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Everything posted by MrsRopersCaftan

  1. I love how they all think he’s never heard these threats/promises/declarations from a patient before. Sorry, LaShanta, you ain’t gonna show him nothing but a bigger number on the scale.
  2. Git her, Dr. Now! He’s wearing his sassy pants tonight. He’s obviously SO TOTALLY OVER these patients.
  3. Well, color me shocked. 3 pound loss. Whoopee. And y’all, someone ate half my bag of Cadbury eggs! Oh wait...that was me. Whoops.
  4. It has to be her version of sanitizing. Kinda like how she was dipping her fingers in that bottle of rubbing alcohol earlier.
  5. Baby Voice, “Can I have me uh peppawoni pizza?” It sounded like a three year old was calling in an order. Also, I smell a big, FAT weight gain.
  6. Dr. Baby Voice is really pretty. But have mercy, that hair. LaShanta looks like she’s “Single White Female”-ing Lola with her matching hair (and voice).
  7. I’m perplexed by the wearing of the gloves for random activities.
  8. There could be an entire person lost in there and you’d never know it. I’ll show myself out now.
  9. The way she switches from baby voice to normal voice is weirding me out. It seems like a manipulation tool. She seems very infantalized. (Is that a word?) I missed the backstory so I'll have to rewatch.
  10. Hey Pounders! I fell asleep and tuned in late, just as she was preparing deep fried wings in bed. What. The. Hell. Five minutes in and the baby voice is already grating on my nerves. Tonight’s eating habit is spicy sweet chili Doritos, Cadbury mini eggs, and raspberry tea. I’ll be Skyping with Dr. Now about my own episode tomorrow.
  11. This chick. She’s only interested in what she can use people for. Never in her 30 years has she ever done anything for anybody else. She’s a physical and emotional leech. At least she did Erica a favor and gave her her freedom..
  12. Wow, she really blindsided Erica with her goals. There was nothing there that wasn’t all about her, her, her. She’s used Erica horribly and I can’t blame Erica for being upset.
  13. I thought her dad was really sweet when she talked to him. Guess she can’t use that as an excuse any more.
  14. Those split-sleeve/cold shoulder shirts make me think of Bruce Banner hulking out and his clothes tearing into shreds. They are not a 600-pounder’s friend.
  15. WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY IS NOT A MAGIC PILL! Holy crap. She looks like a toddler next to Dr. Baby Voice!
  16. Erica: I won’t gain any weight! Narrator: But she DID gain weight. She gained a lot of weight. (That’s what I’m thinking is going to happen. She’s gonna slack and be stressed and boom! Here comes the PB.)
  17. I was thinking she looks like a troll doll. I’ll take my gasoline soaked panties now, please.
  18. The utter hilariousness of this giant woman walking this teeny tiny itty bitty widdle dog is killing me.
  19. “I hope all my hard work is worth it.” Hard work. HARD WORK. Exactly what kind of hard work involves lying around stuffing your face with peanut butter? Because I’d love to get into that profession. (I’m particularly grumpy tonight after three days of actual hard work at my job. I wish I could make a career out of eating.)
  20. I tuned in late tonight, but have been watching for a half hour now and still don’t even know where to begin. Does she think those blankets are like invisibility cloaks? Hello, that $4 Walmart blankie is so not gonna disguise the fact that you weigh almost 700 lbs, AJ. If I was playing a drinking game where I took a shot every time she says “me in Erica” I’d be unconscious on the floor right now.
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