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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Count me as one that never liked Adam but love him now. Not sure what's changed. I think I didn't like his role of the boyfriend of a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser who drank heavily himself and decided to open a bar. It was unrealistic to me. There's not as much focus on that this season. It's just Adam with funny lines and great delivery. When did Marjorie and her obnoxious boyfriend break up? One episode it's all about the jerk boyfriend, this episode they mentioned her being single. I must have missed something.
  2. Last season was awful with them still around and that's why they were fired. I don't think this season would be any better if they were still on the show. Little rat faced Tamra was dark, petty, back stabbing and not funny or likeable at all. Vicki was pissed off all season because she was demoted to friend. I pretty much think this franchise is done no matter who they kept or bring on new. It's just toast. Beverly Hills is headed that way, too.
  3. She also needs to stop with the overly tanned spray tan and for some reason her makeup is caked on with a trowel this season. She looks bloated, has she put some weight back on? Alcohol will do that to you.
  4. Don't blame her all, after being thrown out on to the street at what? The age of 12? Being raped daily, given drugs and alcohol all day every day, living in a disgusting hotel or homeless, having some pimp get her pregnant before she's 16, and then pregnant again, I'm surprised she hasn't done worse to dear old mom. Brittany has many issues but she also has one of the most horrific childhood stories I have ever heard.
  5. On his IG all his fans are congratulating him on making the decision to "leave" and they hope he has a spinoff and looking forward to seeing what he and Brittney are going to do next. What a joke.
  6. They are all probably banking on the fact that the ass kissing they have been doing with "Rand" will pay off. Maybe he will help them with a new show? Produce one for them? Write one for them? I doubt it, he has a reputation within the industry to uphold, you know. Lol. We all know that was the only reason all of them were so nice to him and to Lala.
  7. So does Quaylon want to go back to Shavel because he loves her or has Quaylon been cheating on Shavel and wanted out because she was constantly suffocating and nagging him? He keeps going back and forth between states like it's no big deal. He reminds me of Michael except he doesn't have any kids involved. Yet.
  8. Amber's mom with her don't you miss the lavish lifestyle our illegal activities afforded us can go fuck herself. Her daughter is trying to stay out of trouble and this POS goes straight from prison to working on her daughter trying to make her feel guilty for having some low paying job and for not following "the plan" to fleece Vince for everything he owns. This woman is danger and if she doesn't disappear then Amber, Puppy and despicable mom are all going to end up back in prison.
  9. Ugh, Danni is so weird. When Leva was on the phone saying she was in regular contact with Kathryn Danni was near tears. WTF? She acts like a jealous scorned lover. If Kathryn hasn't texted back or called Danni back after her messages for months then she doesn't give a damn about you, Danni. Get a life!
  10. Most people don't make stock, you buy it in containers and can get low sodium broth or stock. So I guess I meant to say "semi'homemade"!
  11. It is so, so easy to make homemade soups and so delicious. You can make a big pot and freeze individual portions. Why she would eat that canned garbage day after day is crazy.
  12. Is it possible that Shannon has gotten worse since her divorce instead of better? John walks in to the room and her daughter has her wedding dress on. Shannon proudly or sadly (I couldn't tell which) proceeds to tell John it's her wedding dress as she's about to cry. Does she remind him every damn day that she was married before? Unbelievable. Brawny's son at the makeup counter getting his face done. FFS No! Are we supposed to be interested in that? Elizabeth-Wowza! Boring endless hole of need. She was so damn annoying at the gym, her poor trainer. Looked like she couldn't wait to get away from her. Her personality just grates! Oh, did you know she was rich? And her husband is richer? But she can't talk about it for legal reasons. But she talks about it anyway. Kelly talking about having sex with Rick in every room of that glass house or wherever they eff they were. Kelly, we don't care. Do. Not. Care. Sean's face when Brawny went hysterical about nobody listening to her. He went straight in to co-dependant mode once again. He looked scared, then he immediately tried to smooth it over and make it nice. Ok, honey. You're right. We need to listen. Blah, blah. He should have pulled her in to another room and told her to never scream like that in front of their kids ever again! Hope he's hitting those Al-Anon meetings hard.
  13. I think it's a 2 bedroom townhome and she is using one of the bedrooms as an office. Wasn't she on her computer in another room this last episode? She probably doesn't have a bed in that room if she's using it as an office/computer room/study/whateverthehell it's called.
  14. This family is so strange. Stranger than the Duggars and that's saying alot. If mama Plath is such a health nut why is she so overweight? What is she eating? I hope Ethan and Olivia make it. I doubt it, though. They were so young and didn't really take the time to know each other before the marriage. Moria- I hope she finds what she's looking for. She has a sensitive soul and has a good work ethic. I wish she would move to a bigger city and find work in a creative field of some kind. Lydia- what a sweet girl. She loves her family so much. I don't see her doing much with her life. Married and making babies, cooking, cleaning and making a nice home seems to be all it will take to make her happy. She'll be a great wife and mother. Micah- this may be an unpopular opinion but I could see this kid having a successful modeling career if he had someone knowledgable about the business give a damn about him. He very good looking and his body is amazing. Change up the hair a bit and learn to walk a runway. I really could see it. He needs to go to NYC and try to get with a good agency if he is serious about it. These parents have really effed up these kids. I'm proud of the one's that got away and are trying to make a normal life for themselves. That's one thing they have over the robotic Duggars. Except Jinger who got married and moved far away from the rest of the Duggar cult.
  15. How unlikeable does Whit have to be in order to feel bad for Chase? Team Chase. Lying, cheating, impregnating Chase is still better than any Whitney. That's saying a lot. Oh, and it seems he had a nice relationship with Babs. She liked him and there was more (friendly) chemistry between them than her beached whale of a daughter and Chase. When she was sitting on the couch swathed in her blue blanket she said to her friends that if Chase was with her during Covid a baby could have been made. Ummm.... this was before (supposedly) she even knew about the preg girlfriend so all she knew at that point was that Chase said he didn't want a baby. That was very bad fake production. We all know that was bullshit. Man, they are really throwing Chase under, over and all around that bus.
  16. I didn't say it did. I was just conveying what Craig said.
  17. Random thoughts: The mantra of the night was "I'm not moving to Wilmington" That poodle was a super well behaved sweetheart. More poodle, please. Less Whitney making out with her cats. Where's Todd? Ryan tells Whit like it is. There's nothing going on in Greensboro, what are you going to do there? Ha, ha, Whit did not like hearing that at all. Whit, Chase is not just working at some bar. He is an investor, co-owner, and runs the place with partners. I hate the way she belittles what he has going on there. Such a bitch! I love the preview. "Chase got a woman pregnant". Like she was some rando chick off the street. She's his girlfriend, twit!!
  18. So is the spin going to be that Whitney was becoming increasingly dissatisfied with Chase because he didn't want to move to move to Charlotte and he was spending more time working rather than kissing her ass 24/7? Ok, Whit. It was you who was thinking about a break up. Suurrrre, what ever makes you feel better about being dumped, cheated on and lied to. Now we can watch all her besties rally around her and tell her Chase was never good enough for her. I don't know if I can stomach it.
  19. He said on WWHL that he was addicted to Adderall but kicked it. Adderall is kind of like cocaine except it's legal. The tell tale signs are similar. Fidgety, weight loss, temper issues, etc, etc. I hope he's not back to doing that again.
  20. Lets not forget the salary he makes from the show. $250,000 per season or more. They break it down per episode but you get what I mean. He's also doing a good business selling the pillows! Also, I'm sure he has homeowner's insurance which should cover a large portion of the repairs. My question is didn't Craig have a home inspection before purchasing the home? They would have found the asbestos problem if he had. In my state it's required to have an inspection if you carry a mortgage. Maybe Craigie paid cash and didn't have an inspection done. In which case, STUPID!
  21. Setting your ham on fire? Ok. New low, show. New low. Sunny's mashed potato bar. Did she put hot sauce on top of her splendid concoction? Again, new low.
  22. No, that's what married couples that are in sick, twisted relationships like Linds and Scott do. Normal, happy, well adjusted, confident married couples do not do that. Gotta love Lindsey getting so pissed at Scott for violating her personal stuff but yet she's calling her prison girlfriend, plotting to have her move her trailer in the driveway so they could have secret sex and eventually mover her in to the house and in to their bed. What a low life hypocrite!
  23. Well, that, and she needs his credit cards, car, money, etc etc........ I have never seen Michael so animated, smiling, happy as he was when he was with that "friend" having drinks. We could actually understand what he was saying. He wants that pretty little ass.
  24. Something about Elizabeth's looks that remind me of Vicki. In the earlier days, before all the surgery.
  25. Shavel's cuz and mom sitting at the table forcing her to delete Quay's # from her phone was EVERYTHING! You could see her sweating thru the TV! "You ain't done with him". Truer words have never been spoken, cuz.
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