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  1. The old thread was removed when this one was created. Sorry!
  2. Yes, this thread replaces the old thread. The previous thread included Harvey Weinstein in the title and wanted the thread to reflect that he's not the only predator in the entertainment business.
  3. There have been some posts comparing The Gilded Age to Downton Abbey. There is actually a thread for just this conversation: Fellowes Fellows: Comparing The Gilded Age to other Julian Fellowes Shows. Because not everyone who watches The Gilded Age watched Downton Abbey, please keep the DA/TGA comparisons in that thread. Thanks!
  4. Please remember that this thread is for members of the entertainment industry only.
  5. Yup, and it's all I can think of when I see him!
  6. Okay folks, time to get back to things that happen on TV (but not in real life). You can continue the High School conversations over in the Small Talk thread.
  7. Please remember to keep the conversation about celebrities. You can discuss the Alice Cooper, but other discussion about transgender rights needs to go to the Small Talk thread.
  8. Reminder: This is not the place to dissect what posters might be trying to say. You may respectively ask for clarification if there is confusion, but what you think other posters are saying between the lines is not an appropriate conversation for this thread.
  9. According to the National Archives, the preferred terms are enslaved people and enslavers.
  10. I actually had to explain that to my husband. Sadly, Phoebe figured it out before he did.
  11. Just a reminder that if we are discussing a character in general (in other words, not just in terms of this episode), that discussion should go to the character thread. So, discussions about Sister Monica Joan's dementia, unless it relates specifically to this episode, should go to this thread: Thank you!
  12. I've been thinking about this, and here is what I think happened: First, I think that Amazon made a few miscalculations. One of the benefits of adapting an established property is that you are guaranteed an audience. Louise Penny has a strong following, and they were counting on her audience to become their audience. Because of that, Amazon didn't put the energy into promoting this show as they probably needed to. Thus, while it got good ratings, it didn't exceed the ratings they felt were the baseline. The other issue I read articles from a few sources was that Amazon received a fair amount of backlash from LP for the series departing from the books. I don't know what that backlash entailed--did people actually contact Amazon to complain, or was it just online? I don't know. Personally, I think this complaint is rather silly. It's one thing to say that you don't like the changes--that's fair. However, to say that you don't like the show because it wasn't exactly like the book series is not. All adaptations make changes. I can't think of a single book-to-series or book-to-movie that didn't make changes. This is not to say that I don't think the production bears some responsibility. The writers, or whoever made the decisions, made a gamble that they could move away from the town of Three Pines and focus primarily on Gamache, and that gamble did not pay off. I know from posts Louise Penny made that she fought against this move away from the town. Perhaps they should have listened to the one who created it all. All this being said, I am said they decided not to give it a 2nd season. I think that the writers probably could have righted the show and made it into something really special.
  13. Bad news: Louise Penny has posted that Amazon has chosen not to continue with this series.
  14. Just a friendly reminder to keep the discussion based on unpopular television opinions. You can discuss your unpopular opinions about movies over here.
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