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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. Well, yeah. I cured my arthritis with the Baconator from Wendy’s.
  2. Well, the son brought in buffet trays of food, so there has to be at least a little some thing left for the kids to eat, I hope.
  3. My kids described them as looking like watermelons flopping around in garbage bags.
  4. How many kids does she have? I feel like I need a spreadsheet to keep up with all of this.
  5. How y’all doin’ tonight? Great googly moogly. Those boobs are GINORMOUS.
  6. Whoa. More 600 lb twins??? That looks like it’ll be drama-filled!
  7. So Elon is six months older than me. Think she’d adopt me? I need a mom. I would have pegged her as a few years older than she is. Maybe it’s the silver hair. She’s still divine though!
  8. Whaaa?! I had no idea. Then I DEFINITELY wanna be her when I grow up!
  9. Off topic, but that Maye Musk woman in the Cover Girl commercials is FABULOUS and I want to be just like her when I grow up. She’s stunning. Even my 12 year old daughter was exclaiming over how beautiful she is.
  10. That was my exact thought as well. Did you see the weird Mona Lisa smile on her face as he was leading her by the arm?
  11. Anybody else notice the “OMG, I’m so over this crap” look on the nurse’s face when Tamy was on the scale pretending she had no idea that she weighed 600lbs?
  12. I can’t imagine a life where just walking to the bathroom leaves me in such a bad state that my companions are asking if I need them to call the paramedics. That’s such a sad existence.
  13. How do you eat lying down like that? Does she like ALWAYS have indigestion from all that heavy food just laying in her gut? Ugh. I have heartburn just watching her eat.
  14. That photo of her standing sideways with her stomach hanging down. Oh. My. Dog. That looks excruciating. It’s like the muscles just gave up and it could tear off at any given second. It has to be so incredibly uncomfortable.
  15. I know they’re doing it for shock value, but seriously, can’t they throw a sheet or a blanket over her stomach? Good grief. It’s just right there all up in your face, isn’t it?
  16. Hey Pounders! I’m super excited to actually be off tonight so I can join the party! How y’all doin’ tonight?
  17. That smirk on her face as Dr. Now left really says it all, doesn’t it?
  18. She has an awfully high opinion of herself. Way higher than someone whose cooter hangs out all day should have. RUN, HERBURT!!!
  19. I’m loving Dr. Now’s no-bullshit attitude this episode. He needs to drop her as a patient and send her home so she can eat herself to death. Obviously, that’s what she wants. She will NEVER change.
  20. Dr. Now looked closer to slapping someone than I’ve ever seen him. He was so not having any of it.
  21. I have no sympathy for her and her histrionics. Poor poor baby. No one does anything for her. It’s her against the world. Send her ass home. Give her spot to someone who deserves it.
  22. Dr. Now said she should have been able to lose 100 pounds? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
  23. Lisa puts on a happy go lucky face? Are we talking about the same person?
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