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Everything posted by Granimal

  1. Brava! I agree 110% with everything you said. Kristen should have painted her nails in solid in one of her Pop of Color shades, so that they stood out. Or if she had to do something "creative" maybe one accent nail in a different Pop of Color shade- not that that's unusual or creative anymore, but it would've shown off two Pop of Color shades. (Speaking of nails, Aviva's stepmother Dana Cody has her own shown on Qxygen now called Queen of Nails or something like that.) I'm in the minority here that isn't into Kristen's style at all. Most of the time I find myself not liking her outfits. And I despise her reunion dress (and cheap looking extensions). I tend to think outfits like that are unflattering to the breast-area. You could have the best boobs on the planet and that dress would still be unflattering. I thought that Bethany's outfit projected confidence and was chosen to showcase her Top Dog status. Still not sure why she's the "un-HW HW" but whatever you say Andy Cohen.
  2. This is why I said that I don't like the ladies arguing about who each other sleeps with. I listed Carole, Heather, and Luanne as examples of this. So it looks like we are in agreement here that slinging insults back and forth on who you are sleeping with is stupid and petty. They all pulled the same shit and it ain't pretty. Carole's was the most noticeable because she was the most animated/ yelling about it and there were clips of it. I'm not getting the disagreement here? Sounds like we're on the same page about this issue. And as far as I'm concerned, all the ladies who engaged in this behavior are all equally wrong for doing so. Luann age shamed Carole for her relationship and in return Carole slut shamed Luann for her endeavors- par for the course in HW land.
  3. This is my first season of PR, and I know nothing about fashion, so don't slaughter me! When Tim started drawing names out of the bag I turned to my viewing partner and said, "They'll pair Hanmaio with Edmund because he has immunity and they're looking to send Hanmaio home." Maybe I just "don't get it", but I hated her looks in the first two episodes and thought she should have gone home both those times. Therefore, I don't mind that she went home now. I think we've seen all there is to see from her. Big baggy shapless oversized clothes. Maybe someone out there is into that look, but I thought it was all a cop-out for poor sewing skills. I don't know, she just didn't seem to have the skill-set needed on this show. She would have been eliminated soon anyways, so I don't have any outrage for her departure. (For what its worth, I know people that would wear either one of Edmund's first two creations. I don't know anyone that would wear any of the outfits that Hanmaio made on the show.) Regarding the teamwork between Hanmaio and Edmund- I get being a thinker and thinking before you speak, but in your chosen career field you usually don't get that luxury. Though it was probably editing, it seemed like she never ended up answering his questions. It was a timed challenge in a competition in their chosen field of employment, so I get why Edmund was annoyed. I felt like Hanmaio gave up before they even began. She seemed defeated and unwilling to try the entire time. I don't dislike her or anything, but the way it was edited made her seem like she was not willing to collaborate and not clear about what she wanted. Then of course she told Edmund to shut up a few times. I guess its good that she's a small feminine woman, because had a man said that to his female partner there would probably be a lot of outrage. RE: Lindsey (the only person's name I can remember because of Kimono-gate) - I don't have a lot of outrage for her mistake. I believe that it was a mistake born of ignorance and not meant to be dismissive or racist. If she had replied, "Oh it's all the same," then I could see the outrage. I think she was frustrated and embarrassed and tried to cover it up by saying, "Oh it's just a style of jacket." I actually like Lindsay because I think she's cute (sorry 'bout it) and I like how she brought up the "honey"/ "sweetie" problem- even if it was only in her talking heads. Meh, I blame her partner for being condescending to her. I don't blame her for not confronting him about it. For all we know she said something and it wasn't shown*, and that's when her partner went into his little "poor-me" routine. Also, I didn't get the impression that she was horrified by older women or anything. She essentially said that "Matronly" was the kiss of death on this show. I don't know any woman of any age who strives to look matronly. I believe that other contestant's echoed this sentiment as well. Also, their models are in their twenties so they may look odd in a "Mother of the Bride" style dress. For what its worth, this is the definition of "matronly" I'm going off of- adjective: matronly: like or characteristic of a matron, especially in being dignified and staid and typically associated with having a large or plump build. (I know that "matronly" on the show was used as shorthand for "older", but that's the definition that popped up when I googled "matronly.") Now I personally don't think there's anything wrong with being "matronly", but Tim Gunn definitely implied that it was a problem or a negative, so I'm sure that contestants have noticed this. If this were a more diverse competition, where they were making clothes for various shapes, sizes, and ages of women- it wouldn't be a problem. I blame the narrow scope of the show (and the fashion industry in general) but that's a fight for another day. The other two- Merline and Joe were so hard to watch. I cringed during their whole segment. It reminded me of The Taming of the Shrew. Ech. The initial request was fine, but it should have ended there. I didn't like the continued conversation about taming Merline. Regarding Merline, anytime anyone does anything outside the "norm" whether on a sit-com or reality show, the idea is always floated that they may be on the autism spectrum. I don't know anything about Merline's health history, but I doubt that she's on the autism spectrum. I have two close family members who are on the spectrum and they are super honed into any task that they work on. They are also very introverted. I'm not sure if those are universal symptoms, just throwing that out there. I must not be paying much attention, because I haven't seen anything that would lead me to believe she's on the spectrum or on drugs. Maybe she's just an eccentric artist type. ***NOTE: My terminology for "on the spectrum" is probably outdated by now, and sounds clunky to the ear, hopefully my intent comes through regardless. I thought that all of the outfits were pretty bad. If I had to pick a winner it would probably have been the outfits for Greece or India. Is it just me or are there a lot of good looking people on this show? * I know there's always the argument that had Lindsey said something to her partner about calling her "sweetie"/ "hun" it would've definitely been shown. Still, I maintain that there's always a possibility that it wasn't shown for whatever reason. Her partner certainly didn't seem surprised when she went off during judging. -Edited for names
  4. Regarding the fake friends, I'm also confused as to why the heck the fake friends didn't commit to the story. If they were all Whitney, and Whitney made the "fake friends" in order to have a credible profile- why didn't the "fake friends" act like they knew Whitney? Had Whitney just decided to drop the charade already? The jig was up?
  5. I completely get why people use examples such as the "throwing pumpkins at mailboxes" comment and Shannon's reaction as a reason that people feel bad for David. I saw his comment as being a "not the right place at the right time" statement. I thought he only served to undermine Shannon in that situation, and that the two parents should have shown a united front at this point. This may be where the disrespect for Shannon comes in (re: "Yeah when you're drinking.) I think both parents need to keep their business out of their kid's lives, present a united front, and not tolerate disrespect towards the other parent. But with these two it'll be a cold day in hell before that happens. If my parents had disciplined me like that when I was younger, I would've turned into a brat too! Well the two girls shouldn't be put on TV like this anyways, so I give a big fat 0 in parenting to both Shannon and David.
  6. My first thought was that Shannon's producer "encouraged" her before Brook's birthday dinner. I imagined something along the lines of, "You signed a contract, you are obligated to bring this up tonight, we need to film this specific scene, if not you will be held in breach, etc. etc. Not to mention, you are being a bad friend to Vicki if you don't tell her what was said." But perhaps I have a BIG imagination. I'm just judging by how anxious and tearful she was the entire time. I think that she's scared of being off the show, scared of losing Vicki's friendship, scared of being alone. Perhaps she imagines if she were cut, then David would leave her for good, she would lose contact w/ Vicki, etc. etc. I don't know- rampant speculation, but she acted like a person who felt forced to do something that she didn't want to do. If this is the case or not, (and it very well may not be) I felt bad. This was very much a "shoot the messenger" situation. Vicki reacted very strangely. I wonder if Shannon sent Vicki a heads up text before dinner, and Vicki knew what was coming and left. Vicki probably has more power and say in her storylines than Shannon, and was pissed off that Shannon was going to bring it up on camera that evening. And Tamra is the QUEEN shit-stirrer. Dear God. My partner doesn't see it and it drives me crazy! She thinks she's sly, but to those of us that have seen her antics- she's clear as water. Ridiculous that she pretends to take offense to being called a shit stirrer when that is her main personality trait/function on the show. Add one that doesn't like Shannon and David bringing their kids on the show. They (well Shannon at least) got what she deserved for that. Bringing ten year old girls on a reality show to discipline them while your marriage is struggling in front of them? Not good parenting there.
  7. Neurochick, I just wanted to say thank you for bringing this up. I had never heard of this concept until I heard you mention it here and upthread. Since then, I've read up on the issue (especially the linked to casting list). Anyways, I wanted to thank you for bringing up a concept that I, in my little bubble, had no idea existed. Since reading and hearing more about it I totally get where your posts are coming from. Thank you for enlightening the uneducated/uninformed such as myself. Also agree that Nev and Max are not the two to tackle such an issue- maybe bring in one of their guest stars? I'm not sure what the correct approach is here. Feel free to delete this post if its off-topic, because this one was a total snooze-fest for me. My only comments are that it was ridiculous for Ayissha to drop out of school, especially to go help someone at the hospital, when said individual didn't even tell her what hospital they were at! I don't really understand what happened here- Ayissha knew that Whitney/Sydney was a liar, she had already changed identities at least once... There didn't seem to be the typical, "I love you," messages either. Instead it seemed like a whole heap of emotional/mental abuse. Very creepy. One question- if Whitney/ Sydney created a bunch of fake friends to respond to her profile, why didn't she pretend as if they knew her when Nev texted/ messaged them? And since when does Nev text the "friends"? Don't they usually send a DM or do a videochat? Why wouldn't Whitney say, "Oh yeah I know her- she's great." Infuriating episode. Ayissha was very pretty. Was Sydney/Whitney/Whatever her real name is- pretty? I don't know. I couldn't get past the mental/emotional abuse angle- this one really left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. God bless anyone who gets into a relationship with Whitney- she's one emotional abuser/manipulative liar. (This could be said for many episodes, but it really struck me here when she created fake people to dog on Ayissha so that she could be her "savior". And Ayissha even suspected as much and still couldn't let go! That's some powerful manipulation there. ETA: I thought that Nev and Max threw in the crazy stalker angle, because at one point in the episode it appeared that Whitney knew Ayissha and/or friended her friends on Facebook to keep tabs on her- i.e. "I have a feeling you're somewhere you're not supposed to be tonight," while Ayissha was hooking up with another girl. It would creep me out, but Ayissha didn't seem too bothered by it.
  8. I don't think this is a fair assessment. Maybe for "a lot of people", but not all. Carole is my favorite HW, and I posted in the first looks about how obnoxious I thought it was for her to yell, "YOU HOOKED UP WITH THE HOUSEBOY!" I'm just over these woman bringing out each other's sexual dalliances as a retort in an argument. As I said in the first looks- I don't like any woman using another woman's sexual experiences to insult her or to shame/degrade her or to be trotted out as fodder in an argument. Men don't use other men's sexual experiences as slights against them, why do women? Why feel the need to yell at someone for sleeping with (whomever)? Unless they're sleeping with your husband or boyfriend- stay out of it. Sexuality does not equal moral character and its a cheap put down to act as such. This goes for all the women- Luann, Carole, Heather. I have a problem with any of the women that do this. This is my opinion, and it has nothing to do with like or dislike of anyone in particular. I'm capable of seeing behaviors independent of my like/dislike for an individual, and if I have a problem with what someone says it had nothing to do with whether I like them or not. *Hopefully, this will be the end of this topic, or at least my end- as I feel I have already articulated my point and I'm going to stop rehashing it.* Anyways, as far as the reunion goes. I thought Carole looked the best she ever has. I'm surprised so many here think that flat-chested women don't look good in strapless dresses. I've always heard the opposite- that they don't work well with women with big boobs. To each their own. On my TV Carole looked youthful and radiant. Takeman's nails- Why didn't she just wear one of her shades of Pop of Color? Even if there is some PoC under all that mess- who can tell? I think she should have gone with a solid nail color from her brand to show it off. And yes, Kristen needs boob tape. Now that I look at it more closely, I love Ramona's dress. Second best dressed of the reunion- behind Carole. I hate Sonya's hair in that style. Sometimes she can sound somewhat coherent (talking about her judgement and how it was resolved) and other times she's on another planet. Is it an act? Does she believe her BS? I don't know. I think they're trying to set Bethany apart as the anti-HW HW, hence the outfit. I don't mind it- it relayed confidence. It was much better than Kristin or Heather's getup- which seemed to be trying to hard.
  9. This is exactly what I was trying to convey in my post that got deleted before this statement. In fact, I posted as such yesterday and it was deleted, and then this notice appeared. I was obviously on the same page. Glad it was brought to a mod's attention.
  10. Ha, even here Kristin is a non-entity. Kristin was the one shown rolling her eyes at Sonya's, "Mine's been ten years," comment. Carole was the one rolling her eyes about Luann singing as mentioned above. Luann's dress may be bad, but I didn't even notice it on first view, because Kristin and her boob job and fake hair look awful. They all looked bad. Carole looked the best/ most natural. She looked younger than she has before, so dating that chef must be working for her. I feel like Luann is faking the drama and Carole's reactions are either exasperation, or Carole is a much better actress than Luann. I think Luann is a tough broad, and she's all business, maybe hard to connect with because she doesn't seem to have any REAL emotional depth. In regards to Luann sleeping around. I think she tries to be discreet, and keep it for after the cameras go home. I don't care who she has sex with- I don't think bringing it up to shame her is a good look, MMV. Her sexual dalliances have no connection with her moral character or virtue or worth as a human being, so why shout them as an insult? "YOU SLEPT WITH THAT 21 YEAR OLD GUY AT THE HOUSE!" So what? Wealthy men do it all the time, why is this even an issue between the women? Ugh. You would never hear a man shouting that at another man during an argument. And I love Carole, so this is not me hating on Carole or looking for reasons not to like her. Bethany doesn't get the whole "homeless" thing and never will. She's completely out of touch. Changing in the car for an appearance on TV- what a hardship. Have you ever had to worry about where you next meal will come from? How you will get healthcare? How you will get transportation for a job interview? No? Then shut up. It didn't even bother me the first time she said it, but her stupidity of standing by what she said bothered me. There's a huge difference in someone that can buy a home and chooses not to for whatever reason vs. someone that cannot/doesn't have access to shelter! I don't expect Bethany to understand it, but to publicly double down. Watching the past reunions- there's a lot of non-reality, who knows any more what is real and what isn't. Like that whole Sonya/Harry thing. If that made it on air, surely we're being fed a pack of lies again this year.
  11. Okay, I guess I don't understand the subtle differences between sidepiece, fling, mistress, etc. If you screw my husband for at least 8 months and he moves out to be with you, be lucky if all I call you is "mistress". The poster (sorry its late) who quoted Teresa, "Is bitch better?" was spot on. And whether Shannon over shares or not, if you are my friend and/or acquaintance pumping me for details on my marriage while having sex with my husband- you're a piece of shit. At no level is cheating okay in my book. Stringing someone on for ten years? Spending a ton of money on some other woman? Irrelevant. The first time you screw my husband, there is no coming back or nuances. There is no moral high ground here that a woman screwing another woman's husband can take- particularly when said husband has children. And David, you broke the vows. I see through you. Get some balls and get a divorce if you're going to screw other women. Hopefully before Shannon finds your Ashley Madison account.
  12. I think you're right on the money there. I don't think Carole cares about having children. She's not running around like Kenya Moore. I believe she is childless by choice.
  13. I remember seeing them (Heather) barge in start yelling/crying and throwing open window shades dramatically. All of this talk of slut shaming. Yes, I wrote a lot about Heather's comments equating sexuality and morality in the appropriate episode thread, but since that's old news- sick of seeing all the age shaming of Carole dating a younger man. Who cares? If Adam was X years older than Carole, no one would be giving her crap. Believe it or not world at large- men in their twenties and thirties can and DO find older women attractive, sexy, and dateable. That being said, no offense to the chef, but I don't see the cute. Regardless, Luann is terrible for what she said. Unforgivable. This goes along with the worst comments in HWs history. Nothing can excuse it. Poor Carole was shocked and had no clue what to say. Well I'm sure her twitter followers and Heather will prep her for the reunion. Did anyone see WWHL after? They had each HW act out a scene from a NY based movie. Carole's was a total replica of Carrie on SATC. Of course it was "Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail", but they showed Carole sitting at a computer typing in a very Carrie apartment with a voiceover on relationships. Looked exactly like a deleted scene from SATC. ETA: And yes, Luann's comments were sexist re: being childless, and dating younger men (and hypocritical there).
  14. Yeah, I hate the term "Cougar", or in this case "Puma". Either way, its a double standard that I find irritating. It's almost as if people think less of a younger man who dates an older woman. Like "He could do better", as if "better" is younger, and they feel sorry for him, as if he "deserves" to "have" younger women instead. I just hate the idea that women are better younger and deteriorate with age.It's sexist and does a disservice to women of all ages. Good on Clay for seeing past the age difference. As far as the DE, I don't understand it. Maybe Steve only thought so far as to get out people who would leave behind the least allies in the house? I don't see any of the HGs being so angry that Jackie was evicted, that they now feel compelled to avenge her eviction and put Steve up. Ditto with Meg. I believe (?) that Meg is closest to JMac, but they probably knew that Jackie was the one who would end up leaving. Also, JMac and Steve are close-ish, so maybe he figured JMac had bigger fish to fry? Don't know what was up with Steve saying his balls were messed up during Veto. (Heh.) That was annoying if true, of course knowing Steve he probably just threw Veto.
  15. Haha! She doesn't say much and she wears sunglasses. Without those two things, she's useless at bluffing. You're absolutely right, she's a transparent liar. And PP was right, she studies the odds/probabilities and runs a CBA vs. being able to read/bluff people. Of course she can but those aren't her strengths. I came in so excited to see Vanessa! As a player I was psyched to see her. Now I can't stand her dumb hats and baggy sweats. And if she says someone else is playing with emotion one more time.... Vanessa YOU are the emotional player, don't get it twisted. I can't figure out who the ADC is, but I'm sure I'll get it later on. Austin?
  16. And vice versa! Heather is the most divisive person on the show apparently! Little screen time, yet capable of shutting down entire threads for days. I don't know what it is about Heather, but she fuels intense emotions. Substitute any HW name for her's during any disagreement, and the posts would be cut by more than half! If I were to post, "Bethany/Carole/Ramona asked where the clothes should hang because she wanted to make Sonya look dumb" I doubt anyone would care, and I would be shocked to find a flurry of messages defending their character over such a small charge. In the HWs world, asking someone a question to make them look dumb is child's play! This is hardly a crime rising to the level of telling someone their marriage was going to fail and that they'd be alone forever! Or say telling someone their whole career was a lie and they used a ghostwritter. Or telling someone that, "it must be horrible to be with a man who cheats on you all the time." Heather is not a perfect goddess exempt from snark, nor is she a heartless terrible piece of trash. She's a normal flawed reality TV character/ person. For the record, if anyone cares- I went shopping in the Free People section of Nordstrom's today. Once I picked out my clothes I moved over to the section that was closest to me to buy accessories, which ended up being Brass Plum or something like that. I'm one consumer on one day. However, does it matter where Sonya Morgan NY would sit in a dept. store if its only an online retailer? I mean yes, it gives you a good idea of the brand- but in realistic terms, we all knew the brand wouldn't make it into stores! ETA: And BTW I am not saying or not saying that Heather asked a question intended to throw Sonya off of her game. That is one dispute I do not want to get involved in!
  17. It's really scary, and it gets so much worse (things I'm afraid to reveal). It's really not fun to see what it does to some of these high school/college kids. Eventually you become numb to judging other people's looks. I've seen kids in tears because they were told they weren't good looking enough. I just feel that Becky may have been influenced by company culture. Maybe the real Becky underneath isn't shallow. I guess we'll see more of her in her HOH room. Hopefully they haven't sent her any mini boards and she'll have to free fold by hand. Ha. (The Becky and Steve conversation makes me smile, because I have a brother who is more socially awkward than Steve and he's flummoxed by the company.)
  18. (Having been a manager at A&F, I had some thoughts on Becky's statements. However, since I probably signed some nondisclosure with them I decided to redact my post.) And now I'm wondering how old Becky is to be working as a manager at A&F? I'm wondering if there's some insecurity there as she gets older... ETA: Just realized this post has nothing to do with the live feeds. But if I had to profile Becky, I wouldn't expect too much from her given by the comments she's said on the feeds. Maybe she can say something super outrageous about A&F and cause another lawsuit/publicity! ETA2: And of course there are great wonderful reasonable people who work in A&F management as well!
  19. So glad that Clay is finally out of the house and away from Shelly's evil vice grip. Now he can have sex with a multitude of much younger women like he deserves. Meg and Clay? Eh. He couldn't have looked less interested. He asked her to vote out himself over Shelli while she tried to get all flirty with him! Didn't seem like he was trying too hard to get with Meg at that moment. Depending on what year they each were born, JMac and Meg should just showmance and call it a day.
  20. (Peeks in to make sure the dead horse has not been resurrected.) Interesting that Kristen's blog says how unprofessional it is to argue in front of the models. Every model casting I've seen on reality TV (including RHOA) has included some variation of this same fight. Decider: "Oh you're too skinny/curvy." Random friend: "Stop that you'll give her an eating disorder! " From what I've heard of the real modeling world this happens all the time. Girls being told some pretty harsh things. Eventually they learn to separate their worth from their looks to survive or- well... turn to drugs, eating disorders, and starring in Taylor Swift videos. Okay miss SkinnyGirl- telling Sonya that telling another woman she's too thin will give her an eating disorder? Huh. Then I wonder what would happen if someone where to make an entire lifestyle brand based around the idea of an aspirational "skinny girl" character? Would eating disorders run rampant? Oy vey. BTW- The first (rejected) model was STUNNING. On the plus side, Bethany also looked stunning at the fashion show. Keep those buttery cream highlights girl. You're too severe to pull off full dark (almost black) brown hair. Methinks that Ramona will write a check for Dress for Success right after Nene writes one for the Detroit public schools. Bloop! Yep. Sonya and Heather aren't friends. Production obviously set up what would bring the most tension. Production got the exact footage that they wanted- Heather asking questions while Sonya's team hems and haws. At least we were spared any coochie crack. Yawn. The plan seemed to be no brick and mortar stores- just online retail.
  21. While there are many reasons to dislike Clay and Shelli, I don't see their age difference as being one of them. The pair are what? 22 and 30? Not exactly a huge age gap. If Shelli wants to date a man 8 years her junior- hell, ten years her junior, more power to her. Shell is gorgeous, and I don't care what goes on between two consenting adults. I find Clay and Shelli less repulsive then Liz/Austin, that's for sure. Austin just disgusts me for whatever reason. Like he thinks he's so romantic. Gag me. Still loving J-Mac for unknown reasons.
  22. Didn't Carole not know the name of the Father of the church, because the urn had switched churches by the time she got there? As someone who's mother married a man who had cancer (and money), I'm willing to believe that Carole married Anthony for more than his money. I think their relationship was less "romantic" than some, but I don't think that makes their partnership a less valuable one.
  23. I really felt for Carole last night. When I was a child, my mother married a man who had cancer. As with Anthony, at first it was just kind of a fact in the background, over time it became huge- our main focus in life, and eventually we lost him. As a preteen at this point, I was immediately sent to a relative's house and wasn't allowed at the funeral. To this day, I haven't asked why- perhaps she blamed me. By the time I was back home, we never spoke of it again. I eventually bought Carole's book What Remains for our shared kindle library, hoping that it would fill in some of the blanks. I thought that it would help me understand my mother's feelings. I have now read it twice! (My mother doesn't seem interested in reading it.) Each time I come away particularly remembering her wild and exotic (to me) childhood, her career, and her constant obsessing over John and Carolyn's last moments. For some reason, I can never remember Anthony's story. After the lump, my mind is a complete blank. So I was particularly interested last night to hear her talk about Anthony. I was never one who was particularly annoyed by Carole before, but I think Carole and I share a sense of humor that often makes us look awkward or is often misinterpreted by other people. And we both get uncomfortable with hugs and crying! I don't see Carole very often, but I loved her last night. I went from having no opinion of her to her being my favorite of the bunch. I loved her talking about how she could've been a mother- but life had other plans. Its ridiculous to me that people are giving her crap on twitter or wherever. It's her story to tell! She wrote a book about Anthony! Should that have not been published either? Last night's episode was my favorite episode of RH so far. Okay, then we switch to party mode. Another Skinnygirl promotion! So excited to try those new flavors. Ha. Ramona acted like Ramona. When she said, "He's a bartender," I wish someone had thrown a Skinnygirl Cosmorita right into her new face. There's nothing that I hate more than when people act elitist- particularly when said individual has inherited or married into wealth. Unpopular opinion- Did Sonya seem somewhat more coherent in last night's episode? I know that I'm referring to a woman who's highpoint last episode was ripping her tooth out on a man's shirt, and then saying that veterinarians would fix it, but she seemed more on this planet than she usually does. Like at least this time I could understand what she was saying. I liked last night's London trip. I think that if Heather goes*- they shouldn't replace her. There are too many HWs as it is, and I'd rather see this one-on-one type of activities than whatever party/fight they script for us. *And takes Kristin with her.
  24. I'm so upset! For some reason my episode cut out early. The last thing I remember was Heather trying on the necklace. Either way, since we're all talking about insurance, I love my health insurance! As someone with frequent medical bills, it has helped me save a little bit of money. Contrast that to my old insurance through my company and- yeah I was paying for nothing- full medical bills plus insurance bills every month taken out of my paycheck. There are definitely some horrible insurance companies out there that will deny every legitimate claim, or make it so hard for you to file that you eventually stop trying. Thank God I was able to chose this year and not get stuck with a company plan. Ahem. Anyways, Megan's situation is very strange to me. I don't really care that much, but I do think its unusual to not know when your husband is going to be home. When Heather asked Megan when Jimmy was returning, Megan said, "I don't know Heather- why are you asking me such hard questions?" Do they communicate at all? If all Jim wanted was a caretaker for Hayley, surely he could've played sugar daddy to someone without the ring right? And doesn't Hayley have a stepfather? Not to mention she's almost 18. A lot of famous men like having the wife + random hookups. However, you would think that Jim would've given up after wife #2. Well, whatever works for them. Game night was downright offensive. I'm a party planner (not professionally- as a hobby) and its something that I really enjoy. These two idiots had the worst party planned in HW history. It was terrible. Call me Megan- I don't have a private cell phone number, and I have nothing against Michigan area codes. I could have put together a better party for you on a $50 budget- no joke. The two men just threw a bunch of shit together and called it a day. Unorganized, unoriginal, ugly, lame. There was nothing redeemable about it. Also, as mentioned- inconvenient timing for the guests. I would have loved the "job" of organizing this "party" and whoever was responsible completely dropped the ball. Also, some knock-off of the Newlywed Game sounds super boring (and I'm sure producer driven to cause tension/jealousy) particularly when two of the men weren't present. Hi, my name is Granimal, and I loved Megan's headband. In fact, I wear that kind of crap in my hair all the time. Heh. Now I'm picturing random PTVr's running up to rip it off of my head!
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