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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. Half a pizza and some grapes. That’s not how this works. It’s not how any of this works.
  2. Seriously. Someone pass the eye, ear, and brain bleach, please.
  3. Did he find a fricking Dorito bag in her fat fold???? *dies*
  5. I can’t tell if it means that I’m winning or losing at parenthood right now that my boys are in here taking bets on how much weight she gained. Winning?
  6. Oooh, Herburt’s gonna have to make another trip to the Wal-Mart! No rewards for him until he replenishes the stash!
  7. “I cheated a little.” Translation: 27 Big Macs later, she’ll be trying to rationalize why she gained weight at her next appointment with Dr. Now. Also, how sad is it that SITTING UP is considered “exercise”?
  8. Hello, Herburt the enabler. Cue the 60 pound weight gain.
  9. I’m predicting a 56lb weight gain when she gets home. Also, I seriously dislike her. I don't like her attitude or her smirk or her snotty attitude. I dislike that she seems to think that weight loss is a passive thing and that she needs to do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to help herself. Everybody else is going to do it all while she lies there like a grumpy lump. (I guess I really don’t like her attitude since I mentioned it twice in one sentence without realizing that I did that.)
  10. Lisa made a comment earlier about how sad her kids would be if she didnt wake up and my first thought was, “No, they’d probably be relieved to get their lives back.” Because none of them is truly living while they have to wait on her hand and foot. Selfish cow that she is. The entire world revolves around her, dontcha know.
  11. Holy hell. Theres a team of forty three big men there to haul her ass outta that bayyyyeddd.
  12. Oooh, I hope her daughter stands her ground. Because Lisa looks like she has absolutely zero chance of being successful on her own.
  13. Omg, is she seriously shoveling food in her maw while her whole lady garden hangs out? Lord, hammercy.
  14. *sings loudly and off key* Did you ever know that you’re my heeeeeeeero...you’re everything I would like to be. You are the wind beneath my wings.
  15. “I feel so bad that my grandson is being held hostage by having to care for me... ...but not enough to, ya know, change or anything.” I'm already pissed. Stories like this always make me want to snatch up these poor kids and take them far away from the hell they live in.
  16. If this is true then I REALLY regret eating dinner tonight.
  17. How y’all doing? How’s your eating habit this fine Wednesday evening?
  18. I have to remember to tell my boss to stop scheduling me until 9:00 on Wednesday nights because I’m so bummed that I keep missing the live chat! Next week had better live up to the hype. The past two weeks have been total snoozefests featuring boring, whiny people. I’m ready for some drama!
  19. Is it just me, or has anybody else noticed she just stands (or sits) and stares blankly into space a lot?
  20. If you can afford to move to Houston, you can afford a food scale, Alicia. They’re like $10 at Wallyworld and then there will be no question as to whether or not you’re eating too much.
  21. I know several people who have had WLS and they all had to go through about a year of mental and physical evaluations and weight loss goals before they would be approved for surgery. WHY ISN’T DR. NOW ADDRESSING THEIR MENTAL ISSUES??? It seems irresponsible and unethical to only treat the physical part of their problem and not the mental and emotional component. Every. Single. Person. on this show has past trauma that has led to them being 600+ pounds. And I’m not talking one session with Dr. Baby Voice, either. I’m talking intense therapy.
  22. Sooooo, she just did what she wanted and is surprised that the scale didn’t show a fifty pound weight loss. Ah, I love the smell of denial on a Wednesday evening.
  23. That was a big pile of something. If that was potatoes, she’s definitely not following Dr. Now’s diet.
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