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Everything posted by rose711

  1. I don’t think real restaurants have servers with no experience and no time to train them because the tables aren’t set up. I’ll vote for Sara as being pushy and rude. Seems like she was always that way of she grew up bragging to her friends that Hannakuh was more than the one day they had of Christmas. Im not a fan of the way Kelsey talks to the other chefs by threatening them. Seems unnecessary. She can be ok otherwise.
  2. I so enjoy seeing the DCC teaching young girls and giving them positivity. Thanks for posting these.
  3. Yes, I agree they are selectively enforced. That was the point of my post. Your reasons make sense. They act when it’s going to embarrass them or when they want a girl out. I was mad about it with Victoria until I came to understand that they’ve always been selective. It was just so blatant with her even a naive viewer like me couldn’t ignore the obvious.
  4. Does anyone even know if his really happened? I mean at one point she was said to be sleeping with an army guy while newly married and pregnant? Why bring this up now? It was never talked about before? As for rule breaking we’ve seen over the years that DCC rules are selectively enforced. Look at Jenna dating Dak for what a year before they did something because underaged Holly got involved? Or Paige who had to be dating a player before she resigned? I doubt she resigned just to go out? Then there are the weight rules which seem selective or overlying harsh. Then there is the being late thing - I don’t think Keyra was the only girl ever to be late. I remember a season where a girl missed the bus to the stadium. Holly didn’t get cut even though she was fraternizing and underage drinking with players. She resigned on her own and honestly seems much happier. I don’t think the rules are harshly applied to any girl unless it’s what management wants to happen.
  5. Hope your son is doing ok. Good luck to you.
  6. I’m not jealous of Cassie. I’m glad she’s happy. I don’t like the rumors going on all these years later but it is what it is. i think it may be more accurate to say that people are still frustrated that the DCC management plays such favorites, though until this year the show has tried very hard to hide how pervasive the favoritism is in favor of a few girls. At the same time, I think Dayton got cut to try to make a superficial statement that they weren’t playing favorites. I’m so happy she found something better. It is a very small, insular organization so I suppose I shouldn’t have expected more from them. They did fool me for years with all the judging and taking judges comments into account. They fooled me with their seemingly professional management. I just hope the honest weather guy makes a return next year.
  7. My issue with Victoria was that her boss (Kelli) asked her to work with Janelle (DCC staff member.) Victoria agreed. Then she decided not to do it and basically tried to turn them against Jinelle. All Victoria had to do was tell Jinelle she didn’t want to work with her or she changed her mind. Victoria thought she was making it and didn’t need to listen to Jinelle or Kelli. Its funny in a good way that Jinelle cried about retiring but ended up dancing every game anyway. I will always like her.
  8. I hate Restaurant Wars because they hamper the chefs from doing their best. It’s the same way I felt about the dessert challenge last week. I like to watch people excel - not flounder because of poor wait staff or terrible restaurant setup My prediction is that the team that seemed to be “stacked” is going to be one of the losers. I just hope Nini isn’t going home. (If she does, she can win last chance kitchen.) My assumption was that one from each of the losing team will leave. I hate having the episode broken into two parts. I’ll forget it all by next week.
  9. No I dont think he cared much about sleeping with her. It sounds like something he tried with every woman he meets. Certainly not enough to show her his famous hidden work - unless he’s been showing it to every woman to sleep with them. I think Benjamin would have known if he did that. Supposedly only one other person has seen it from what I remember. What I think about Midge is she’s well put together and works hard on her looks but she’s not jaw dropping gorgeous that every guy wants her. There’s a reason there aren’t any really beautiful women on the show, she can’t hang. She’s pretty but people notice her clothes more than they notice her. Like I said, I don’t like her and the idea this guy would be so amazed by her in 15 minutes is not credible to me. The show was too glib with this and other episodes about her, but this one was the worse. I’m not trying to ruin a show anyone really likes. I’m more frustrated if I go back and watch the first couple of episodes from last season, I thought the show was something that its not. I expected more because I didn’t understand the show.
  10. I don’t agree. But people see things differently. I’m not interested in watching it again to explain my view point by point. This episode is when i stopped enjoying the show so it would be pointless.
  11. No he didn’t pay much attention until he saw the painting. Then he made her tell him why it appealed to her and why she bought it. That’s why he wanted to know her. I admit that I was already over finding the selfish, arrogant and rude Midge charming by this point. But I’m certain he was intrigued by the painting. It was just another way to show how Midge is oh so special because she goes away from the main collectors and sees something else that everyone ignores. As a result she gets to see the fabled painting by the best artist. She spent probably 15 minutes talking with him? That’s just how good the writer wants us to believe Midge is - she’s a superhero character.
  12. Do you recommend going back and watching her season? I can buy it on amazon I’m pretty sure.
  13. Isn’t this the second time in a row they sprung a challenge on them after they’re tired, been drinking, etc? is this a new format thing? I hadn’t watched a few seasons and these challenges seem more gimmicky than talent seeking. I do understand the contrast between changing your dish when it isn’t working and just going ahead with it when you know it’s too salty. Maybe this is purposeful to eliminate the chefs who can’t adapt?
  14. I thought about this too but I didn’t go back to check. I found the show difficult to watch or engage in because of knowing what was coming up for Eric and Anthony Bourdain. On a minor note, I again disliked both of these challenges. The show and competition is tough enough without the yankee swap of ingredients and getting stuck with the idiot who got 5 kinds of flour box. Super unfair. I felt the same about the rushed at midnight desert challenge. To do both of these screwed up challenges in one episode was pretty shitty. I haven’t really liked or enjoyed any of the challenges so far to be honest.
  15. So happy at tonight’s result. It was obvious to me just looking at the dishes who would go home before Tom tasted anything. Only one dish looked liked something I might throw together for breakfast. That was the loser without question. i don’t know the returning former chefs from other seasons though so I am free of any preconceptions. I don’t know what “fancy toast” means. I thought Natalie was robbed when she was sent packing and I hope she continues all the way to the end.
  16. Keyra has other reasons for being cut as I recall. Anyway I agree 100% that the rules don’t apply to all. It’s been made abundantly clear that the rules are unfairly applied. If it was a hidden secret of the DCC that rampant favoritism exists, it’s been opened for the world to see now.
  17. Is the show pure escapism? I can buy that now. Last season, I thought the show might grapple with real issues of censorship, sexism, and relationships while admittedly set in a beautified fictional existence. Maybe that is why this so predictable episode turned me off. I expected something different than what they were doing with the show.
  18. I don’t mind the kids being absent. I object to being shown active neglect. Just leave them out of the show.
  19. I think the show has pretty well demonstrated that every member of the family is self centered and happy to go chasing after whatever they want as individuals. Maybe that’s to show where Midge gets her enormous ego and entitlement from? She was raised with it? She’s certainly of a type with her father.
  20. I don’t think the rules have ever been strictly applied. I just don’t see the point of bringing up something Cassie is rumored to have done, or actually did, years and years ago. If it wasn’t public then, it matters even less now. Everyone saw the favoritism with Victoria and that will only get worse if she makes the team. She falls out of turns and is “adorable” when anyone else would have been eaten alive. I can’t imagine how many rules she will get away with breaking once she’s on the squad. On another note, I don’t see why the girls can’t date players if they keep it quiet. I thought it was to protect the girls, but I’m not sure. The players don’t pay any price for dating and dumping the cheerleaders.
  21. Cassie gets hate all these years later. She might be the most hated DCC ever.
  22. Ok I agree I may have been looking at Jenna through the Kelli lens that Jenna had stepped up to be a leader as requested and she was therefore more responsible for Holly. Looking at her as just a “friend” and possibly “bad influence” on Holly, it’s more than fair to say she made human errors that she very publicly paid for on the show. Holly paid too - including them keeping in the scene of her top falling off.
  23. I’m not the biggest Cassie fan but dropping hints and gossip is just rude and unfair, to me at least. My view is say what she’s accused of or leave it. At this point, I don’t judge any of the girls for being human and making mistakes. I judge Jenna for dragging an underaged girl with her, but that’s because it’s illegal. I was never a Jenna fan much anyway so it’s easy to dislike her.
  24. I may be in a minority but I felt this episode was way over the top and predictable. As soon as the rumor of the unseen masterpiece was floated, I knew Midge would somehow charm herself into seeing it. Of course she buys a 25 dollar painting of a woman from the woman knitting in the back room Of course that painting charms the most talented artist to show her his most precious work oh and the hat too. Ridiculous. Could the show be any more superficial, pretentious and obvious? ( throw in Yoko Ono too while you’re at it show) This may be the episode where I started to dislike the show and not just dislike Midge. My dislike of Midge solidifiedin the episode where she left her baby ( but not her clothes) in the hot car and then was extremely rude to Benjamin. She’s an awful person even in her fake fantasy tv show world. Everything I like about the show is the real world stuff behind the show- the energized acting, the pretty fantasy of the upper west side life, the direction. The actual show is very thin.
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