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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Do they get comped for a lot of the pool expense? I haven't watched the episode yet, but is some pool company featured? I seriously doubt Christina has to fork out full price for anything.
  2. The fitness guy and his retail executive wife in Costa Rica. I found him online and he has a whole fitness retreat website. He says on there that he had that house built, etc. So, what a surprise that they loved it and also the furniture in it. Lol. Anyway, it is close to $4k for a week at the fitness retreat.
  3. The Naples couple last night. That was a big statement necklace the wife wore. I think she wore it with every outfit. I hope they put some kind of fence around that pool, if they don't cage it. They have that little boy and it would be dangerous for other kids in the neighborhood too. The wife didn't want a cage around it, because it would block the view. I would worry more about safety than blocking the view. This couple was on House Hunters for their other house too, right? They seemed very familiar.
  4. I actually thought they were a little odd. Well, mainly him. Maybe he was uncomfortable in front of the camera. He seemed awkward. I found her kind of annoying. Maybe it was just me.
  5. Do you think she will suddenly appear back on the show the moment Jenna goes into labor? I rarely watch the show, but even I hope she quits the show altogether. Cannot stand her and the open mouth and just her overall goofiness. But, she wants the big money, so she will be back until she is forced out. She just seems so ignorant and stunted.
  6. I agree about Naomie drinking multiple glasses of wine and then presumably driving home or to her office. Not a good idea. I was also nervous watching her look at her phone so much, while driving. Danni's face looks so skeletal or something to me. Eliza is just kind of in the background. She is almost an observer.
  7. Shep simply cannot comprehend that Madison would not sleep with him, but will sleep with Austin. I think it is that simple.
  8. I would not be interested in that dinner. The food looks mediocre at best and the whole infusion thing is unappealing to me.
  9. Shep's unattractiveness is heightened when he is stoned.
  10. Busy Phillips and the Oil of Olay (I think?) ad. She has so many moles. That is all I see.
  11. Jennifer Garner on those Capital One commercials or any commercial. She talks in this little girl, cutesy voice. Hate it. It's like she is trying to be all coy and adorable. She just bugs me, in general.
  12. I don't know if I want to drink something from a can with jellyfish on it. It makes me think it will be fishy tasting. Or worse.
  13. All of this talk about the hot dog machine just cracks me up. Who would have dreamed a hot dog machine would play such a role on House Hunters. This ranks up there with the hidey hole episode. 🙂
  14. I hate how they label their kids--the bad one, the anxious one. That is awful. They were chosen to do this. Uh huh. Just money grubbers.
  15. Maybe to keep her spot on the show as the highest earner, along with Shep? And Whitney is the producer. Gotta keep her eyes on the money.
  16. I think Steve is cute, but I am not expecting his relationship with this woman (who had his baby) to last. As I read it, they met on a plane and three months later she was pregnant. Good luck. And they named the baby Rose Gold which makes me think of rose gold jewelry. Lol. I like Luis. I just hope he is happy and feels emotionally stable. I don't want to see him upset and directionless. I don't need to see Emilia ever. I love Fredrik.
  17. The episode on now with the young Arizona couple. Gosh, I don’t like this wife either. She is a real sourpuss. Doesn’t want a two story, because they have a four year old and he could fall down the stairs. What??? And she works in a hospital, so she has seen injuries. Well, I am surprised she ever lets her kid out of the house or into the car.
  18. That Mason, Ohio wife was a shrew. Gosh, they had been married two months. She was like a tough bully. The husband was a personal trainer. I know that is a legit job, but I sometimes think ‘slacker’ when I hear that job. I don’t mean to offend anyone. And I am over these young guys and their video games. I sound like a curmudgeon. 🙂
  19. Regarding Cara and Maddie--I read that they are off to college in NY, at different schools. Anyone have any clue which schools?
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