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Everything posted by latetotheparty

  1. ..This! Jesus was the original social justice warrior, Jeremy. Just how do you plan on justifying yourself?
  2. I watched Lark Rise to Candleford mainly for Linda Bassett, who plays Phyllis Crane, my favorite character on Call the Midwife. I really appreciated that it wasn’t as sugar-coated as a lot of period pieces. I ran into the tiny dead forum issue when I binge watching Republic of Doyle. It’s so disappointing.
  3. My god, that is painful to watch. As ever, JB’s face is punchable.
  4. @Scarlett45 who are your favorite authors for HP fic? Or favorite stories? I’ve never read in that fandom and it is HUGE so some recommendations would be really helpful. I most read from AO3.
  5. If Michelle survives Jessa doesn’t stand a chance.
  6. That’s what kindergarten used to be back in my day but we don’t let kids be kids here anymore. :((((
  7. Wow Jeremy. I feel so much better now. Thanks for sharing. *headdesk*
  8. I am also pre-merger UCC born and raised. We must be very close in age.
  9. I was really surprised because it takes A LOT for me to not like an ice cream. I’m an ice cream maniac. I have some special dark Hershey sauce and I’m thinking I could put some on the leftovers, might cut the sweet a bit.
  10. I don’t either. The knuckles on the left hand are showing definite signs of arthritis.
  11. @zoomama I’ve worked 19 years in ENT. Parotid masses are very common and, from what I’ve seen, mostly benign. Crossing fingers for you. @Happyfatchick have the squishiest hug. I’m very soft. You’ve written so much about Rocky over the years. What a good and faithful friend. @galaxychaser I have been hunting for the cannoli Ben & Jerry’s ever since you mentioned it weeks and weeks ago. Finally found it at Target and (sob) it is too sweet for me. It’s such a bummer; I’ve been craving cannoli for ages and they are not easy to come by in Minnesota.
  12. Jeremy will never be as well read, articulate or charming as Lord Peter. Just saying.
  13. Lured away by the untrustworthy socks, no doubt.
  14. Wow, the forced smiles really stand out now that we’ve seen Nurie’s transformation.
  15. Zella, if you’re on Instagram you should check out @thepunkcellist. He does amazing stuff and you might like him.
  16. Uhuh. I already share my birthday with Hiroshima anniversary. I think that’s enough. Hi Leo sisters!
  17. I first read D&D as Dungeons and Dragons but Jeremy is not clever enough for that. Plus he’d be a dead bore.
  18. Oh, for fucks sake! It’s just a bathroom, people. We have better things to worry about right now. So sorry this happened to you.
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