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  1. Doesn't Angie have a husband? I thought we saw him at the Alabamer reunion.
  2. I wonder if Whitney and Hunter now regret the "urgency" to get to know this new family. They should have taken it alot slower. The constant visits, vacations in Europe, etc are a bit much when they only first met a few months ago. I will say it's all because TLC wanted to make a season out of it and the new family is reaping the benefits from all the free TV comps so now Whitney has to deal with the fall out of her father wanting to move to spend more time with Angie. Too much too soon.
  3. I think Kody was seething at Robyn. First she makes the crack about leaving him (ha ha so funny, Robyn) then tells him to stop talking and be quiet. The look on his face whoaaa! he didn't want to reprimand her in front of the camera but damn was he pissed and embarrassed. How DARE she talk to him like that?? Who does she think she is? He is the supreme leader and he's going to have to gain control and put her back in her place. All those thoughts swirling around in his little mind. Then when it was time for them to go he gets up practically runs to his vehicle or what ever that was and didn't even hug or say goodbye to Robyn. He hauled ass to get away leaving Robyn in the dust. The bloom is definitely off that rose for sure! I may have to watch that segment again just for my own viewing pleasure!
  4. I still say Sobbyn doesn't have near the feelings for Kody as he does for her. She's playing a role while trying to figure out what she wants to do once all the attention wears off and she' s stuck with him all alone in casa hoarder. I'm proud of Meri for stating that it's not fair to her to keep living like this when Kody has no love for her at all. She's tired of being alone and loney. Sobbyn said "I know" but then continues to cry and beg her not to leave. WTF does she want? Is this great concern for Meri not leaving the family just for the camera?
  5. Glenn did not always side with Whit. I remember one episode when Glenn was in Whit's kitchen criticizing what she was eating and he was being cruel. He and Whit had it out. He was definitely not silent when it came to her weight. Both her parents could be quite critical with her.
  6. i agree plus all of that traveling for someone who is 78 has got to be exhausting. Maybe cranky dadwee should remove himself from the show. No one is putting a gun to his head making him do this "bucket list" adventure. Also, Whit's new family doesn't seem to mind their new found TV fame. They never had it so good. I'm sure their trip of a lifetime was paid for by TLC. They hit the jackpot and all the perks that go with it with Whitney as their new sister. The only problem is now they have to put up with her!
  7. These people are just too old to behave like this which is the reason why this show is not cute or funny. It's not a frat house and they're not 21. Aren't most of them mid thirties and some (Kyle and Schwartz) in their 40's? Grow the fuck up. On the other hand, they are being paid to act like this so more power to em'.
  8. Saw her on TikTok the other day! She was doing some cooking segment making chicken noodle soup for her 91 yr old mother. It was boring. Maybe she should stop trying to make herself happen.
  9. I think the lady that went home to be with her daughter (sorry, forgot her name) is very attractive and nice. I'm sure she had some work done but looks natural. Her hair is gorgeous, too. She would have been a great choice for Gerry. He will regret not choosing her ( I know it wasn't his choice) but I'm sure he will wonder about her.
  10. Well, that's some interesting tea! There's only one problem. Olivia has no personality what so ever. Neither does Taylor. Even when Taylor is being a "bad girl" she is not interesting. They are bland and boring. Have we ever seen either one of them lighten up and have some laughs and fun? They are not capable. At least the guys bring some funny and some stupid. Say what you will about Madison at least she knew how to start shit!
  11. Why is Taylor hanging around Shep? Calling him, walks on the beach, meeting up in NC. WTF is she doing? I thought she hated the guy. Now their friends with no explanation. Fakery. This entire show and it's "characters" suck!
  12. Nothing like dragging it out. Get on with it, already! I'm losing interest.
  13. She (Molly) would be perfect for that shit show!
  14. Kyle, too. He's a shortie but he's married and off the market so it doesn't really matter. Brian is such a dork with no game at all but thinks he has game. The worst kind! I'm another one on the WTF is so hot about Kory train. I don't get it. At least Austen is good looking which dissapates as soon as he opens his shallow mouth, though. Dumber than a box of rocks. Can't stand Danielle. Her IG show nothing but partying constantly. I don't know where she gets these dozens of friends to always party with. Isn't she getting a little old for that?
  15. Enough of Brynn with her twisted faces and puckered lips. Just looking at her gets on my nerves. Ubah doesn't even know what Ubah is upset about. At the end, Andy toasting them and thanking them all for a wonderful, amazing season was the icing on the cake. He's not serious, right? How many "I'm sorry's" did we hear? I'm sorry I said that even though I really didn't say that. I'm sorry I thought that. I'm sorry I felt that. I sorry I don't like you. I sorry I was mad at you. I'm sorry I'm an asshole and I have no comeback for my taped loathsome behavior except to say I'm sorry. We all realllllly love each other!
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