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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be on social security by the time this endless episode is finally over.
  2. If it's pink, I think that's because you got a whole bunch of likes. Which would be a good thing!
  3. Gained 43 pounds. Just let her go home and do her thing. She obviously does not want to change.
  4. Props to Dr. BV for not validating Schneeeeeeee's delusions.
  5. OMG, now Baby Vocal Fry Voice is whining to Dr. Baby Voice that Dr. Now was mean to her. I DON'T KNOW HOW MUCH MORE OF THIS I CAN TAKE.
  6. I feel like this episode is what a bad acid trip feels like.
  7. "I graduated college. I graduated high school at 16. I'm very knowledged." *dies laughing*
  8. Oh, girl, please. LAYING AROUND EATING ALL DAY DOES NOT EQUAL "BUSY"NESS. Try getting a real job like the rest of us. You'll soon learn what being "busy" means. And now she's having a theological discussion with Dr. Now? Schneeeeeeee, God helps those who help themselves. I think she may actually be WORSE than Lisa.
  9. Oh geez, it's Lisa, the Sequel. Same attitude, same avoidance of eye contact, same crocodile tears. Why do these folks always think they're the first to play these games with Dr. Now?
  10. Now she's OD'ing on water pills? and weighs 712??? I can't even anymore. Stick a fork in me. I'm done with this chick.
  11. Cue the 17 pound weight gain from her "cheating a few times" and let's begin the section where she tries to fake some sort of health issue to get Dr. Now to forget the part where she keeps missing appointments and weigh-ins.
  12. Psychotherapy? Please, oh please, let it be Dr. Baby Voice. That's the only thing this episode is missing. Dr. BV and her atrocious wig du jour. *crosses fingers*
  13. Also, this mattress makes me look fat.* *shout out to James K.
  14. That's one fridge each. That math works out perfectly. You mean everybody doesn't have their own fridge?
  15. Confession: I just sent an angry text to my husband because he hid my chocolate egg so the kids didn't eat it while I was at work, but he neglected to tell ME where he put it. The eff word may have been involved. 23 years of marriage and I had to explain yet again why you don't hide a PMSing woman's chocolate. It's like he's new here.
  16. Omg, her stress level must be off the charts! I mean, it’s crazy stressful to sit there and shove tacos into your gaping maw while everybody around you obeys your shrill, shrieked commands. Poor Schneeeeee. Nobody understands how hard her life is.
  17. What the french, toast? That breakfast was just a plate of carbs. Next weigh in, I predict she's gained 28 pounds.
  18. I visited a hospital once. That makes me a doctor. Oh wait, you mean that’s not how that works? Shoot.
  19. Mama Schneeeeeeee is definitely filling out that chair. Dr. Now should do a BOGO for them.
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