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Everything posted by nora1992

  1. I wonder how many cold cases will be solved by genetic databases? That is a fascinating byproduct. Who knew 5 years ago you could identify a criminal through the DNA an unknown 2nd cousin once removed?
  2. I enjoyed the band plot. It might have been a total suspension-of-disbelief moment when Jimmy's band knew Music Exec Dad's song, Smells Like Teen Spirit, despite the fact that everyone was a stranger 30 seconds ago, but perhaps the cover band covered this by playing very awkwardly at first? Still, I wish that scene had aired!
  3. To clarify: I think the commutation of the sentence is entirely for the father’s benefit. He doesn’t have to bury another son, and the son will have a harsher-yet-longer life. Rot he will, and he does deserve to. He wasn’t spared because he deserved it, but because dad couldn’t cope with another burial.
  4. I found myself more interested in the Wedding Singer scenes than the show itself. I hope next week’s is better, or at least, not as tired.
  5. Would it be more merciful to be executed? The thought of spending the next 50 years in a cage seems much worse than execution. Once his father is gone, will there be anyone on earth who cares about the condemned? The killer could live another 60 years; his father won’t. The father has acted as a loving father; the killer will be forever confined, and all alone after the father ages out of visits or dies. That seems the bleakest of all.
  6. I think I’ve missed the point of this show: after watching the series, my house seems clutter-free enough. I have a lot of clothes, but nothing like Mt Wendy: I never had enough money to buy things that didn’t spark joy. Inertia has taken over: my house is okay. I don’t have the energy to spark additional joy.
  7. She’s not only a SAHM, she teaches world communications, despite the fact that she seems confused about English grammar (“Kevin and I’s relationship?!?! From a teacher, no less. Side rant: would you invite someone to dinner at I’s (sic) house, or offer to lend someone I’s (sic) shoes? Of course not! Using a compound phrase does not change the rules of grammar. NEVER! Stupid grammar mistakes annoy me, and I embark on a fruitless journey of calling people out on the internet. I’m a troll, but one who enjoys cathartic typing.). Hearing such a simple mistake from a COMMUNICATIONS teacher is as disturbing as seeing an accountant add 10 to 90 and write down 1000. Otherwise, I thought the house looked great at the end of the show.
  8. If my mother had stolen my ring to give to my brother, I would have had her arrested. Wasn’t the ring worth enough for a grand larceny charge? That is a cold thing to do, but that is the kind of behavior I would have learned from such a mother. The fact that the daughter didn’t just demonstrates that she is the unsung nice person in the family. I hope she finds a family that appreciates her.
  9. I too am a librarian (20 years). What I didn’t like about the basement scene was the darkness. On the campuses where I’ve studied, they are the best-lit buildings, partly because administration doesn’t want students sleeping in the stacks.
  10. Has anyone seen Netflix's Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt? There is an episode in the latest season, where Titus refers to true crime shows as "white lady porn" - going on to explain that "Their lives are safe and predictable, so every once in a while, they need to see Tim Daly push a woman down a staircase." I"m a white lady, and while my life isn't completely safe and predictable, there is something reassuring about the endings of most of these shows: the villains are caught. When everything else is off, it can be reassuring to know that, many times at least, the bad guys/gals do get caught. When so much is left open-ended or ambiguous, these shows mostly offer proof that bad deeds do catch up to people. Or at least they do, some of the time.
  11. Billy Sparks! I can’t help but love that sweet/funny face! He's always happy on the show, and I don't think there is a mean bone in his body.
  12. Cellphone kid: WHY not just turn the phone in to lost & found? Then it isn’t your problem anymore.
  13. Just wondering about the window-smashing case: were the identical piercings in the plaintiff and defendant done to mark them as the property of the unnamed Romeo? The same glittery-stud in the same place. Why?
  14. Until I read this post, it never occurred to me that Barry wasn’t in it. My enthusiasm for this show has waned.
  15. Despite my fondness for cheese balls, I'm not going to take that bet. There is too high a chance I'd have to share my stash with you - you're more likely to borrow my car/get added to my cellphone plan/rent a room in my house without a security deposit than get anywhere near my cheesy indulgence.
  16. If JJ keeps correcting grammar, we'll never make it through any case. A sad commentary on....everything. I wonder what set her off on that approach, since there have been many litigants with fewer grammar skills. Maybe she'd rather fixate on the grammar than on the fact that two women are fighting over a 27-year-old-college student with two kids. The plaintiff did not seem at all fazed that her "boyfriend" had another baby with the defendant since they started dating; after all, he only had one child with the defendant when they started going out. Yes, because babies multiply like weeds.....
  17. Remember the episode when Raj threw the murder-mystery party with the forward-in-time leap? Penny said that she wasn’t putting her body through 3 pregnancies, and Leonard was dismayed about that limit. Hard to believe there never was a follow-up conversation after that. But I liked Raj’s storyline, and I hope he gets his happily ever after.
  18. Except for the Rush-guy’s haircut, I HATED every single thing about the episode. What happened between prom and September? Is Barry still in high school? Where was Adam’s girlfriend on his birthday? If the rest of the season is like this, it should have ended last year.
  19. That was so confusing! I went back and watched that - there was snow on the sidewalk by the cars, but none where they walked. And in the beginning of the tape, def said plaintiff couldn’t take her son out in the cold. I know Spring was late arriving this year, but it wasn’t that late. Something seems off about the case. Either something was pulled over on JJ, or the production put something over on the audience.
  20. I enjoyed this episode (Stonehenge!). After watching, it felt like this was one of the extra episodes ordered for the season - no connection to any other episode or the soon-to-reappear Michael. I’m also happy to have a break from summer re-runs.
  21. Regarding the two exes fighting over lawyer-money: if plaintiff got away with stiffing the defendant on child support, then I see her point in the excuse. The fact that he was so blasé about his daughter’s arrest and would have preferred a public defender makes me wonder what else he skimps on. I’m glad he’s not my father.
  22. If I went to PF Chang’s and found him to be my server, I would not want to hand over my credit card to him - I already know that he is a scammer.
  23. I don't have insights into the budget of the plaintiff; I only know that I don't have an extra $700 that I can kiss goodbye because my car is in someone's way. When is someone old enough to take responsibility/suffer the consequences of her actions? She was 9; not 5. It is a painful lesson, but hopefully next time, she won't disregard the crossing guard. As long as we're using hypotheticals, next time, she might run into a semi. If she is spared the consequences of thoughtless action as a pedestrian, heaven help us all when she's a driver.
  24. But in MY America, people can be made whole when they suffer damages due to the actions of people without clean hands. Maybe that mother can't afford $700 out of pocket because lil Emy wants to take a shortcut. There are policies with $1000 deductibles, so all the money could have been out of pocket. The plaintiff deserved to be made whole; and in MY America, she would have been.
  25. And there is an update to the Target story - apparently the bloom is off the rose!
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