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Everything posted by TeeVee329

  1. And there it is. Rafe turned to drugs not because of his crappy childhood, not because his mother was murdered, not because his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish, not even because Sam and Silas have been neglectful guardians. He had to take drugs because he loves Molly and she doesn't love him and it ruined his life. Shut the hell up, Rafe.
  2. Oh I'm not saying that Jimmy Deshler is helping matters. But after his initial introduction story was over, his back story was pretty much shelved and Rafe was just some bland, well-adjusted kid pining for his female friend and hatching junior high schemes to get her attention. No actor was going to be interesting in that kind of story. They're taking the character somewhere darker now with the (out-of-nowhere) drug problems, but likely, his reasons for doing them won't boil down to his tortured upbringing or even the clear neglect from Sam and Silas, but because Molly doesn't like him wah!
  3. Kassie dePaiva is making her "Days of our Lives" debut this week. I'm not into "Days" at all, but I might check out some of her scenes, though it'll be weird seeing her playing someone other than Blair.
  4. I think the character of Rafe had a ton of potential. This is a kid who lived on the streets his whole life, who had an unstable mother who was murdered, who found out his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish. But Ron stamped anything interesting out to make him the latest Ford, the latest Trey, etc.
  5. Hey all - just posted on FanFiction.net a one-shot I wrote back in 2010 of Kyle Lewis visiting Schuyler Joplin in prison following Schuyler's Rossening. Hope you enjoy! And feedback please! https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10455048/1/The-Sky-shank-Redemption
  6. Delightful. Though I'm guessing it was a set-up for Prince Nik to come riding to the rescue? Blech.
  7. I missed Friday, anything worth checking out? Britt was on, right?
  8. Ditto. That scene really sealed my love for both Natalie and this show in general.
  9. OMG Ric isn't dead after all, what a...non-shock. I just don't see the end game here that's worth letting a teenage girl think her father is dead. And it sucks that now Nathan, like Dante before him, has to take a public hit to make this ridiculousness work. And you just know that Nik is gonna be all huffy that Liz isn't gonna want to jump his bones now that Ric is "dead" and that Ric's eventual return from the "dead" will kick off yet another spin on the Niz merry-go-round. Barf. Shut up, Nina.
  10. I thought Silas "losing" Nina was supposed to explain why he was all cold and closed-off ("Your baby has cancer, laters!") when we first met him and that Sam, like, brought him back to life or some other such bile.
  11. I must admit, I was surprised Silas came clean so quickly about being in a relationship. I thought we were in for WEEKS of Sam and Silas shooting "longing" looks at each other over an oblivious Nina's head.
  12. I'm all for friendships between the opposite sex, but the above made me realize that Patrick doesn't have one guy friend.
  13. I'll admit that I haven't watched the non-Kish parts of that story in quite some time, but IIRC, Viki was around, but we weren't seeing her campaigning, seeing debates with Dorian (which the characters referenced, but sadly happened off-screen), seeing her investment in winning, etc. She was helping her daughters and Charlie with their problems. And on Dorian's end, it was mostly about whether or not she would take another chance with David or continue her deceit to win the election and one-up Viki.
  14. If Christina is in the Molly/TJ orbit, I hope that Christina and Molly will be friends and not insta-enemies like Molly and stupid Taylor were. Hopefully Christina already having a boyfriend will help that cause. The Dr. O/Helena rumors have been around for so long, but I'm sorry/not sorry, I'd love to see scenes between Kathleen Gati and Constance Towers, be they flashbacks or present day.
  15. Clearly they wanted to excise Mitch from the show in 2010 (funny enough, a Mitch story centered around John and Rex and Mitch mostly being in a hospital bed when he wasn't trying to rape his daughter wasn't a huge hit), but they didn't need to undo making Rex his son to make that happen. Stick Mitch in a maximum security prison far, far away and move on to something else. But for some reason, the thought they audience wanted to see another "Who are Rex's parents?" story while ignoring the much more interesting story with Schuyler and Roxy they should have pursued. As for the Dorian pretending to be gay to win the mayoral election story, I think one aspect that's never really discussed with regards to its success or failure is that I think the audience resented being told they were getting a Viki vs. Dorian story with the two really going head-to-head for the mayoral seat when that's not really what the story ended up being about at all. It started off fun with Viki tricking Dorian into taking David on as her campaign manager, but then it was just a few scattered scenes of Viki clucking at Dorian's deceit and then Viki was off being worried about her daughters, Nash being dug up, etc.
  16. Honestly, given Felix's insistence that Patrick would for sure pick Sabrina when Robin returned, I wouldn't be surprised if he had the wedding dress pressed and flowers on standby at all times. Shut up, Felix, gawd!
  17. OMG the quarry! That place was like THE spot back when I first started watching. I remember Natalie spent a good amount of time there angst about Cris and the like. Good times!
  18. I get what you're saying about the writing subverting the audience's desire for Bo to be Rex's dad by making Clint his papa instead and that was smart, but I still hate that retcon from top to bottom, from the very minute Roxy was no longer his mother and Rex was just this perfect, healthy baby that Allison replaced sicky, weakly Schuyler with.
  19. Not following - how did the 1960s time travel storyline set up Rex being Clint's son? At that point, the writing was still very much on the wall that Rex was going to be revealed to be Mitch Laurence's. And the 1960s time travel didn't factor into any of the ridiculous retconning that came later (the Wittle Orphan Rexie locket, the Rexes with Wolves psych-out, Rex suddenly being older than Natalie and Jessica).
  20. Huh. I wonder what that moment entails since Nik was acting like he wouldn't spit on Britt if she was on fire the other day. And OF COURSE Liz is jealous. Ugh.
  21. Wow, that week sounds very Franco/Carly/Sonny and Nina-centric. No thanks.
  22. I thought Noah was in Seattle. Didn't he and Bobbie like just break up?
  23. I also couldn't believe that Rafe's defense is that he's just DOING drugs, not SELLING them. Shut up, Rafe.
  24. Not a great episode for women. We have Lulu, who has just been reunited with her child, but is instead focusing on having/carrying the next one as soon as humanly possible. We have Nina, whose only amibition in life, apparently, was to make her husband snacks and have his baby. And we have Sabrina, who, natch, has gone crazy over the death of her child and has retreated to a happy place, her wedding day.
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