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Everything posted by ProudMary

  1. A few comments about the telecast itself: I think having no host worked just fine. Having Queen open the show musically instead of an opening comedic monologue worked well but then the producers must have felt they needed to hedge their bets and brought out Rudolph, Fey and Poehler to do an abbreviated comedy bit, which I thought was unnecessary. Several minutes could have been cut right there. If they choose to move forward without a host next year, the opening becomes an issue. Having Queen perform this year made perfect sense because of Bohemian Rhapsody. Also, Queen's fandom spans generations of viewers. There aren't many acts that would fill that bill. I suppose an alternative would be to have a host do an opening monologue and then perhaps some closing comments, without all the filler crap that hosts normally do. I think what really kept the show moving last night was that there was no insipid, scripted banter between presenters. Pretty much, presenters walked on stage, named the category, led into the list of nominees and then announced the award winner(s). The only pair who seemed to improvise some (IMO, not very funny) banter was Awkwafina and John Mulaney. What was the deal with the presenters for the acting awards? All four of last year's acting award winners were ultimately there as presenters--I know there had been talk of not having them present at all--so why didn't Sam Rockwell and Allison Janney present the Supporting Actress/Actor awards? Teaming them up with Frances McDormand and Gary Oldman, respectively to present Best Actress/Actor didn't make particular sense. I wish the producers would explain their thinking on that. Earlier in awards' season, we'd heard that the producers of the Oscars' telecast were telling celebrities that if they presented at the GGs, the SAGs, etc. they wouldn't be presenting at the Oscars. The specific group that kept coming up in these rumors were the actors of the MCU, with an "Avengers reunion" hinted at strongly for a ratings' draw. So what happened there? I saw Chris Evans and Paul Rudd but they presented independently. Where were the rest of the Avengers? That seems to be something that fell apart. This part definitely comes with a "just my opinion" warning: By and large, the songs nominated for Best Original Song are boring as hell. I'm not just talking about this year, but every year. There's usually one standout, sometimes two. If the producers want to cut serious time from the broadcast, lose the performances of the nominated songs. Do exactly what they do with the acting nominations. Name the nominee and then show a 20-30 second clip of the song as recorded for the film. I am so glad that the presentation of ALL 24 of the the awards remained in the actual telecast. Even though I saw few of the short films this year, the energy and excitement that radiates from the winners of those awards is well worth seeing. An Oscar truly means something to these filmmakers. They know that "Oscar winner" before their name will mean more funding opportunities for their future projects. Many viewers may look at those categories as a good time to go make a sandwich, but I think differently.
  2. A disappointing ending to a good night overall. I really thought that the preferential ballot would allow a Best Picture win for Black Panther. I was fully prepared for Roma to win and I was fine with that. Roma is a creative masterpiece and while not necessarily an easy watch, it stays with you well after the end credits. But Black Panther was a great piece of entertainment that was so important to so many viewers; I had hoped more Academy members would see that. 😔 I did see Green Book and enjoyed it, but didn't think it was deserving of a Best Picture Oscar. And I'm disappointed for Glenn Close. I actually liked The Wife and thought she was wonderful in it.
  3. General observation: I think the expansion of academy members over the past couple of years to add younger members, more women and more people of color has been felt tonight. A few years ago, the awards for Costume Design and Production Design would have gone to The Favourite or Mary, Queen of Scots. The awards for Sound Editing and Sound Mixing would have gone to First Man. There were gloriously different results tonight!
  4. I'm surprised to hear that this is the first win for Mexico for Best Foreign Film.
  5. The site's error messages are getting angrier. This last time it just said, "Connection Refused!" We didn't have this problem on Oscar nights in the past with the old build. 😕
  6. The site went down for me again. I got an error message that said, "Too many connections." Guess it can't handle all of us red carpet fans! 😅 UO: I like Emma Stone's gown.
  7. Trevor Noah wears clothes like a model. He looks great in all he wears, even his suits on The Daily Show.
  8. While I wasn't crazy about the fashion, she would have looked a lot better had she stood up straight while posing for photos. Slumped is not flattering.
  9. Which is the "second half" of "We Will Rock You." Fingers crossed.
  10. What bothered me more than anything about the crosswalk episode was that there was a simple solution: Frankie could drop Joan Margaret off at the buffet, then go park the car and cross the street on her own. Frankie could still go on her crusade to get the timing of the traffic signal changed but they would have gotten their crab legs! I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who found Frankie supremely annoying for much of the season. I really didn't like that she lied--or at least didn't tell the full truth--about their girls getaway weekend. I hated that she dragged Grace somewhere she would never want to go. I would have been furious with any friend of mine that did something like that. My favorite episode was the one where Frankie and Robert got high together. Hardest I laughed all season. Also, Martin Sheen playing high was a reminder of Jed Bartlet high on pain pills for his back. There was an inflection in his voice that took me right back there. I love when the writers put Tomlin and Sheen in scenes together. Their chemistry is so good.
  11. I sincerely hope that the judge agrees to this, for the future benefit of Kensie and Saint. There's no need to have all the ugliness between their parents laid out in public.
  12. According to Trevor Einhorn from the "Making Magic" video posted above by @ElectricBoogaloo, the ship has been christened #MARGOSH. 😊
  13. Interesting article from The Hollywood Reporter on how ASIB went from an Oscar frontrunner in late summer, 2018 to where it now stands with its only sure thing Oscar seeming to be for Best Original Song. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/oscars-can-a-star-is-born-still-pull-a-best-picture-win-1185329
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