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Everything posted by rab01

  1. I can't believe it's been almost a day since the show aired and there's only 2 pages in this thread. *sigh* How the mighty have fallen. Anyone else think the writers gave Tara the "you can't just switch sides" line specifically because she did switch? To heighten the irony and to relate it when she does eventually forgive him? ... <little voice> just me? ok, then; yeah it's probably too much credit to give them <little voice>
  2. Who said anything about trust? ;) j/k Of course you're right that he shouldn't trust her (he shouldn't trust any savior) but Eugene is supposed to be smart and into self-preservation so work it out -- (1) if she's a spy, treat her well and try to get information from her as she is trying to get it from you; (2) if she's just the boss' "wife" who's been sent there to be generically useful, treat her well because she is the boss' wife, (3) if she's just trying to be useful and pleasant because she has to be there anyway so might as well make friends, then treat her well because you could use more people in the Savior compound who don't hate you. Anyway you slice it, the smart play (and the decent play) is for Eugene to attempt to not be a sexist asshole. He just should absolutely never try to be romantic with her unless he enjoys hot irons.
  3. You just made me realize that maybe they're giving Tara the Andrea treatment - having her front-and-center and annoying in almost every episode to build up to a big (not so) shocking death.
  4. Time/continuity was more fucked up this week than last week when they were trying to mess up their timeline. So the people from Alexandria couldn't have taken more than a couple of days walking (also Rick arrived just after them and he had a car) but the prisoners are whining about exercise and Negan is already upset that Eugene hasn't made a ton of bullets when they just arrived at the factory to start up production?!? Also, on a shallow note, Eugene is supposed to be a virgin who's afraid of sex, right? Otherwise, there is no reason for him to antagonize a gorgeous woman who is trying to be friendly and helpful even if she's one of Negan's wives (if she is - I can't keep track). I think they talked about it on one of the Extra Hot Great podcasts (in a "will Dave hate this" segment).
  5. I don't mind the actress who plays Enid but if she can't cry on demand, don't give her two close-ups where she's fake crying with no tears. Also, I think they went silent on the Carl reveal because they were over the quota for Darryl spoken lines when he said a sentence in the swamp and another two sentences yelling at Tara.
  6. Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere but the shot of Rick under the tree at the end of Carl's funeral episode is also going to the be the last shot of this season, right? Also, it looks like his hand is bloody because he has another wound (maybe on his leg) so I'm betting that they are slightly tweaking the scene from the comics where Rick is hit with a weapon that may or may not have zombie guts on it but wins the war and has to decide whether or not to kill Negan before finding out he's going to survive the wound. If that's right, they are going to go into the summer hiatus with cliffhangers of whether or not Rick will survive and whether or not he'll kill Negan. *sigh*
  7. No, you won't. Because, if Heath comes back, it will be right after something exciting finally happens and they'll give him a three-hour flashback episode about what he's been doing and why that means CDB shouldn't just kill a villain they're facing.
  8. guilty pleasure tv show - storage wars food - ice cream (not guilty in quality but in quantity) Movie - I don't really feel guilty about it but I get sucked into Rudy and Invincible every time they're on (and they're on all the time). I was gonna catch up on some walking dead recently but Invincible was on again ...
  9. I know everyone knows this but Carl witnessed Negan murdering Glenn and Abraham less than THREE WEEKS before his death scene. I hold grudges longer than that over a co-worker who dumps their work on me but Carl is instantly forgiving the murder of two members of his family? Jesus Christ writers - you're supposed to work from the characters outward (how would they react and what are the consequences of that) not from the end result backwards (let's justify not killing Negan at the end of the season, and work backwards from there)
  10. If they had only waited two more weeks so as not to compete with the Olympics and the Oscars . . . We would have been able to point to these god-awful ratings as absolute proof of the results of their garbage decisions. As it is, we'll just have to be patient and wait one more week ;)
  11. They didn't even get that many viewers. This was the lowest rated midseason premiere they've ever had.
  12. Yeah. You remember when everyone was tired of them just wandering around the forest, starving and meeting one bad dude after another? Well then they reached Alexandria and comics readers knew that there was now a radically different type of stories to mine - the group trying to fit into a society again, strengthening an ASZ to deal with the reality of the world, meeting Hilltop and then the saviors and the kingdom, a war and then a new society at the other end. That could have been the guts of an interesting story but the show turned Rick into a semi-stalker of his twue wuv what's 'er name, turned our heroes into arrogant idiots, then dragged out the introduction of Negan and then made him worse than in the comics (which I would never have predicted) - all the while, playing stupid tricks with us about cliffhangers. The show's current management believes in brutality for its own sake and that's not only a depressing point of view, it's boring.
  13. In the comics, there is a several year time jump immediately after the end of the war with the saviors where there is a bustling and growing set of communities that seem to be largely at peace. In that world, Gimple took what was reality for the comics universe and turned it into a utopian dream of a dying teenager so ... the show has decided that the comics aren't bleak enough anymore [insert sarcastic laugh here]
  14. http://newsthump.com/2012/03/14/happy-steak-and-blow-job-day-cards-not-selling-well-admits-hallmark/
  15. I feel like it's only been about three weeks of show time between Glenn's death and now. I think we saw Savior's first collection run on ASZ within a day or so of the murders, then we saw them come back and kill the congresswoman's son a week later and then the war started before the next collection run. (I may have forgotten one ASZ collection run but that would still be less than a month.) Similarly, I think we saw 2 collection runs at the Kingdom, the first with pigs and the second with melons. As crazy as it sounds, I don't think they're messing up the continuity on Maggie's pregnancy. We just have to ignore how the actors are aging ...
  16. Yeah, and I think it's particularly a problem for the male characters. The women tend to speak more like normal people (even if they don't do things that normal humans do - I'm looking at you Andrea and Lori). I think Kirkman's fanboyism (emphasis on boy) gives all the monologues to the male characters which left the female characters to be written by actual screenwriters. It leaves the women often sidelined but at least seeming to have some knowledge of human speech.
  17. I think we were told this backstory when he was monologuing at the Father so maybe we'll be spared from having to see any of this bullshit. (Damn, I still have hopes for this show; I've got to stop that.)
  18. In the comics, the Governor has absolutely no depth or intelligence and is seriously the most cliched comic-book character of all of them. The Show turned him into something interesting. Before they hit this stretch, I was praying that the Show would do something similar with Negan and lose the harem bullshit (probably somewhere up-thread actually) but instead of making him more realistic and smarter, they made him dumber and more cartoony. So, I really do think that the Alexandria, Hilltop and Savior storylines had potential.
  19. the really weird thing is that this portion of the comics is better and more mature than the stuff they used for the early seasons - so why is the show worse?
  20. These idiots really have no fucking clue do they? Show us that before the break in real time and meh, fine. But after acting like it was something no one else could've devised? Either they're morons or think all their viewers are. Also, are they just going to ignore the snipers that Rick left watching Sanctuary who would've sent a runner to report back that much gunfire? I am so tired of being played by this show. Ever since they reached Alexandria, I've had to spend too much time explaining away shit that makes no sense and they've relied too much on stunts to cover up the stupidity.
  21. I'm the reverse - Carl dying sucks but sticking him under the dumpster would suck worse. I don't know whether I'm sticking with the show either way but pulling a fake-out on a zombie bite would be just bullshit.
  22. I don't think this something I WISH to see and I'm not even sure that I think the show is doing this but ... it seems odd to me that Michael and the judge are surprised by people changing after subjective years of new experiences and stresses; the show has told us that they are both smarter than humans even if humans don't make much sense to them and I think this would seem obvious to a being that can absorb the entirety of someone's life in the blink of an eye. The way it would all fit for me is if life on Earth is supposed to be just as much an artificial simulation as the other places we've seen but it's supposed to be the only neighborhood where people grow and change. What we think of history and technological improvements etc, etc are just the architects changing the parameters of the simulation. It's obviously not a new concept but would allow them to do another paradigm shift
  23. HE even furthered joke in a later interview show saying that he used to make fun of how long it took for Shelley Long to go through hair and make-up and now it took him twice as long to get his his hair done. I liked this episode but it was more about the feels than about the jokes. Eleanor's second-life was a little too predictable until she stopped by Cheers for a drink.
  24. This brings up an interesting point -- if Eleanor had rejected the offer just because she realized it was a test, she wouldn't have passed either. She's always been clever at seeing through the twists. She passed because she (1) instantly thought that she shouldn't leave behind her friends and (2) considered someone else's opinions and feelings (fake Chidi) in making the decision. I don't think there is any reason why the Judge should give any of them straightforward tests. I don't honestly think that would have adequately tested them so it's "fair" to hide the real goal and the standard against which they are being measured. I agree with Curly and others that Jason's test doesn't make a lot of sense -- are they really testing whether or not he's a dumbass? On the question of whether Tahani is a reliable narrator, I can believe that Tahani wasn't famous enough for Eleanor to have heard of her in the living world but Eleanor should know all about her sister if she really swept the grammy awards, right? If so, either (1) Camilla is not quite so successful in reality, (2) the show just decided that it wouldn't be all that funny for the Eleanor to make jokes about Camilla, or ... ?
  25. Yup, that and Kirkman saying essentially "Andy's great but we'd still be fine without him."
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