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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. I’d love to know what formula Dr. Now uses to determine how much weight they should lose. They’re all roughly in the same neighborhood weight-wise, but I’ve seen the weight loss requirement range from 20-150 lbs. It seems so arbitrary.
  2. Omg. That tiny little car. Whhhhyyyyyyyyyy??? She’s gonna end up with a DVT if she’s not careful.
  3. Can I just tell you how much I love your user name? It’s friggin’ AWESOME.
  4. He just walked in but I have the feeling he’ll get sucked in to the show again. It’s mesmerizing...
  5. Hey y’all! How’s your eating habit tonight? A whole dozen donuts. Damn, girl. Slow ya roll.
  6. She’s so freaking manipulative with her baby voice and phony acquiescence and fake tears.
  7. She had a bad week? Lady, you did NOT gain 63 pounds in ONE WEEK. She’s a lying liar who lies.
  8. I think that’s her version of exercise. ”I don’t know why I didn’t lose weight. I stared SO HARD for hours every day!”
  9. How would she get the car to the doctor for checkups? Do you think she straps the cat carrier to the scooter and scoots them both to the vet? (I’m aware there’s a place in hell reserved just for me.)
  10. Anybody else notice there are never tears when she “cries”? The eye closing during conversations is off-putting. Total deflection.
  11. Hubby: Boy, I hope Dr. Now’s office is within scooting distance of Janine’s apartment.
  12. Well, slap my ass and call me Susan! She made it onto the scale. I thought for a minute that three inch step wasn’t gonna happen.
  13. I’ll take “Things that don’t surprise me for $2,000”, Alex.
  14. Anybody else have a sneaking suspicion the number on the scale is going to be much higher than the 629 pounds she told Dr. Now she weighs? Hubby said that scooter needs nominated for sainthood for hauling her carcass around so heroically.
  15. So Dallas to Houston is an extra hour and ten minutes by plane and she couldn’t do it? Her problems seem to be mainly in her head. She convinced herself she couldn’t do it so she didn’t. And now she becomes the problem of everybody around her since she can’t do anything for herself.
  16. Hubby: What a drama queen! Suck it up, buttercup! You can see why he and I are so well-matched. We both have zero patience for whining.
  17. How can someone sound so self-aware and be so clueless all at the same time? I don’t have a good feeling about airplane ride attempt number two. Side note: my hubby is watching with me and I wish I could record his commentary and share it with all of you. It’s priceless.
  18. Oh my, another Bed Chef. This should be interesting.
  19. I dunno. Look what happened to Titanic. Milla might have a point... I'll show myself out now.
  20. Milla's daughter/daughter-in-law looks like she's the same size as Milla!
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