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Everything posted by Higgins

  1. The spelling is just a way to denigrate him . I'm not exactly sure why.
  2. Right, and that was fine. But now she is being accused of being a Christian Supremacist all because she said she forgives because she is Christian.
  3. You're correct it doesn't negate the right of people to interpret her comments the way they chose however; There is a movement that uses people's comments to further an agenda and to try and twist people's thoughts and words to silence them in fear of a manufactured backlash. It happens all the time and it is dangerous.
  4. Except she didn't say that. You are putting words in her mouth. I'm so tired of the thought police. Everybody is constantly looking to be offended. Do we want a society where people are afraid to express themselves for fear of their thoughts and words being twisted to fit a political agenda? I'm over it.
  5. She was trying to save her marriage. Does anybody really think that she didn't have the right to do whatever she felt she should to work on keeping her family together? I think it's ridiculous to have expected her to put the show first. Remember, this was a 20 year marriage.
  6. Hold on a minute there. Prairie dresses were in in the late 70s and early 80's. Everybody had Gunne Sax prairie dresses and skirts and ruffled blouses so maybe your neighbor was more fashionable than you think. http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/8a/27/36/8a27360f228c58c8641602da7deb52fc.jpg
  7. What would be decent? Does it really matter what kind of ring she gets?
  8. Tell that to the millions of women asking their husbands to be more romantic.
  9. To some extent you are correct however; studies have found that people who fall into the slightly to somewhat overweight, not morbidly obese, have lower mortality and morbidity rates than people in the "healthy" weight range. http://www.cnn.com/2013/01/16/health/weight-study/
  10. I think it is hilariously funny. George Carlin was the man.
  11. She is not licensed. I believe she trained as a lay midwife. Some states don't require licensing. Which is ridiculous because in those same states, you can't polish someone's nails without a license.
  12. The whole everything requires a masters thing is the biggest bumble fuck. The student loan scam that colleges are running is criminal. Easy money makes it so the colleges can charge outrageous tuition and it really pisses me off. When a $100,000 bachelor's degree doesn't qualify you for any work, the system is broken and it won't be long before the bubble bursts.
  13. I don't know if Heather has a history of disordered eating. Most women do at some point but, she looks healthy to me. I have to wonder though, when you say Tamra has fat legs and ass, do you really think that? So anyone over a size 2 is fat to you? She clearly isn't even close to fat in any way.
  14. Hanging the cleavage at 22 is gross too. Way does age have to play into it? Shouldn't everybody cover up?
  15. For what iit is worth, I think Mario will regret throwing his 20 year marriage away. Divorce will fundamentally change his relationship with his daughter and any future grandchildren they may have. Holidays, wedding and everything else becomes much more complicated after divorce.
  16. Where is God for those who don't make it? Where is God for those children who suffer torture?
  17. I think it is all bunk. The whole story is made up.
  18. Are you saying my character is flawed because you find my posts boring? I wouldn't think so. You probably don't believe boring posts are a moral failure. That I can agree with but, in her fucked up way, Ramona was trying to connect with Kristen.
  19. The measure of character is a moral measure. Being ordinary is not a measure of morals.
  20. How is calling someone vanilla an assault on their character ? It may not be the most flattering comment but it didn't call his character into question, at all. The count was much older than Luanne. He wasn't twice as old but it was no news that he was much older than Luanne and I'm pretty sure his daughter knew it. I don't see how that was mean either. Were they embarrassed by that and trying to hide it? I don't get the harm.
  21. Her hair looks totally different in texture and color. The picture from the back shows very yellow permed looking hair. The one in the restaurant shows straight beigey blonde.
  22. She just announced that although she tried to work it out with Mario, the marriage is over and she is moving on.
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