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What's there to understand? It's a tv show, folks root for different people for different reasons. I haven't forgotten anything and I am rooting for Jamie to stick it to Beth. And I don't even like Jamie. That's the beauty of fiction.
Apparently my sexuality is Sam Reid as Lestat at a masquerade ball.
First five episodes? Awesome! But I'm now at the end of episode 8 and for some reason it's shifted from awesome to "tedious" for me. I'm still going to finish out the season of course, but I'm not even sure why these last few episodes haven't been as good for me.
S01.E01: In Throes Of Increasing Wonder
I-Kare replied to Mr. Sparkle's topic in Interview With The Vampire
Oh man, I'll happily disagree with those posting - I love Sam Reid and I think he's amazing as Lestat! I think both actors are perfect in their roles. So I'm thrilled with the show so far. -
As a 52-year-old woman who has lived in Kansas all her life, I'd like to tell Joel - I know a lot of out gay couples in Kansas who live in houses with nice kitchens and who have kids and go to Europe on vacation, so dream your dreams, Joel!
Thank you! I don't see the kid as a "brat" at all. The kid was being a kid. Even my annoyingly really good nephew's first instinct at that age was to go toward the fancy thing and ask for it even when he was told no. That's being a kid. And if your first instinct to ONE INSTANCE of that is to try to physically wrestle the kid out of the shirt, then stomp on a stranger's phone and threaten them (knowing Daddy will bail you out if they do anything in return), then kick the kid out of the house? Then yes. You would be a really crappy parent. Thank god mine weren't like that. Hey! I know, let's teach a kid not to be a brat by throwing a tantrum. Because that's great modeling.
Yup! Which is exactly what I was talking about with my post. I wasn't talking about one isolated incident where she - for once - didn't do that.
I agree with most of the Beth comments, the only thing I'd add is that you're not a strong woman or a badass if you bully people knowing that everyone's fear of your Daddy will save your ass. Beth is like the kid on the play ground that runs up and taunts another kid, smacks them, and then scrambles to hide behind the nearest adult. The adult in this case being the patriarch who will kill you if you dare even talk back to his darling daughter.
Oh man, that was bad. The first five eps were okay - not great but I thought why not go ahead and finish since you're already this far in. The last two eps? Bad. I think I'll go rewatch The Haunting of Hill House as a cleanse.
I kept looking at the pews thinking something was off....there are no kneelers! No way in hell would Bev let the church get away with not having kneelers. 🤣 ETA: did they have zero budget for this? That green screened ocean surrounding them on the boat was horrible. EETA: I'm so frustrated that I keep coming back to add stuff. A couple of episodes ago a girl was cured, they even spread flyers around regarding what happened (no clue why they'd need to do that on an island of less than 200 people), and you're telling me no one off island knows about it? Because if they did, there would be a steady stream of people coming to the island including news crews.
Yes! I've stayed in houses steps from the ocean and they had paint, so it's not like it's impossible.
It's only seven episodes and I like Zach and Rahul enough to stick it out. I will say I agree with what everyone is saying above regarding the aging makeup and even Rahul's accent (why not just let him keep his British accent?). A few nitpicks though since I'm from a predominantly Catholic town of around 150 (so about the same as this one) and am highly familiar with a lot of towns that size: Literally everyone is either related to you or knows you, so the people getting off the ferry with Riley would have been chatting with him, Bev would have said hello, and everyone they walked by going home would have said hello. With a town that size, you'd have had more than 30ish people at Mass. Small towns like that stay alive because of two things - their school and their church. Even if there are a lot of atheists flocking to the island (to fish?), there probably aren't a lot of other religions since pockets of the same religion tend to settle together in small towns, so even in today's world the pews would be more full. There is literally a character like Bev in every.single.town. I'm not sure what the local priest would have done to be awarded the title of monsignor. That's usually not handed out for simply serving a town of that size, especially if the flock has slowly dwindled to the point where they could hold Mass in someone's kitchen instead of the church. My home town is a fairly poor farming town that is dying out and is only still alive due to what I said above - the school and the church - and every house has a modern tv, a satellite dish on their roof since it's about 90 miles from any tv station, and cell phones. So if this town is modern, they're stuck in some unrealistic time warp that mine and most of the ones I'm familiar with aren't. So more than likely they thought "hey, wouldn't it be cool if the prop people went and found some old TVs and radios for the homes?" Disclaimer - I'm, of course, not an expert on every single small town in the U.S., so YMMV with what I said above. 😁
I think I'm with (almost) everyone else in regards to this show. I used to love it and look forward to it every week, now I'm boarding on hate-watching. I know things happen over the course of the hour, but I look back over the past 10 episodes and I don't think the storylines should have filled five eps let alone 10. I thought a spark was lost when Scott left, and thought it couldn't get worse then Ellen left and proved me wrong. I found a youtube channel that features clips of Deran and Adrian's storyline and it dawned on me that I really liked that aspect of the show more than I realized. Deran seemed like the one with most hope because of that relationship. If they were going to do flashbacks, I would rather they have explored the relationship between Baz, Pope and Julia when they were teens/growing up and their relationship with Smurf. I don't understand the difference in how they write young Smurf vs. older Smurt. I miss the show it once was.
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I adore both Melissa and her husband, Ben Falcone, but I almost wish I didn't know he was playing her catfishing boyfriend because the scene where Frances was beating on the dummy came across as more funny than dramatic to me due to that. I'm with everyone else, though, Melissa and Bobby are carrying this for me. But I loved their chemistry in Super Intelligence, so I'm not surprised.
People don't like Jonathan Tucker!? Is it just in this or in other things? Because I have to be honest, he's been one of my favorite actors since The Black Donnellys, and he's the very best part of the very underrated Kingdom. I'd pretty much follow him to any project. They don't give him a lot to work with in Debris, but hell I'm still watching because of him anyway.