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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. I wanna take a Mr Clean Magic Eraser to her face. Good gravy. Does she use a trowel to spackle it on?
  2. My post-three-children-bladder just gave out from me laughing so hard at this. Thanks. Now who's gonna clean up this mess???
  3. Here comes Dr. Now to burst Charity's bubble. Bwahahahahaha!!! Charly is taking responsibility for her actions? Wow. I'm totally in shock.
  4. This one time, I thought I gained like 60 pounds, but it turns out it was just the extra-fluffy air mattress I was lying on. Whew! Talk about a relief!
  5. Doesn't look like it. Unless you subscribe to the Penny and James way of measuring weight loss and just go by skin "looseness".
  6. Hi, I'm Jen and my "drugs" of choice are jewelry and home appliances. I may or may not have like six easy pays going right now...
  7. It's the frigging easy pay, man. Gets me every time. I'm such a sucker for "get it home now for just a few dollars, and take six months to pay!" Home shopping is soooo like crack to me.
  8. Wouldn't it be nice if your biggest "accomplishment" of the day was being hauled like an enormous sack of potatoes to a table where you sat and prepared some food. How do I get a life like that? I'm so totally over getting up and walking. I've been doing it for 45 years. That's enough, right?
  9. Did hell just freeze over? Milla is wearing actual CLOTHES. I'm in shock here.
  10. She does look great, but she's heading right back where she was. One "cheat meal" a day is not a cheat--it's your eating habit! These people are so dense it makes me want to punch something.
  11. "I don't understand why we both gained weight. We cut back to one super-sized fast food meal a day. We should have lost 50lbs each!"
  12. Why yes, the first thing i do when i get a lousy report at the weight loss doctor's office is scarf down a ginormous bag of fast food. Or not. It can go either way.
  13. How can Milla not go see her dying husband? How is she not moving heaven and earth to get there? I can't even.
  14. Ooooh, Dr. Now is delivering a heaping helping of TRUTH to Charly. And it's hot and fresh! *edited to correct autocorrect.
  15. Their relationship skeeves me out so badly. He just seems so...not all there.
  16. Hey, how y'all doing? How are your eating habit? Charley weighs more than Charity now. Daaaaaaaaamn. I knew she was getting bigger by the minute but I didn't realize she weighed as much as she did.
  17. Go Brittani! I'm so excited for her. She knew she slipped up, acknowledged the fact that she was responsible for her weight gain, and worked her butt off to fix it. Literally.
  18. I don't think Sean has ever experienced true hunger in his entire life. Mama wouldn't let her baby ever feel a single hunger pang.
  19. Sean's vocal fry is making me stabby. Brittani is so cute. I hope she didn't gain any weight.
  20. I'm an hour into the second showing, and all I can come up with is I HATE STEVEN WITH THE FIERY PASSION OF A THOUSAND BURNING SUNS. He just "accidentally" spilled his urine. What a horrid, selfish, childish, spoiled, disgusting waste of 800 lbs of flesh he is. Now he's sobbing like a baby. Manipulative bastard. How the nurses didn't "accidentally" give him an air embolus ("Oopsie!") is a testament to the oath they pledged to do no harm. I'm pretty much hate watching at this point. One hour down, three hours and eleventy hundred snarky comments left to go!
  21. I honestly don't recall ever feeling so positive and hopeful at the end of an episode before. I wish her all the best and hope she continues to succeed.
  22. I thought I heard them refer to her as Mrs. Matthews at Dr. Now's office.
  23. One thing I've learned from this show is that I have no idea how rice works, apparently.
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