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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. Ahhhh haaaa Buddy: Don't hug me like that! He was not in to having her paw him first thing in the morning. Is that what set her off? Because Buddy embarrassed her in front of the camera? I'm still trying to figure out what happened. That entire scene was heavily edited because one minute Buddy is telling her to get off him, then he comments about they way she's putting her contacts in then next thing you know she ripping off her top and running away. There must have been so much more they didn't show us. After seeing this ep I'm convinced Buddy is so over Whitney but now he's got himself in a Catch 22 because he needs the TLC money but can barely tolerate Whit. His disgust towards her this entire episode was palpable. I really think he's using depression as an excuse when he just doesn't want to do the show anymore and is sick of pretending it's fun but knows he has to for financial reasons. Whit has him by the balls. Yes! Todd is back and they let him snark without editing! I wonder how bully Whitney felt about that. I love him so.
  2. I just love this guy! He's not afraid to get out there and work, unlike most of the other losers that are on this show. He knows how to handle Loren, too! He's not having any of her drama. They make an adorable family with little Shai.
  3. Did you watch the movie? The staff was scared to death of him. They couldn't start a meeting until he showed up and he was always late. They would sit at the conference room table and wait until he decided to make his appearance. He would yell and scream, throw papers off the table, storm out of the room...the staff (and Wendy) really had no input on anything unless he approved. I call that a dictatorship. That Kelvin is a real charmer.
  4. Looks like Jax and Brit are getting desperate for $$$ already. They are hawking everything and anything on their Insta stories. Baby anything, bottle warmers, diaper bags, etc..... makeup, and what ever else they can get sponsored. I hear you can make alot of money being an "influencer" so maybe this is going to be their new source. Beau does it, too. Anything for a buck!
  5. Well, I did watch the trainwreck of a movie. Actually, I didn't think it was so bad. I'm surprised Wendy allowed Suzanne and her husband to be interviewed. They were pretty honest, too. Damn, Kelvin ran that place like a dictatorship. What a disgusting human being he is. One thing was pretty clear from the movie and that is that Wendy's man picker is wayyyyy off. Not a decent man in the bunch. And she admitted she liked thugs, much to her parents dismay.
  6. Didn't the sister go back to Alaska? I get it and agree. The comment I made about Brittney in my post was not defending her. I meant that I feel for Marcelino for putting up with her crap, hence my comment about Marce having a lot of patience. Brittney is scum for sure but her mother was in no way a good mother to her.
  7. Me, too! My brother in law passed away recently and they had a 2 hr. visitation at the funeral home (open casket which I don't care for especially since they cremated him anyway but whatever) then the family invited close friends only to walk over to the next room to have a 30 minute service with the pastor. When my dad died, we skipped visitation and had a nice church service. One day and done.
  8. I watched it! What a trainwreck. She was all over the place. She still takes up for Kelvin. She pretty much blamed the side piece for the affair saying that she wanted fame and fortune and chased Kelvin. Andy was throwing shade saying he and Wendy were in talks about putting something together that would have been a big money maker and Kelvin said no and ruined the entire idea. Wendy said that Kelvin was always very protective of her. WTF???? No Wendy, Kelvin was very protective of his money. She still doesn't get it. Then she had the nerve to say that she remembers that day, they were all in Andy's "junky little office" having these talks. Andy couldn't believe what she just said. What is wrong with this woman? She's a guest on his show and then says something like that? I hope her movie is a big flop and gets the worst reviews ever!
  9. OMG, right?? I kept screaming at the TV "Get the damn car"! "Tell her you cancelled the credit card"! Better yet, punch this bish in the mouth! What kind of game is Amber playing? I wish Puppy's mom would kick her out of her house. Poor Puppy, she's in love. I love that Malcolm walked away from Sara, leaving her alone in the restaurant guzzling his leftover wine. She really blew it, she deserves Michael. Indian John's wife's sister is a disgusting crackhead. Didn't John take her in so she could get clean and wasn't the mother deathly sick? Now their both just living off him and if the sister had her way she would be boning John and leaving prison sister in the dust. Marcelino has a lot of patience. I hope Brittney dumps her mom back in Alaska and realizes she needs to pay attention to taking care of her gazillion kids. Having said all that, I believe this show is totally fake. Maybe the prison sentences were real but that is all. The relationship shennanigans are all scripted.
  10. Don't forget brown shoes with the too tight, too short dark blue pants. I don't get that millenial look at all!
  11. Chris talking to Paige's friends about her fat azzzzz....he is an insufferable asshole! I didn't get a good vibe from his dad, either. Paige has so much more intelligence and class. She and Erik are my favorites so far. The guy with the party house. Have we seen a glimpse of this wonder house yet? I can't wait.
  12. * She used to talk about dear old dad always criticizing her weight. Apparently Glenn has had food issues all his life, too, and he has admitted that. I remember she said he would starve himself all day and eat a small meal at night so that's what she learned to do. Except she would starve all day and eat huge amounts of food at night. I don't know if she's still doing that but that's partially what led to her weight gain. It's not so common for a man to have food issues so I'm thinking there is much more to Glenn and that family dynamic than meets the eye. I do totally believe that he has effed her head up when it comes to relationships with food. * Whit claiming on her video consult that she weighed 380 and is now 322 proves that she doesn't need WLS. She can do it on her own, she just a lazy bitch looking for an easy way to drop the weight. I do believe that she's 322 because that is still morbidly obese for a woman that is only 5'2. If you look at the beginning season's you can see the difference. * Whit's trainer friend Jessica complimenting Whit on her good nails, pretty eyes, smile and lips had me wanting to hurl. How much is she getting paid? * Does she realize that she has had boyfriends before? It's not getting boyfriends that's the problem. It's keeping them once they realize what an overbearing, bossy, needy narcissistic shrew she is! Losing weight is not going to make Mr. Perfect fall madly in love with her and give her the fairytale life she so desires. Why doesn't one of her friends tell her that? Let's not forget she goes on a trip to Paris with a whole group of friends that don't include the ones on the show! Who are these other friends?
  13. Captain Brandy? Head on a stick? WTF? D'Andra was always a little bit batshit but I have always liked her relationship with her husband. They seem to enjoy each other and know how to joke. If Dee's dad had two wills and the brother from another mother was in one of them then I don't see how he could wind up with nothing. Maybe D was the one that was cut out and she hired a lawyer to make sure she got a piece of the pie and that's what the brother is pissed about because he didn't get as much as he thought he was entitled to. Pure speculation but that's my thoughts. Kary is an insufferable bitch. She was last year, too, however, LeAnn overshadowed her so we didn't notice it as much. It must be hell being her daughters. We already know how she treats her husband. I would much rather see Tiffany's interaction with her daughters than Kary with hers. Difference is Kam isn't always whining about how harrrrdddd she works and how exhausting it is. Kam's talking heads are the best!
  14. I have a news flash for Natalie. 110 IQ is not a high IQ. It is average. Most of us "average" folks range from 110-120. Maybe in Ukraine but not here, honey. I wish Mike would have told her that. But he's no genius either, he doesn't even know what his is. Not that it matters a damn bit. I know someone that is a member of Mensa and hasn't done diddley with his life so there's that. Also, Natalie's mother kept calling her "Natasha" on the phone. That's a beautiful name. Why would they change it for the show. Because it sounds more American? Stephanie is batshit crazy. Like bunny boiler crazy. She looked older this episode, too. Maybe it's jet lag. Amira is a gorgeous and a sweet woman. Listen to your dad! Andrew may have wanted to enjoy the trip that he paid for but he came off as if he was rubbing it in with no regard for what Amira has just been through. Delicious meal, swimming, schedule a walking tour for later! WTF dude! Your woman just endured the most horrific and scary situation in her life. Insensitive asshole! Brandon's dad is scary. I think he has a really bad temper which it looks like we will see next week. Yara. Boring. Jovi. Wrap it up if you don't want babies. It's not all up to her.
  15. She has the most successful career of any of them, too. The rest of them aside from Jill and her money are losers compared to her. I don't get why the writers choose to depict her like this.
  16. Aside from having no idea, the friends don't seem to care about Wendy at all. She's an afterthought to them and they often act like she's annoying them every time she talks. It's even more noticable to me now that Christy's gone. I'm not liking it.
  17. It was in style just a couple of years ago. Remember the Brazilian Blow Out craze? People were paying a lot of money for that straight, silky hair (me included). Think Jennifer Anniston. As for the beach waves popularity, most women can't do that at home, they have to go to a stylist. I tried that, too, and burned myself every time with the darn curling and/or hot irons. I've just given it all up and will have to be satisfied with my soccer mom bob. I missed the dad bod. Was he seen in his undies or something?
  18. Pringle looks really old in the face. I noticed it when he was sitting with his sister crying over his kids leaving. Maybe I just don't like the you need a haircut, a beard trim and a whole new wardrobe kind of look. It's pretty bad when you are told at dinner to go put on a more presentable shirt. His sister looks just like him with blonde hair. Yikes! Madison is a narcissist. With too much spray tan. Her constant harping on Austen about being a "beta" is so childish and played out. They all need to grow the fuck up! Kudo's to Kathryn for at least keeping her cool. I don't know if I could have done that no matter how wrong I was.
  19. Whitney has never had a fit guy. Lenny and Avi were fat and the radio guy that turned out to be gay was overweight. Even Buddy who she is secretly in love with is fat. The only one close to fit was Chase and we all know that was a fake relationship. Whitney makes herself look like a horrible person.
  20. He's a military man. That's how they are. He probably has a nice, firm handshake, too. I love me some Erik.
  21. Although I thoroughly enjoyed that I think it will get her fired. Andy does not like when a Housewife mouths off to him. Carole did it at the NY reunion and we see where that got her. If Brawnwyn did say such a heinous thing to Shannon's daughter, why did Shannon wait so long to bring it out in the open? I'm dying to know the answer to that. Shannon and John's phone conversation was very interesting. It sounded to me like two alcoholics making excuses together and deflecting on to Brawn so the attention is off them. John refusing to go to the reunion is interesting, too. These reunions are brutal but he should have shown up. I think he's realized that the season revealed more of him than he was comfortable with. I wouldn't be surprised if he stays away next season.
  22. There has to be one of those every season. Every. Single. Season. Oh, I've never been in love. Oh, I can not say I love you, it takes me a long time. Ohhh it scares me to be in love. So what do you do? Sign up for this show, of course. I'm over it.
  23. Yesssss! If I were single and 20 yrs. younger Erik would be the perfect guy for me. I love everything about him including his warm smile. The man is ready to settle down, have kids, and be married. He's lived life, has been married before and knows what mistakes he's made, has learned from them and has expressed to the therapists what he needs and wants. So what do they do? Match him with the train wreck that is Virginia. Makes perfect sense.
  24. That is such BS. Whit was a lot heavier when the show started, she has lost some weight. Obviously still grossly obese but I believe she started at 380 and right before the pandemic at the beginning of the season she weighed in at the gym with Jessica and the scale said 339. Jessica was impressed with that but she acted like she didn't care because she wasn't obsessed with weight, she didn't even weigh herself anymore and was only concerned with just being healthy! The lies! We have also seen footage on past seasons where Whit at one time got very serious about losing the weight (this was before the show but we saw the footage on the show) and actually lost 100 lbs. She still had over 100 to lose but it was a great start. She got bored, stopped working out and dieting and gained all 100 lbs back. Sooooo when her so called friends say she "tried" to lose weight to no avail, have they forgotten she has the capability of losing weight and has proven it in the past? They make it sound like she diets and diets and the weight never comes off. What morons! Any type of weight loss surgery includes getting your mind right and your relationship with food right or it won't work, no matter how much of your stomach is removed.
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