatment of Joe is', I wonder if they even see what we are viewing? Furthermore, the best place for this misogynistic, vertically-challenged man (carrying a BIG chip on his shoulder) is far away from the family he publicly humiliated and disrespected. Delores et el can explain all they want that these behaviours are "an Italian thing", but a family consisting of impressionable 'women' does NOT need to be taught that 'good' Italian women should be doormats, who keep quiet and remain perpetual victims. Teresa successfully pulled her family out of the financial gutter, and doesn't even get any respect for her efforts. I don't even recall her complaining an eighth as much as Joe has about being incarcerated. I think we can all agree that Joe expects Teresa to finance his new European lifestyle, because he considers any $$ in the bank as rightfully his. He refuses to admit that any earnings he may have once earned are long gone, and Teresa's been the breadwinner while he was out cheating and looking for $$ shortcuts that don't actually require him to work. She really needs to end this toxic relationship and move on so she can (hopefully) finally find love and with a man who will love her unconditionally and make her finally feel validated. I will say something good about Joe... Jail did him (and his body) good. He looks slim, trim and younger. Stay away from that booze Joe - it ages you.
  21. I agree 100% with you. I feel these hoarders definitely need the tough love approach because they are caging and neglecting beautiful animals, all in the name of "protecting and loving them". I call BS - they only love the feeling it gives them to be seen as a 'rescuer" which they ARE NOT. Place them in jail, or do not allow them to ever own another animal, again.
  22. I also began to watch it, then soon realized that the crimes sounded sadly familiar. Sure enough, Luka was an infamous Canadian killer - yet another time where I felt so ashamed that my beloved country could produce such an evil monster, on par with, and as vile as vile as Bernardo and Holmolka. That's when I shut it down. Blech! Rot in Hell.
  23. I don't think I will EVER understand why everyone (including Andy) found it so hilarious when Kam sang that inane ditty about Thailand where everyone gets a baby elephant. I still do not 'get it'.
  24. What really bothers me is that Brian could have extended an olive branch to Rhylee (for the upcoming last charter) by purchasing, and offering her, a bracelet as an apology for ostracizing her, but Noooo.... These young 'uns have no f'king clue and never will. I will be happy to never see any of them again. Tanner: "Are you trying to seduce me Mrs. Robinson...?" lol
  25. As well, Rhylee's response and subsequent angry tirades are no more, and no less, 'despicable' than her male counterpart's. It appears to me that the deck crew is unwilling to acknowledge the same 'bad behaviour' within themselves.
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