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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. True. I've had it twice, flip flops and walking barefoot are the worst for your feet if you have plantar fasciitis. What damn difference does it make if it's a 5K or 8K. You get out there with the best of intentions and give it your all. Doesn't matter if you finish. Just try!
  2. And he needs a storyline. Why else is he on this show and sharing a house with a bunch of straight assholes?.
  3. Obviously not since he dumped her. Gotta like Rob for that. Scheana will never have a lasting relationship with any man until she gets herself some serious therapy and stops living in a delusional dream world. NO man is perfect. NO person is perfect. Jax/Jason has been almost 40 forever.
  4. Robyn's days of the new hot pretty wife are over. She looks completely different than when Cody first started "courting" her. After having Kody's second baby she never really lost all the baby weight and she looks pale and exhausted. Maybe having 5 kids now is taking a toll on her. Which could be the reason she has help from her cousin or who ever she is, which I don't understand considering Robyn doesn't have a full time job outside the home.
  5. Then Nene should shut her pie hole because he comment wasn't even true!
  6. She's not my favorite but Kandi is a very talented songwriter and has written for some of the biggest names in the music business, which is probably where she gets most of her coin from. Nene on the other hand, well, it wasn't that long ago she was swinging around a pole for her dinner. That is, until regular married customer Greg swooped in and rescued her. Too bad she has forgotten where she comes from to the point that she has become completely unlikable and pretentious. Even with her roach infested house with a pool, she has to remind everybody she is the only one with a pool. Please. Kandi could buy the freakin pool company that put Nene's pool in the ground if she wanted to!
  7. Besides, just because you have a kid that is your preferred gender it doesn't mean they will have the same interests. Caleb's boy may turn out to be a computer nerd, or have interest in the arts or be really bad at sports or maybe doesn't like to hunt. Having a boy doesn't mean he is going to follow in his footsteps. Nice if it happens but no guarantee that it will. I wish (some) men would get that through their stupid ego driven heads.
  8. I don't know if they were having an affair, I think the part about Janelle dumping Meri's brother for Kody is true. It was talked about on the show. Only they didn't use the word "dumped". Which is exactly what she did. I can see how Meri would have an issue with Janelle over that. I think Janelle in her quiet, low key way is a big bitch!
  9. She did have a heart issue but I don't think she had open heart surgery. She was out of the hospital in no time, like a matter of days. She would NEVER be able to wear the low cut tops with her boobs hanging out like she does if she did. My hubby had that surgery and he was cut open, long and deep. It took 3 months to recover. The scar is hideous. Oh, and NeNe, STFU. She is tiresome this season. Not clever, not funny, not quick witted. Just tiresome.
  10. Yay, No Tony, No Mykelti! Praise the Lord! Mariah looked happy with her friends and new girlfriend. Nice to see her smiling for a change. But.....another older daughter with naturally pretty blond hair that insists on dying it that gross deep dark purpleish color. Whyyyyyyy? I don't get it. They all look terrible with that color. I swear if Aspen does that to her gorgeous hair I will never speak to her again. In my mind, lol. Oh, and I'm glad Mariah didn't ask Robin to go to DC. The most coveted, smartest, wisest, most beautiful wife that everybody loves wasn't asked to go. You know it bugged her even if she acted like it didn't.
  11. I think he meant they were the greatest things on BRAVO right now. Which in itself is a snub to all the rest of the housewives shows. But yeah, Andy is still an idiot.
  12. The breakup or still being together?
  13. Brooklyn is skyrocketing as far as real estate is concerned. It's the place to live now in the city. Manhattan prices are driving people away, you simply can't afford to live there anymore. I was thinking that about Fredrik, too. He seems almost intimidated by Bethenny. That is not the confident Fredrik we know from MDLNY.
  14. They are making it. I guess my point is that Kim won't be making it forever. This whole Housewives phenom will die down, it's already getting stale. She has nothing else. Any idea how much Kroy will get for his NFL retirement? I'm curious about that.
  15. What you are not adding in to the quick and dirty, Z, is that Kim has a gambling addiction and pisses her money away at the casino. There goes the other $750 plus the clothing and plastic surgery expenses. We all know she would not step foot back in to the RHOA fold if she didn't absolutely, positively have to. She hates it and said she never would again. Never say never. Same for Nene.
  16. Or he's getting along fine without her, she doesn't have much of a choice.
  17. Still waiting for Dorit to get her ass handed to her. She just opens her big fat mouth and everybody stands back. Rinna never got away with it, why should she? Kyle should have been a whole hell of a lot more pissed off than she was. Poor Teds. This group is just not her thing.
  18. Heather is getting on my nerves. Let your dreams of sober Buddy go and go get yourself some counseling. Buddy has a long haul ahead of him and I don't think this will be his only stint in rehab. Anybody that thinks it's a good idea to take a break and go to Hawaii can't be serious about staying sober. You don't just go on a break, then come back to learning how to live sober when you feel like it. It just doesn't work that way.
  19. What's a 29 y.o. doing on Adderall? I thought that was for grade school kids with ADHD? I must be really behind the times....
  20. Like I said last season, with allllllll the single New Yorkers out there, this is the best group they can come up with? How very, very, pathetic.
  21. Me, too! Applesauce with every meal, I wasn't expecting that! He's an interesting guy. He's much more down to earth than I thought.
  22. It's only on the weekends. They don't even see each other during the week when they're in the city because Kyle is soooooo busy with his business. What a douche. So Carl is going to bone Lauren all summer again and then ghost her as soon as summer is over and they all go back to their normal lives. Just like last year. Does anybody not see that coming except Lauren?
  23. So Patrick goes to Europe for 6 days and blocks Stassi the entire time, then comes back home and unblocks her? Priceless!
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