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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Jeesh! Another example of people thinking they can change their spouse once they are married or once they have a kid. It doesn't work that way and Tania is old enough to know that already. Stupid humans.
  2. Wait.....did Imani say she and her husband haven't had sex in 5 years? (last ep, not this one). Did I hear that right?
  3. I missed Robert. Good to see Alexi again. Love that guy.
  4. Not feeling the Rip and Beth romance. She's a mess and he's a straight forward kind of guy. He deserves better. That hospital scene with Mia getting on top of Jimmy was ridic. Was he saying he's a virgin? C'mon now. So Tate runs off, Kaycee shows up out of nowhere and he and Monica start having wilderness sex again, they spot the lone wolf and don't worry about the kid being out there with this wolf roaming around? Ok, carry on you horny kids, don't worry about your son.
  5. She said in this episode she is close to 70. Coltee's new girlfriend is a pain in the ass. She's pushy and wants that K-1 so badly she will even sex it up with Coltee and pop out a baby or two to get it. Larissa is useless and boring. Who ever in TLC land thought we would want to continue to see her is wrong. Her 15 minutes should be up soon. Hard to believe Andreii used to be a hard working man. His friend is wrong, America did not make Andreii lazy. Andreii did that to himself. Not sure how picky Karinne should be about her living arrangements considering she lived in a dirty pig sty back in Brazil. She's not exactly a good housekeeper and now that she has a baby she needs to get off her ass and keep her home clean, where ever it ends up being. Also, do they not have a stroller for the baby? Does she have to "tote"him everywhere? Does Pole ever hold his child? Angela leaving her mother made me sick. The woman is on her death bed. Ange can't wait a few more months? Disgusting.
  6. He is an awful immature jerk. I hope he gets his ass kicked in the upcoming episodes. I think there were many other ways he could have handled that on camera. How about telling her if she has a problem with her man's performance to take it up with him in private. That would have been a good start.
  7. It's possible Katie Lee has more than one home.
  8. Yup, she had her natural normal sized boobs. She also had a really cute haircut back then . Now she's sporting a dry, fried mess and the color job looks cheap and brassy. I'm surprised with all her money she isn't going to the best colorist in NYC.
  9. These women kill me. One minute Lu and Sonja are looking out the BSM door, enjoying the fresh autumn air, commenting on the fabulous sunset, hugging and kissing each other on the mouth (while the other jealous bitches are sitting on the couch mentioning Sonja perfect ass). All is well with the world. Then.... the next minute Lu is crushing Sonja to tears with her mean girl words and telling her she is useless. Any one of them will turn on you at the drop of a hat. I can't handle friends like that. Well, maybe for $500,000 per season I can. 😁
  10. Sonja is a mess because she can't come to terms with screwing up her marriage to money bags Morgan. She managed to snag a "Morgan" while she was hostessing in some Manhattan restaurant. Then magically she had everything she ever wanted including not having to work another day in her life, which is all she ever really wanted, along with hobnobbing with Manhattan society, then she BLEW it. She will never get over what she lost. She still has that uppity attitude like she is some upper crust upper east sider when in reality that ship has sailed some 15 years ago. Sonja better keep that fine ass of hers in shape because she's still on the market with no interesting prospects on the horizon and she just keeps getting older every day.
  11. I totally agree. I would want answers and back up to prove he has really been checking out the apt and the area. Photo's and Video's of the apartment and neighborhood would be mandatory! Did she not ask him even once if he had been there? I'm beginning to think Deaven is not much smarter than Jihoon.
  12. I'm kind of team Denise but why does she have to drag her husband with her to every event? Are the producers telling her to do that? It's weird and it only gives the coven something else to snark about. Denise is a big girl, she can handle herself just fine.
  13. So Jihoon didn't go to the apt. to check it out? What's he doing all day that is so important he can't look at the living conditions for his baby and his wife? He's a POS and Deavon is a moron for moving over there.
  14. Yes but Pole IS Pole. That's the point. Mother Pole knows he would try to take full advantage of any nice thing she does for him. She's been through it with him all of his life it seems. Time for him to stand up like a man and I'm glad Mother Pole has grown some balls!
  15. Except Coltee keeps dragging Debbie in to his relationships and decisions. He won't move out of the house and he tells Debbie too much information about problems in his relationships. He admitted that. They are co-dependant. He says Debbie will fall apart if he moves out. Well, he has to do it. She will get used to it and all will be ok after a while. I was really surprised when he went to Chicago and didn't tell Debbie he had a girl there but once the relationship starts going south you can bet he will give Debbie an earful.
  16. I'm ready for some new pillow talkers. Molly's friend is screaming too much. Molly was unusually quiet this episode. She couldn't get a word in. Annie and David are becoming a bore. Tim cracks me up with his dry sense of humor, his comments are funny. Robert has some great one liners, too. There are sooooo many past people from the 90 days show, they should be able to change them out regularly.
  17. Vanessa? Which millionaire was she hooked up with? I watched that mess of a show and don't remember her at all. Kalani is just as much as a loser as Asuelu. She picked the jerk, had not one but two kids with him and now she's miserable. In fact, she was miserable before she married him but went through with it anyway. Unpopular opinion but I was team Debbie this episode. She made it pretty clear that she is well aware Coltee is very impulsive, jumps in to relationships, makes bad decisions with women and apparently lets them use him for money. I'm not even sure she is that possessive because she said she wished Coltee would find a woman like Vanessa. It's not too much to ask a mother to want her son to stop being such a pathetic pig. I love Andreii's dad. He brought flowers to the airport for Libby. He was so sweet to her when he visited them in America, too. He dearly loves his grandchild and Libby, too. He's always dressed nicely and has nice manners. How did he raise such a neanderthal? I'm pissed at Karinne. She said she expected Pole's mother to treat her better. WTF? Did she mean she expected a handout, money, a free place to stay from Pole's mother? Entitled much. Another one that knew what a loser Pole was long before she came to America. Then the icing on the cake was she said she was treated better in Brazil. Ok, hun. She misses her mother kissing her ass, and helping with the baby. If she was so happy living in those piss poor conditions in a hovel with no electricity or water then go on ahead back home. Enough with Mikull and Ange. Why can't he come straight out with it and tell Ange that if she can't tote a baby he will most definitely have to find a second wife to give him one. Not maybe. Definitely. Either she can learn to live with that or she can't but it's going to happen. Stop dragging this nonsense out.
  18. Is Dorinda for real? Standing up at the Halloween dinner table with glass in hand making a speech about Ramona's bad behavior? Sit down, woman. Enough of you.
  19. I like Leah's daughter. Mama ain't fooling her. Not one bit. My parents were pretty normal aside from my father's occasional mood swings so I always wondered what it would be like to have messed up parents raising me in a messed up household. Leah hasn't been in a long term relationship since her baby daddy 11 yrs ago? I get it with her, she's a wack a doo but what's up with baby daddy? He's been solo just as long. I don't know if maybe he has had long term relationships because Leah makes it sound like he hasn't.
  20. Sonja said herself in a episode once that she looked like Phyllis Diller. Yes, she said that. Now I can't unsee it! Especially when she's a drunk mess. Which is usually always.
  21. Loved it when Josh said he was channeling his inner "Steve Perry" from Journey. Then they showed a pic of Steve in his prime. Nice touch! I'm a huge SP fan girl!!
  22. I couldn't take any if Imani's photo's seriously because of those.....NAILS! Horrible super long talon claws. Why do women think that looks nice? I hope that look goes away soon.
  23. Of course she does! He is living in America! Land of the wealthy. Everybody that lives here is rolling in money! These people really need to do their homework. As for Asuelu, he fell in to a bucket of butter. Kalani's dad appears to be quite well off and has financed her entire existence way before she ever met Asuelu. I don't think she ever really had a job. Asuelu needs to think about that and not blow this easy peasy gig. All he has to do is help with the kids and turn his part time yogurt selling job in to a full time one and all will be fine in the world. Daddy will be there to supplement their income always. Of course, he's not smart enough to understand any of that so he will blow it, move back to Samoa and probably hardly ever see his kids. Kalani will continue to live under Daddy's thumb and her mom will help her raise the kids.
  24. How in the hell is Larissa still in this country? Seriously. She is divorced from the American that brought her here, has no job, no green card, and has been arrested 3 times. I suppose she could use TLC as her job but still Howwwww is she still here??
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