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Everything posted by Jacks-Son

  1. Didn't Simon (this is ridiculous) call for Michaela to be taken care of? Yes, they could be next door neighbors, but in that context, its illogical to think of anything other than "Collusion, Delusion". (Sorry, couldn't resist this stupid jingoism)
  2. I think they're going to try the Legendary Knights of the Fuddy-Duddies, who are tasked with solving and guarding the mystery of Quantum Entanglement and Dark Lightning and ensuring that everything follows their guidelines on the Official Use of Callings. This secret organization is run by the Major‘s replacement since she botched the whole Vance hit job, Upper Management Simon had to come in and straighten out this mess. The university professor, Simon, suddenly is running the whole shit? Now it appears Jared was an X-er but pulled the plug when he realized that Michaela was going to be "Taken Out". Um, whiplash!! Did Jared not think his duplicity would place his Beloved Detective Stone and her family in any danger?
  3. All you Cal lovers get to appreciate the kid you have been clamoring for tonight. I noticed, the last episode, that Olive's eyebrows are younger versions of Michaela's brows. The Stone House is Brow City. Looking forward to tonight's continuing confusion.
  4. Maybe the “Captain“ is now the “Major“. Or the major had her lab fabricate Saanvi‘s cure and forgot all about the 828's. I must criticize the writers for presenting us with Isaiah‘s death off-screen. It would have been so sweet to see that toothless mofo slowly burn to death and be denied his rapture.
  5. So, they're potential heroes now? Working together to bring down the potential terrorists? How did these two (Captain & Jared) meet and agree to work for whoever they work for? Are they working with the professor or the major? Maybe the writers are trying to salvage Jared's character like they're trying to do with Grace? I was hoping Jared would get his ass knocked down by the Captain. No such luck 😫
  6. I kind of like the slight twist the show made by revealing that despite Martin's dysfunctional childhood, Louisa may have also contributed some to James Henry's anti--social behavior. He may be a combination of both Martin's social awkwardness and Louisa's Invisible childhood friend history.
  7. Oops, you are correct, Lucy Punch was indeed the ditz Elaine. I think she went on to appear in other UK shows. Then I mixed up Paula with Pauline, played by Katherine Parkinson, who, I believe went on to co-star in "The IT Crowd"? One of the things I like about Morwenna is she shares Louisa's skeptical acceptance of Mrs. Tishell. The two always give Mrs. T great side-eye and under-the-breath comments.
  8. Ahh, one of my favorite topics: The Doc's Receptionists. His 1st receptionist, I believe, was Paula? Played by Lucy Punch, the one who "Came all the way from Delabole". She was the epitome of laziness and usually contrived to have others (most notably Martin) to do her work for her. Then there was Pauline, I think, played by Katherine Parkinson. Pauline was like the new commercials, she was "Just okay". She had the gambling addiction and the bossy mom. Then, I believe, Morwenna arrived and she was like a breath of fresh air into the Doc's office. Where the other receptionists were sort of the butt of the jokes, Morwenna took the role and made it her own. She persevered and learned how to draw blood to help the Doc with his blood-injury-needle phobia. She even tried to get certified as an EMT. So, Morwenna has fit in. Her comic cues are on point. I always check out her facial expressions when she's dealing with Martin and others. Her expressions are subtle yet always funny. She's a keeper and Al is lucky to have her in his life.
  9. I happen to love ottoDbusdriver’s accounts; keeps me on track of things. You must have misinterpreted what I said and what I did not say. I never implied that I did not appreciate ottoDbusdriver's posts, I said I relied on them for help with the timeframe but that I also wish there was a big ole-honking calendar out there so that I would not have to go searching for the relevant posts.
  10. 2 for 2? Don't shows have people for that? Media managers? Studio Fact-Checkers? Anyway the 2nd link I posted, the Viewer's Guide, appears to be largely written by a single writer. That too has "Alternative Facts". 😁
  11. Actually, the Major was a ”major” topic on the site. Her rank is Major General. Hence the moniker. The writer finds her fascinating and goes on the detail Saanvi’s therapy session and poses the question and provides some possible answers for the Major leaving the Apple for Saanvi.
  12. Just laughing at Wikipedia’s entry error. Just by watching the show you can see she's not a grad student. Maybe they were going by Pre-pilot airing show notes? However, NBC mentions Saanvi trying to solve the mystery of the death date. Well that didn't happen until recently, so they modify THEIR cast info regularly. I'm going to check and see what it says about Lourdes ”Milk Carton” Vasquez. Speaking of Web Sites that provide Manifest information. I did a search on the web to see if some industrious Manifest fan who was consumed by a similar show "Lost", had put up a calendar and I found this little site: Manifest Viewer's Guide (Unofficial) Hahaha! Thankfully this site is unofficial because it too has a bio entry for Saanvi that reads: "Saanvi is a brilliant graduate student and medical researcher whose life changes dramatically when she disembarks Flight828 to learn that her work has led to some startling medical breakthroughs". Perhaps that's where part of the the wikipedia entry came from?
  13. Thanks for that. However, you were.right. Not much detail, but it's a start. There are some weird statements presented as facts like: "Parveen Kaur as Saanvi Bahl, a graduate student and medical researcher at Mercy Hospital and passenger on Flight 828". I, somehow assumed that Saanvi was also a fully licensed Medical Doctor not just a grad student. Well, it is Wikipedia.
  14. This sounds a whole lot better when you put it this way. This timeframe variance the show uses, causes more problems than the writers think. They must have some time graph on a white board. I wish they would share it with us instead of my constantly having to rely on the ever steady ottoDbusdriver to keep track. Not to diminish your contributions, ottoDbusdriver, but it would be easier for me to have a giant calendar than to flip through posts for the proper sequences. How about if the show puts up one of those "serial killer" diagrams with plenty of red strings, showing timeframes and, for shits and giggles, include more personal data like, "Last slept with Danny on this date" or "Ocean Vomit Man died on this date" and then let the fans get a screen cap for reference. 🤓
  15. Wasn't that an unused condom? I suppose it fell there during a moment of heated passion and kicked under the bed, but it remained unopened. For some reason, perhaps because it's slightly "Eww" to be having sex with your recently "returned from the dead husband" during the same timeframe you're banging your boyfriend, but for some reason I just didn't think Grace had sex with the both of them in the same timeframe. I suppose if you're going to do that, then perhaps the use of a condom with your husband should be a good idea too. You never know where Predator Danny has been or what a potential pregnancy would involve.
  16. Holy Shit!!!!! Excellent point! I was only going by onscreen intimate scenes between Grace and Danny, which were extremely rare, so the fact that he was a possible meant romantic times between Grace and Danny did occur ofrscreen. Totally flew over my head. Thanks. 😱
  17. I don't think Zeke is lying about the drugs. They might have been there from a long time ago. He doesn't appear to be using. The damage to his hands from the encroaching frost bite are what allowed him to pick up the burning beam, I don't think it was drug related. Don't know why they haven't taken a paternity test nor what the Hell Jared is doing. It would have been a shame if he had died in the fire. Actually, I'm lying. I can't stand the guy.
  18. This is my opinion about Saanvi's sexuality. I don't believe she's Gay or Lesbian, per se, I believe Saanvi, by watching her reactions to other people whether male or female and I've surmised that Saanvi is a Sapiosexual. She's turned on by people's mind. That's why she was attracted to Alex. Colleagues working in close proximity who developed an attraction. I don't know if Alex is married, but I believe she has someone in her life named Scott when she tried a "fling" with Saanvi. Saanvi, being the truly determined person that she is, got in deeper than she thought and fell in love with Alex's brain. Same with Ben. Saanvi likes Ben for his mind; never mind that Charming is quite the catch whether you like his mind or not. Charming, ever the perfect Gentleman (Except when it comes to Adrian) is just Saanvi's type.
  19. Interesting point but that would mean Grace got busy with Danny after Ben came back. I don't think they were together at all when Ben came back, even when she asked Ben to move out.
  20. I hope not. Then we'll be talking 828 organ harvesting for big bucks. I'm sure there would be a Black Market for such items.
  21. Unfortunately, the new dad died. They showed his slumped body propped up by the bar. Which would make the callings not only pointless but a huge waste. Why save a child's life in the nick of time, only to have his dad die almost as quickly. Oh, Callings, thou art fickle!
  22. So, Isaiah's plan was to kill a lot of the 828'ers and hope he could usher in a new Miracle with him included? What kind of whacko shit is that? And Adrian had no idea that his preaching was at the root of this madness? I wonder why they showed him walking away as if deep in thought. Perhaps he's going to rethink his mission, but I doubt it. I still would like to know how Jared was involved with the attempted mass murder.
  23. Saanvi sort of admitted that she is attracted/distracted to/by Ben Stone. She admitted as much to her "Therapist" and we only heard the end part of that topic. We don't know how much Saanvi admitted to the Major before that reveal. Whether she loved Alex in the past or was hurt by her is really not important. Whatever she felt for Alex has been supplanted by her thoughts of Ben. Lesbian/Bi-Sexual/Heterosexual, whatever. She called Ben when she was passing out. She reached out to Ben when perhaps she was dying, I don't know why the writers are free-wheeling so much with the storylines. I would hope the Producers or Studio would sort of ask the writers, "Where are you going with this, because, you're all over the map!" I actually enjoy parts of this show. I love off-beat shows. They're fun for mental gymnastics, and I'm old enough to recognize I could use the brain-stretching exercise. However, when you flash a fucking Dharma donkey wheel charm as part of your show, your writers are really reaching and have no fucking clue what they are doing.
  24. So, did we decide yet, if Jared was responsible for providing the information to the X-ers that tried to burn the 828'ers in the church? It appeared as if Jared's endgame was to set up the disaster and arrive as the shining Knight and win back Michaela? Is that what he was after or was he trying to burn them out and when he found out Michaela and Olive were on the scene, he had a change of heart? I can't wait to hear his explanation for stealing Michaela's case records and how that nasty police chief is gonna spin this.
  25. We did? You still think he's playing the Long Con? If he is, he's a damn good con artist! But we knew that didn't we? When he convinced Lourdes that he loved HER and not Michaela. I know it would be a total shocker (to me at least) to discover Jared was on a mission to bring the X-ers down, but I don't think he's THAT deep. For a guy who doesn't seem to think about repercussions and just acts like a bull in a china shop, I can see him pulling a Travis Bickle ("Taxi Driver") and going rogue. If, in fact, it's just like he says, Michaela Stone has ruined his life, then what the fuck does he have left to live for?
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