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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. Awww, I'm getting all misty eyed over Diana's makeover. She looks great!
  2. Ashley seriously has the most gorgeous hair. I'm so jealous.
  3. Dr. Now is so cute when he gets to be proud of a patient. Way to go, Diana!
  4. OMG, y'all, I just spent three hours at a middle school band/orchestra concert. My eating habit is about to include ALL THE THINGS and also some booze. Did I miss a lot or is it another snoozefest tonight? I gotta find my glasses so I can do some quick catch up reading!
  5. I picked up on that same vibe. Also, that sad ponytail and the always-slicked-back hair is driving me bonkers. What does she put in there? Motor oil? Why is it always wet looking? I want to free her hair from that skinny little ponytail and wash it and let it just BE.
  6. I'm tearing up at how sweet he's being with them.
  7. I like these two and genuinely want them to succeed, but OMG, they are the human equivalents of Eeyore.
  8. Hey y'all! I can't believe I missed the first 50 minutes of the show. I can't even blame it on work. I'm having a helluva day and don't know my own middle name right now. My eating habit is chicken enchiladas tonight. Or what passes for chicken enchiladas around here. I'm sure they're an abomination to true Mexican enchiladas. Brandi and Kandi look good! It's such a change to see someone (or someones) following the plan and being successful.
  9. Dr. Baby Voice always sounds like she’s a really bad actress reading a script for the first time and she’s not quite sure how words work. It’s so odd and awkward.
  10. Susan: “I don’t know what more I can do at this point.” Oh, I dunno...maybe try doing ANY of the things Dr. Now has told you instead of crying about how scared you are constantly. Suck it up, buttercup, and get your act together. Oh, Bettie Jo, you are just the poster child for delusion. Every word that comes out of your mouth is just a big fat 600 pound LIE.
  11. This Bettie Jo cancer story has been going on for two years now and it’s all a LIE? I can’t even.
  12. Walking barefoot through the airport??? EEEWWWWWWWWW.
  13. I actually love it too. I fight my hubby to be the one who does it. He screws it up every time. Mostly because he won’t read the instructions! I’ve got a whole drawer full! Our decorating style is “Early American IKEA”.
  14. I’m having the hardest time focusing on this episode. It’s SO BORING. Theyre scared. They’re trying (but not really). Susan’s enabler Mom is toxic. BOR-ING. I’ve got a bunch of furniture I bought at IKEA today. You know this show is boring when the thought of assembling IKEA furniture is more exciting than watching this snoozefest.
  15. Is she salting ramen??? Omg, there’s like 3,000mg of sodium in that stuff!
  16. May I add “journey” to the list of words we’re banning? Everybody on this show is on a “journey” but most of them never seem to get anywhere.
  17. Everybody is scared and everything is hard. No one else has ever experienced hard things like the Poundticipants on this show.
  18. Guess she “cheated” more than a “few” times!
  19. I’m eating leftover pizza and not feeling an ounce of guilt. My eating habit are just fine tonight!
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