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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. OK, seeing the WandaVision trailer was worth sitting through a full hour of awards for a show that I don't even watch. πŸ˜…
  2. That D'Arcy Carden never won an Emmy for her role as Janet is awful.
  3. Agreed. While in the right direction, this is only a baby step. I haven't checked back since Tuesday when I first posted the article, but the comments on Variety's FB page about the article at that point were 90% white men complaining about the stifling of creativity. I had to back away.
  4. Jane Fonda determined to lose weight before returning to Grace and Frankie set
  5. Lucifer's Final-Season Episode Count Revealed β€” And It May Surprise You
  6. From Variety: Oscars Announce New Inclusion Requirements for Best Picture Eligibility Full representation standards are at the link.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the Black Panther (not necessarily the King of Wakanda) supposed to be Wakanda's fiercest warrior? How is that NOT Okoye? I'd be happy with M'Baku sitting on the throne as Wakanda's King, with Okoye as the Black Panther. I love both characters and would love to see each highlighted.
  8. This is not a bad idea. With all the "how will Marvel re-cast" talk, in the back of my mind I've been thinking about the fact that Namor was (most likely) going to be introduced in BP2, as it's been teased that way, and that's important to the overall MCU. I'm sure Ryan Coogler and the writers had an introduction for him that involved T'Challa, and would now be faced with writing it differently. I've also felt that however it was done it shouldn't involve a new actor playing T'Challa, but somehow accomplish this from using BP actors already established. I like the idea of somehow bringing back Killmonger. And we all know, no one's ever really dead in a superhero movie! He may have been the villain in the first BP film, but his villainy was relatable. Because MBJ was an original cast member, and played a true Wakandan with a royal lineage, I could get behind something along these lines.
  9. Yes to all of this! First I completely agree that Lucifer's words at the end of the S4 finale were most definitely a declaration of love. "My first love was never Eve. It was you Chloe. It always has been." I'm sorry, but you can't misinterpret that! πŸ˜… However, Michael has evidently done his job well, especially about what Lucifer's invulnerability around her means and Chloe now needs to hear, "I love you." So, why? I'd like to zero in on the "I've been to hell and back for you. Twice, actually" line. We, the audience, know SO much more than Chloe does about the level of Lucifer's love for her. IMO, Chloe only knows that Lucifer went back to hell at the end of S4 to quell the demons. We know the "twice" he's talking about but she doesn't. Journey to hell #1, S1 finale. "DAD!...I need a favor. I'll be the son you always wanted me to be. I'll do as you ask, go where you want me to. In exchange... all I ask... is that you protect Chloe." We in the audience hear this. Chloe doesn't and I'd contend that this is Lucifer's first declaration of love for her. I mean, he'll do everything he's been fighting against doing and he'd even give his life...for Chloe. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as love! So, he goes to hell the first time but Chloe has no idea of this, nor of his love. But this is the audience's first building block in the "Lucifer loves Chloe" story. Journey to hell #2, in S2's "A Good Day to Die," Lucifer CHOOSES to die and go down to hell to get the antidote that will save Chloe's life. If that's not love, I don't know what you would call it. Again, we know this but Chloe doesn't. She knows that Lucifer was instrumental in getting the antidote that saves her life, but as far as we know, she does not know that he "went to hell and back" for her. Other scenes the audience sees but not Chloe: His ice cream eating, wine drinking scene with Candy "Seems like you genuinely care about her." "Yes. I do. A lot." The scene with Dr. Linda in his apartment, with Lucifer tortured (no pun intended) by Chloe's relationship with Cain: "So I ask you, the Devil; what do you truly desire?" "I want her to choose me." My goodness, Lucifer KILLS HIS BROTHER to save Chloe! There are others, but you get the point. All this is to say that it's somewhat understandable that Chloe needs the actual "I love you" reassurance of Lucifer's love for her, but based on our knowledge, we, the audience, most certainly, do not.
  10. Because Terrence Howard and Edward Norton didn't unexpectedly die; because neither Iron Man nor The Incredible Hulk was the cultural phenomenon that is Black Panther; and mainly because neither Howard nor Norton were inexorably linked to their character--each had only played the character in one film, not to mention there had been another (non-MCU) Hulk only five years prior--in the way that Chadwick Boseman had become T'Challa over the course of four MCU films. I think the only somewhat comparable comparison in popular film would be Richard Harris as Albus Dumbledore. It's not an apples to apples comparison, by any means. Harris was 72 when he died and while it was not expected, his death, while sad, did not shock the world the way Chadwick Boseman's has. The producers of the Harry Potter films HAD to re-cast Albus Dumbledore as the story for the films was coming directly from the next five books in the series and he was a major, irreplaceable character. Although Harris had appeared in only the first two films, he was quite beloved by filmgoers. Michael Gambon may have played the role in six films but most HP fans still refer to Richard Harris as "The real Dumbledore." But while the HP producers HAD to re-cast the character to fit the books, that's not necessarily the case with Black Panther 2. There are work arounds as the public is not expecting a specific story from the comics for Black Panther 2. And, we know that there are times when the Black Panther, Wakanda's greatest warrior is not also the King of Wakanda. If they decide to re-cast T'Challa specifically, I sure wouldn't want to be the actor to take that part. Chadwick Boseman will always be "The real T'Challa."
  11. I finally finished watching the final two S5a episodes tonight. Late to this this party, so many of my thoughts have already been discussed here. I loved the "Angel on my shoulder; Devil on my shoulder" scene with Amenadiel. Found it interesting that Lucifer was on his right shoulder while Michael was on his left. While it's not universally true, in most other incarnations of this, the angel sits on the person's right shoulder, while the devil sits on their left. (I'm left-handed, so this symbolism has often ticked me off. πŸ˜’) The opposite happens here. Then, when the three brothers unfurl their wings, Lucifer's are white, while Michael's have become full black, after having been gray earlier in the episode at the cave. (Amenadiel's remain gray. Guess he still has work to do. πŸ˜‰) I haven't yet read the spoiler/speculation thread; heading there next. I wanted to finish watching the season before venturing in there, but I'm thinking that
  12. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/chadwick-boseman-dead-abc-black-panther-tribute-1234753865/
  13. Wow, Allison Janney: Blonde Bombshell!
  14. Excellent synopsis @MisterGlass! One thing I'd like to add:
  15. And, of course, Maze slept with Lucifer for years. So, after not seeing Lucifer's devil face at all this season until this episode, they decide to blow a part of their CGI budget on it here so Lucifer can quiet his nephew? πŸ˜… (That did set up the Michael-instigated reveal to Dan.) There is definitely more money in the pot now that the show's on Netflix! I'm certainly not complaining; it gave me the biggest laugh of the season so far. I'm so glad the writers finally got these two together. πŸ₯° I can't wait to see where Dan's story goes next, now that he's seen the real Lucifer.
  16. Moonlighting, Season 2's "The Dream Sequence Always Rings Twice." (1985) The first B&W, Film Noir-style television episode I can recall. Many shows have done it since, just not as well IMO. Bruce Willis and Cybill Shepherd in one of the very best episodes of a great series. This episode wasn't bad. Mostly filler, but it was good to meet Lilith, and having Lucifer's ring be a Piece of Eden that confers immortality is certainly very interesting as the story moves forward. When I heard the name Stompanato in the conversation, I wondered if they were going to inject real-life characters into the story, expecially when Lucifer also mentioned "Ernie" Hemingway, but no. Speaking of names, in my head D.B. Woodside playing "Melvin the Magnificent" has to be a nominal homage to his character, Melvin Franklin in The Temptations (1998), the TV mini-series, where I saw him for the very first time. πŸ™‚ Trixie and Lucifer! Trixie and Maze! No episode containing those pairings can be all bad.
  17. As of now, I've only watched the first three episodes so I don't know what's yet to come but they'd better give us more than just a glimpse of Amenadiel attempting to be Hell's warden. That's an arc I want to see. Throughout this episode, I kept thinking, "Take us back to hell!" πŸ˜… Echoing @Peace 47's comments above, I'm pretty ticked off that the writers didn't give us the conversation we deserved between Chloe and Lucifer about Chloe being created just to be placed in Lucifer's path. Lucifer was completely wrecked by that revelation and Chloe should know the full how and why behind it.
  18. Agreed. I cant figure out which of her features has somehow been altered, but she looks like Jessica Biel to me now. Lesley-Anne Brandt looked amazing in the metallic silver dress she wore in the poker scene. Glad this show is back. I missed it so.
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