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Everything posted by nora1992

  1. Poor Billy. i guess his little sister has been written out, or did Herschel take her?
  2. Always having to have the last word is also narcissistic. My thoughts were similar to yours, until that occurred to me. Wreaking havoc and tragedy, and not having to face the consequences.
  3. Last night’s case was a sad example of how blind people are to facts when they contradict the popular narrative. Every day, more and more examples are revealed.
  4. How was her experience empowering? She panicked when people started talking about it, and ultimately had to rely “on the kindness of strangers.” Never realized Blanche Dubois was a feminist hero.
  5. It was especially bittersweet, watching Adam and Pops at the chalkboard. I hadn’t heard of Segal’s death until the memoriam segment at the end. And then yesterday, the news of Jessica Walters and Richard Gililand. Sad week for tv.
  6. Does it count if I’ve just finished reading a book that reminds me of an extended Dateline episode? Two Truths & a Lie. Very compelling.
  7. I thought it was true to life, and didn’t see a trope there. But the line about second weddings not counting was a veiled dig.
  8. We’ve seen that before, most notably in the birthday dinner episode when the family: shared on refillable drink; demanded servers box up food mistakes so they could eat the leftovers; complained about everything, and got either comped or significant discounts. And the narration indicated that was a typical experience. How much was exaggerated? And when does assertiveness cross over into outright bullying? That episode sticks in my memory because of the servers I know, who used to be able to box up and eat kitchen mistakes. It wasn’t funny watching the family literally take the food out of low-income mouths.
  9. But her photos of the damage show the scratch up to the passenger’s side mirror, and the defendant wasn’t seen on the video within arm’s length of the front door. If the damage was only at the rear, I’d agree with you. But since it extends so far up the side and close to the camera , it’s hard to imagine the scratching not being clearly visible.
  10. Am I missing something? Didn’t see belligerent handyman near the part of the car that was scratched.
  11. But wasn’t Ivy back by then? Wouldn’t she have noticed Frank going through the house? But I’ll stop overthinking and wait for season 2.
  12. But when did he enter the Scarlet home? Frank was drinking with Duke, wasn’t he? What was he doing in the house? How long was the would-be-fiancée watching the house? The timing seems off. I know I’m missing something, but what? The whos are clear; the whens aren’t. Enlighten me, please!!!!!
  13. I’m confused: who did Fraulein Hildegarde see? It feels like there is a missing scene.
  14. Where was Mary? Was she out because the writers couldn’t reconcile philosophy and dogma?
  15. Today’s litigants make me want to walk or ride my bike everywhere. Imagine the fighting if digging cars out from snow entered into the equation.
  16. Quoting the post because liking it doesn’t show enough support. It’s as if the lack of a studio audience removed the last check on her god-complex.
  17. I don’t answer calls from unknown numbers. If important, a voicemail will be left. JJ didn’t get that memo apparently.
  18. The first one eliminated tonight was spot on! The hustler’s responding insult confirmed it. Good show tonight.
  19. If people weren’t buying the book when it was 99 cents, why bother printing more? I miss B. Dalton, Waldenbooks and Crown Books.....
  20. Is this the week of despicable litigants? Just when yesterday’s birth mother set a low standard, Miss Byes comes along.
  21. Sad rerun today with the biological mother of the century and the newfound daughter. It seems like birth mommy dearest wanted to be a force for positive change without having to do any heavy lifting. If this is the alternative to abuse experienced in the adopted family, my heart goes out to that young lady. I hope she finds happiness.
  22. But the plaintiff had a point when the defendant collected and kept the sales tax despite reversing the sale.
  23. How did the defendant make it to college and remain that clueless?!?! She said SHE was the victim. What is she learning in school?
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