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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. I know someone who got dumped right after the bf finished his residency. It does happen. I think Naomie wants a dr husband for the status, most likely. Has she met Metul's family?
  2. And Naomie AGAIN stating that she is ready to marry Metul. She seems quite desperate to lock him down.
  3. I suppose they just hired extras to attend the party? You can clearly see some people just kind of standing and staring and not making any attempt to interact with anyone. Probably just paid those people in food and drinks. The Cam and Metul little storyline is not cute. How would people react if Jason was sniffing around Naomie and following her around? Not so funny, right Cam? Hunter looks like he is about 15 and Katherine really dwarfs him. He appears to be nice. Austin was on WWHL last night. He didn't reveal much about Madison, but it definitely sounds like they are on and off. As someone else mentioned, he was recently in the Hamptons with Craig and Shep and they were hanging out with Ramona, of all people. Madison has never been a conquest of Shep's, so that enrages him. I would bet that Shep's parents are not bothered by his behavior regarding Madison. Afterall, she is a hairdresser and white trash according to Shep. Just my opinion, but I imagine Shep's family to be quite snobby and elitist. His brother married into a very wealthy family. I don't know about his sister. I don't know that anyone with a middle class background would ever be good enough.
  4. Patricia should have had security posted at the door, so Ashley could not get into the party. But, that would have not be as exciting and dramatic.
  5. We can only hope. Naomie's earrings. She looks like she has a cotton ball stuck behind each ear.
  6. Metul's suit jacket looks too big. Katherine's dress? Yikes. She must feel naked.
  7. Why IS Gina on this show? She is getting divorced. We have never seen her husband. I don't think she has any money. She lives in random places. She doesn't have a job of any kind, I don't think. Aren't her kids kind of a bratty mess. Didn't I read the kids are not allowed to be on the show this season--orders from the ex-husband. I think she belongs with the Jersey bunch.
  8. I cannot get over how well behaved little baby Beth is on camera. She is so adorable and just seems so content in Hope's arms.
  9. The wife moving to Poland. She had a ton of hair. Extensions or what? Did not like her husband’s soul patch thing. That bit of hair under his bottom lip. Gross. This couple did all the talking. The agent seemed to say two words. The couple seemed quite pleased with themselves—talk of half marathons, being so fit, etc. Their cat was cute.
  10. I was wondering how Shannon’s daughter would sit down in that dress. It was more like a top. I also thought Tamra looked really pretty at her party. Loved her hair. Will we have to see Tamra’s repulsive son every episode? He is soooo creepy.
  11. Gina seems rude. She just bolted out of the car—past the driver who opened the door for her—at Tamra’s party. No thank you. Nothing. Too busy looking at her phone.
  12. Braunwyn's boobs in that red dress. Ick. She is so scrawny and then the enormous side boob sticking out. Shane is awful.
  13. The girl with the cafe and food truck. Stephanie? I can't remember her name. She had her long hair just loose and hanging, when she was preparing food in the food truck. Ick. Love how Sam gets a high profile job offer from a random guest he met one minute ago at the inn. So realistic.
  14. Steve is on WWHL. He is not looking cute. His hair looks funky. The baby is 9 weeks old. Andy asked if he and the gf had talked about marriage. I thought he looked pretty squirmy when he answered that they had talked about it, but one step at a time. I predict within a year, they will no longer be together.
  15. Did everyone see the first episode about condors, antelope and snakes? It was on the same night, just before the tortoise episode. It was really interesting also.
  16. The phone call was from Luke's aunt who is the mother of Abigail's mayor boyfriend. The mother wanted dirt on Abigail, so she could break up Abigail and her son--she was afraid of some kind of curse associated with the Merriwicks. Anyway, Luke refused to do this, because he likes Grace. The aunt then cut off his payments to his private high school, so he ended up at Grace's high school. Then in this episode, he miraculously got a full scholarship to the same college that Grace will attend, so he doesn't need his aunt's money for his education.
  17. I think they are all making plenty of money. Reports are out there that Cam and Shep make $450K a season. I imagine the others are making at least $250k a season. Good money for doing essentially nothing except being filmed having crazy arguments and getting drunk.
  18. I am hoping that he hasn't even met Madison's son. Is that what she said to someone in a recent episode?
  19. Hoda's instagram--Haley Joy's birthday today, so the world must stop turning. That explains why Hoda is still off on leave. Lol. It is kind of odd how there are no pictures of the baby. Just one or two from June. Okay wait, I think it is Hoda's birthday.
  20. In the preview, are they acting like Toya has no home to go to? What happened to the house they were building?
  21. This was posted on the previous page. Looks like it just sold in June.
  22. Only one more episode? Have there always been this few episodes? I thought there would be at least six. Oh well, it hasn't exactly been the best season.
  23. I also didn't like the Germany boyfriend. I don't know if he was being a jerk for a storyline or what. At the end, he seemed more normal and happy with their choice. But, during the episode he was not likable at all. Much whining about pretty much everything. He even said how he and the gf would have to foot the bill to put visitors in a hotel. No, I certainly don't think that is an expectation! If people want to visit, they need to have the money to do so. I am not footing someone's hotel bill. I think that was totally made up for the show. He revealed his true self with the cat story. Lying that he had allergies. Good luck to the gf.
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