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Everything posted by latetotheparty

  1. We could get T-shirts! Mine would say: “Allergies. Asthma. Pay no attention to the cough. Really.” I’m only half kidding. The thing I keep reading about that scares me is that many patients have come to the hospital with oxygen saturations so low they should be unconscious but they’re sitting up, conversing and swiping through their phones. Me allergies haven been so nasty this year (Curse you, mild winter) that I broke down and bought an inexpensive pulse ox meter. It reassures me when I’m having a bad coughing day that nothing more serious is going on.
  2. God, let’s hope so. If it’s really gone I might post a shrine myself. Or not. 😁
  3. Every time I see Jed! my brain reads it Jedi and then I think you are so NOT.
  4. Happy birthday @ChiCricket! If anyone deserves to have a glorious day, it’s you. ❤️❤️❤️ I’m with you, @marypat57. I’m not the greatest at keeping plants alive but I miss having a garden. Does anyone know of a grape tomato plant that might thrive in a pot on the patio?
  5. Jill would have a stroke if she walked into an average UCC. Plus there’d be at least a half dozen social workers in the congregation and her jig would be up. Makes me want to invite her. 🙂
  6. I don’t think so. There is no window in that room. I really want to call the fire marshall.
  7. Her baking sleeves are part of the dark green top with the lacy insets. I kind of hate myself for knowing that.
  8. I’d be willing to attempt to get sick of lobster. For science.
  9. Proximity to lobster would be my reason to move to Maine. I don’t think I would ever tire of it.
  10. In all honesty, high school graduation was something to endure. I got no pleasure from it. Pretty much from the time I got accepted to college (November of my senior year) I was ready to be done. I loved the “schooly” part of school but socially? I was graduating from 13 years of daily bullying. I was ready to be gone. But I cried like a baby graduating from Senior Scouts. These were my people. My family. And, yeah, I was the kid who cried every year at the end of camp. Still would be and wish I could.
  11. I ADORED shrimp cocktail as a kid and we had the juice glasses to prove it! Sadly, this was a treat we got once a year on New Years Eve, but I also remember fried shrimp being a favorite on the rare occasions we ate out. Now I wouldn’t touch fried shrimp with a ten-foot pole - breading is evil - but those were simpler times. 😁
  12. It’s a great sentiment. I just ordered a shirt that says Keep the immigrants, Deport the Racists. Yours is more polite. 😁
  13. My old doc of 27 years I could just email her and say: Need prednisone and cough syrup, no antibiotic yet but will let you know if that changes. We had a deal that if things got to a certain stage I would come in. I really appreciated the trust. Also her office building was difficult for me to negotiate so not having to go in was a HUGE plus. Any excuse to wear fandom things you know- given the job I have an the fact that I have the worlds highest pitched voice and baby face I never wear fandom things outside of theme parks because I want people to know I’m an adult- WFH is a fun time to wear all the Baby Yoda and Disney gear I want. This is one of the best things about retirement: band shirts every day!
  14. My family is half and half: Mom and S and I are all righties, Dad, K and my brother are lefties. My Dad was of the generation that got slapped around by nuns for left-handedness but neither him nor my brother have even a hint of ambidexterity so he wound up writing crab-handed. I used to wish I was left-handed, a lot of my crushes were for sure. It’s one of the first thing I’ll notice about a person.
  15. Which is why many black people are afraid to wear masks in public, especially black men. I can’t blame them. But it makes me sick that this is just another way they are put at risk in this society.
  16. Who wants a road trip? I say we free Jordyn. From that list I’d say she was the winner of the neglect olympics.
  17. I may have screamed a little when I first saw this.
  18. That would make you awfully popular with the neighborhood dogs. S.
  19. That’s gross and obnoxious and I’d let them know they got their first and last sale
  20. Maybe this agent will teach them to deaden the echo in a room where they are going to record. They are so clueless.
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