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Everything posted by TeeVee329

  1. Personally, I've always found Robin's reason for leaving - that she knew what it was like to be held prisoner, alone and scared, thinking nobody was coming to rescue you, that you would never see your child again, and that she wasn't going to damn another person to that if she could help - perfectly plausible.
  2. LOL so much for worrying you were going soft on Kiki, peach!
  3. I guess not believing her about Fluke's lecherousness advances? Meanwhile, I still remember Kiki bitching and complaining about Tracy and Monica being witches when they rightfully threw her and Morgan out of the Q mansion because, you know, Kiki made suuuuuch an effort to get to know her new family and all. Shut your trifling ass up, Keeks.
  4. Geez-us, Kiki being an insufferable bitch seems to be the theme of this week's episodes. Her snottily passing judgement on Tracy and acting all put-out when Michael (foolishly, but it's still his decision to make) decided to give her a chance was insanity. It's not called ELKiki. Everything about the Silas-Sam-Nina story is so cliche and boring and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I've had more than my fill of women fighting over Michael Easton characters, thank you very much.
  5. Yeah, I would suspect that's more a dig at Valentini. Ron's the one who pulled Nora out of mothballs after Dena Higley's reign of terror.
  6. And Kiki standing there super smug all, "You want a job at OUR company, old lady?". Ugh x two.
  7. Melgaypet, you're making me blush, I am beyond flattered that my little story inspired you! That first chapter of "Our Life To Live" was actually the first piece of fan fiction I ever wrote, because I was so upset when the show axed Kish and it gave me a blank canvas to brainstorm and explore all the stories I feel like they missed out on with them. And considering how wonderful "Beer and Babies" is, I am more than happy to shoulder the blame lol. I am going to post more comments on the story itself, but I hope it is the first of many! And while I'm doling out compliments, Dandesun, the efficient and spot-on evicerating of characters like Kelly and John and Rex within "A Sort of Homecoming" has been an absolute delight. And you managed to squeeze in Fish (if I'm being greedy, I'd love to see a scene where Todd encounters Kyle and they talk Rebecca)! Really enjoying it.
  8. Something about how Lulu dismissed the idea that it would be upsetting to see baby Connie/Georgie again irked me. There was a slight undertone that it only really counts if Lulu carries and gives birth to a baby herself, which obviously bugs.
  9. It still sticks in my craw to this day the absolute trashing (or Ross-ening) Schuyler endured to wash away all of Rex's sins and pave the way for Rex and Gigi to get back together. It didn't even make any sense. Yes, Schuyler made major mistakes. But how does that change the fact that Rex slept with Gigi's sister and lied about it? That he basically threw her out of her own home? That he called her a whore when she dared to pick another man and threatened to take her kid away? And I hated how everyone acted like Schuyler was some on-the-edge wacko all along and that him holding Gigi hostage and shooting at Rex wasn't a big shocker, never mind that Schuyler had probably just endured the most traumatic day a person could have (gets drugged, has his child kidnapped, is ordered by an insane woman to break a psychotic murderer out of jail, finds out his mother isn't really his mother, finds out his father is said psychotic murderer, and then finds out that the child he risked everything for isn't his).
  10. Ugh, Kiki needs to stop appointing herself the expert on all of the relationships in Michael's life. She knows nothing about Carly and Jax, she's never even met Jax, so she needs to keep her snout out! Dante tearing into Sonny today - and standing up for Morgan as well as his mother - was a delight.
  11. The "He had a brain tumor!" excuse has definitely become the "We were on a break!" of this show.
  12. Oh, I missed that. I must have zoned out because...Kiki.
  13. I too am excited about the possibilities of the brownstone, though Kiki being involved dampens things from the start. And if it gets all Love House on us, I'll be denying I was ever interested in it. Does anyone else think this might have been a better story for Lulu and Dante than their eight millionth pregnancy storyline? Or even jobless, no life outside of his love triangle Lucas, who actually lived in the brownstone for a decent chunk of his childhood?
  14. Stinger97, I thought Michael was calling Jax in the preview for tomorrow. Serial Drama has a delightful entry on Joss' nut-kicking debut! http://serialdrama.typepad.com/serial_drama/2014/06/kids-say-the-most-insightful-things.html
  15. Michael certainly stuck to that party line today, even throwing out the ol' "It was the brain tumor!" excuse. Speaking of...previews...I wonder why Michael is calling Jax because I'm certain it's not to object to his sister living in the same house as a SERIAL KILLER. Also, a) Michael continues to look like a little kid playing businessman and b) Chad Duell must be getting sick of that one set.
  16. I'm gonna enjoy the Franco hate while it lasts because you know, sooner than later, Joss and Franco are going to be BFF and we'll be expected to swoon at how cute it is and how Roger Howarth is just great with kids blah blah blah.
  17. I'm actually glad we got a scene of Morgan venting about his screwed up life directly to Michael and not via Kiki for a change. He's an early twenty-something, I don't have a problem with him going to his older brother for some sympathy and some help. And considering how ridiculous it is that Michael - who hasn't graduated from college AFAIK - is now the CEO of a major corporation, I'm not gonna bat an eye if he gives Morgan some kind of job.
  18. It sounded from Joss' outrage that she didn't know Franco was moving into the house, which makes me think Jax doesn't know either (and I wouldn't be shocked if Carly makes Joss lie to Jax about it). But yes, I too can't imagine him willing sending Joss back to live under the same roof as a SERIAL KILLER. At least Morgan expressed outrage and promptly made plans to flee to SERIAL KILLER free living quarters. The whole thing was just so dumb. Franco has truckloads of stuff? He's been living in a hotel after however long on the run/underground and he has no money.
  19. Kiki admonishing Ava for telling Morgan she loved him only to break his heart and move in with his father was more than a little rich. What exactly do you think you did, Keeks, when you told Morgan you loved him before publically dumping him and moving in with his brother the very next day? Shut the hell up, Kiki, you hypocrite bitch.
  20. Yikes, that would have been worse! I was so happy to see Juan yesterday because I knew Sabrina's exit from the canvas was finally here! And naturally, #1 Sabrina Cheerleader Michael Fairman had to make a big deal about her farewell. http://michaelfairmansoaps.com/news/general-hospital-patrick-and-sabrina-say-goodbye/2014/06/17/#more-72527 And really...what is left for Sabrina when she gets back?
  21. I don't think the Duke/Anna baby lived. Not even Ron is going to do two "turns out there was no miscarriage!" stories back-to-back and I'm convinced Silas and Nina's stupid kid is out there waiting to ruin our lives. I think Duke just keeps bringing it up because it's the fuel for his rage and need to get revenge on Julian.
  22. Speaking of people who were and weren't at the funeral, I thought it was a tiny bit odd that Britt wasn't there, given how invested she got in baby Gabriel's care. But I guess since we're swinging back towards "the Britch" (sigh), we're supposed to forget all about that.
  23. Exactly. I totally get that Duke's hatred of Julian and the Jeromes kept him going during his long stint in the Turkish prison, but he has Anna again and he's the one who's threatening their relationship with his antics, not Julian. Like I've been saying, Julian does not seem to remember who Duke is 80% of the time. It's sad how much I'm starting to not like Duke. I blame Sonny.
  24. AJ got a funeral, it was just terrible. Poor Edward's, however, was completely off-screen.
  25. I'm sure it made Ron giggle himself silly, but I too thought it was dumb. Why weren't Mac and Felicia at the funeral?
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