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Everything posted by latetotheparty

  1. I hear it from Luke Kirby on Slings and Arrows.
  2. This is me. In January I already had five showed scheduled for the year. I’ve missed all five and it would have been easily double that by now. The most important one is rescheduled to September 2021 and I’m so worried my roommate might not make it that long. It keeps me up at night.
  3. Color is more stimulating to babies’ brains, which fundies would never desire. Neutral maybe all the rage but it’s so dull ,not even pops of color.
  4. Mrs. Bennet is a paragon of virtue next to Jill. Although vulgar, Mrs. Bennet was anxious to get her daughters well married which was absolutely critical for them to have any independence in regency society. Mr. Bennet, as pleasantly quirky as he could be, was actually very neglectful of his daughters. That being said, I agree the resemblance is striking. ETA: I have spent considerable time rereading Jane Austen and Georgette Heyer to survive lockdown. Basically, I’ve been wallowing in the Regency. I have feelings. 😁
  5. I love love love Leslie Nielsen, especially in due South.
  6. Just the episode title fave mea gagging eye roll. These people are NOT NORMAL.
  7. Yeah. That photo on the staircase is totally Little Princess. Jeremy still looks like a douche,but a more normal douche, not a stick up the ass douche, so improvement?
  8. Grandma cookies! Just opening a packages brings all the smells of her house.
  9. The only thing that gives me a post exercise high is lap swimming. Sadly, pools are closed right now.
  10. I bet it’s an iOS thing. It’s happening on both my iPad and iPhone.
  11. If any of you are sci-fi readers the Lady Astronaut series is excellent. If you dont like spoilers don’t read the short story first because the series is a prequel to it; there is one more full length novel that’s coming next year that is set before the short story. It’s very timely reading.
  12. I like the idea of tie-dye for Jill but pastels don’t do a thing for her. She looks much better in strong bright colors.
  13. I could live the rest of my life without hearing I love you to the moon and back ever again. Please.
  14. Still here. I think there’s still a lot of us.
  15. And everything works! Like, what a concept! I really resent being allergic to Benadryl. It’s good for so much.
  16. A lot of gay people who live in repressive cultures have a someone!charming in their past so they “can’t be gay” but who knows? It would not surprise me.
  17. The 3rd was my mom’s birthday; mine is the 6th. So Joy, the first week of August is off limits. Just sayin’.
  18. Both Jill and Jinger have toned the eyeliner way down. It’s a good look on both of them. If only their views were so easily amended.
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