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Everything posted by TeeVee329

  1. I think that's why I didn't have too much of a problem with it either. It's not like Britt told Spencer one thing while her true agenda is something different. She wants her, Nik, and Spencer to be a family and Spencer wants that too. I might have missed this because, let's face it, I was only half paying attention. But was there some kind of explanation why Liz was all set to go watch the fireworks with Nik and Spencer and her own kids were nowhere to be seen?
  2. Geez-us, Ron. Everything we've seen on-screen has indicated that Robin has had NO contact with Patrick and Emma or anyone else since she's been away, and that that phone call Victor facilitated was the first time Patrick talked to Robin. And then he gets all uppedity on Twitter. Dude, we're not psychic. If it's only in your head and not in the show, how are we supposed to know?
  3. Okay, the show actually got me. I figured the accident was Rafe just being high, I didn't think someone (Fluke?) put him up to it. But writers, TJ pointing out that it's weird that he's having a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex doesn't actually explain why you wrote a scene where TJ has a conversation with Alexis about whether or not he and Molly have had sex. Today may have been the Rosalie tipping point for me. As for Britt and Spencer, meh, I didn't have a problem with it.
  4. Christina showing up was my one hope of actually seeing Lucy and Kevin again. When was the last time, mid-May? Unacceptable!
  5. We know Nina still has access to her Reeves money so I assume she hit up the ATM a bunch of times before coming to Port Charles to put her plaaaaaaaaaaaaans into motion. Starting up a revenge scheme takes some capital.
  6. Ugh, I could totally see that happening. If it does, Michael better dump her and dump her HARD. Honestly, he never should have gotten back with her after the way she sided with Franco during Carly's kidnapping.
  7. Sorry, show, but I don't care about any of this. Patrick wanting justice for baby Gabriel. Sam, Silas, and Kiki suddenly caring and being all concerned about Rafe. Do. Not. Care. Nina crowing about all the progress she made splitting up Silas and Sam? Uh, what progress? She managed to interrupt one date. Wow, what an accomplishment. And why does she constantly call Sam trailer trash? It doesn't really fit with anything Nina would have heard or seen about Sam at this point. Plus, Sam is living in a penthouse apartment while you're crammed into a crappy apartment with Rafe, Kiki, and Silas, Neens. Ugh, what fake, lame drama with Alice finding out something about Tracey and Fluke's plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans and immediately being incapaciated.
  8. Hold up, are you guys making fun or is there an actual spoiler that hints at Franco being the new camp counselor?
  9. Hey, maybe my girl Dr. O reports Levi to immigration. In her warped mind, it would be helping her son, just like she's helping Britt try and win back Nik. And that'd certainly be using her evil genuis for good!
  10. Is today the last new episode of the week or are we being subjected...I mean treated...to one tomorrow as well?
  11. Very well said, dubbel zout! And yes, the term is being incorrectly applied to Levi. The Rossened character is usually one the audience likes (past examples from OLTL include Schuyler, Brody, and Ross himself) who are character assassinated in a transparent attempt to make another character who Ron favors (in these cases, Rex, Ford, and VicTodd) look better. A better GH example would be if TJ suddenly became an abusive asshole who ripped the heads off of kittens for sport, thereby making Rafe look like the better suitor for Molly. In that case, TJ would have been Rossened. That actually wasn't the character I was thinking they would cast JPL as, but I can see why your mind went there lol.
  12. Obviously Ron will do what Ron wants, but it doesn't really make sense that Britt would have lied about the eggs. She wanted to lessen her guilt by giving Dante and Lulu a non-Ben baby. It just grates to no end that they wiped out the root cause of so much stupid drama the last year or so in such a lame, lazy manner.
  13. If Levi ends up being related somehow to Mac, I will have to punch my TV. And I like my TV!
  14. Wait, so Lulu now is just able to carry the embryo or can she get pregnant the old-fashioned way again? Because if it's the later, I wouldn't be surprised if Ron's got yet another WTD story up his sleeve. Ugh.
  15. But Fluke also told Luke that he's been watching him for years and waiting for the right moment to replace him. I don't know what Trevor Lansing would have against Luke.
  16. OMG Lulu can carry a baby of her own, how excizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Poor Rocco, clearly Lulu is going to love this next baby more because it'll come flying out of her va-jay-jay and not Britt's. Am I to believe that crazy Alison took Rafe to get his learners' permit? Because I refuse to believe Silas did. Shut up, Kiki.
  17. Word. I won't even put it out in the universe, but you just know what character Ron and Frank would try to recast with JPL.
  18. You can't Rossen someone who's already irredeemably awful. Isn't his three months up yet?
  19.  Off-topic: I too adored Roxy. Though you're spot-on that too much of her focus was alternately on Rex or John, I loved her relationships with Natalie and Kyle. It's a shame that OLTL too often just used Roxy for comedic relief when Ilene Kristen would always nail the dramatic scenes they gave her (particularly the scenes between her and Scott Clifton when Roxy realized Schuyler was her biological son). On-topic: But like I said, as much as it's nice to see her and it's great Ilene Kristen is working, Delia I can't get into at all because she seems to exist just to do dumb schemes within the Silas-Ava orbit. And if Sonny is such a big bad mobster who is itching to kill Ava once she has that baby, why did he so easily acquise to Delia staying at his house? It's dumb.
  20. This week's promo showed Patrick and Emma and, separately, Britt, Nikolas, and Spencer watching the fireworks.
  21. In the real world, at least, a judge who would arraign Maxie for trespassing wouldn't be a family judge, but this is Ron we're talking about. Of course, if she were to get arrested, the record of that would make it to her next custody hearing.
  22. I remember at the end of the first round of The Nina Show when they had Silas spout all this random exposition about Kiki and their relationship and it was all just pathetically sad because it was clearly a last minute Band-Aid. And that's exactly what was happening today with Silas and Rafe, they threw in those scenes in advance of the truth of Rafe's out-of-nowhere drug problem and the accident comes out to deepen what is a nonexistent bond. The writers haven't cared about these family ties for months. So trying to get us to suddenly care to move their stories along is such a lost cause.
  23. Hold up, when last we saw Delia, wasn't she plotting with Sam and Silas against Ava? Why the change of the heart, the baby?
  24. Oh I wouldn't call Eddie Alderson a pet of that regime, not the way Matthew was thrown under the bus for Dani and Nate (although Frons had his finger in that as well) and then coma-ed for most of 2011.
  25. Knowing this show, Tracey will throw in with Levi as part of her plaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaans to unseat Michael at ELQ. Ugh. Poor Edward must be rolling over in his grave now that the likes of Franco and Carly are able to wander the halls of his beloved company.
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