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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Seemingly, yes, Albuquerque: kob.com/article/stories/s3454138.shtml#.U4fV5ue9KSM
  2. This came up on the last episode thread because of a crawling message in our area about the show's schedule, but in case anyone is watching in the Land of the Blackhawks (Chicago area): There will be a "special" episode airing on June 7. I'm not sure, but I think next week's episode will still air on the 4th, but then the finale will air earlier here, on the 7th, instead of on the 11th, as it is scheduled elsewhere (looking at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_100_episodes), which seems a little odd. So maybe they're not really showing "We Are Grounders: Part 1" until the 7th??? Anyone have anything more definitive? I guess it doesn't really matter since the CW is very nice about putting episodes up online soon after they air. ETA: Not airing tonight in Chicago because Mets v Cubs. Airing Saturday at 8 CDT.
  3. Me too, but they missed numerous opportunities to inject a little humor when the Arkteens first attempted to employ knowledge that they had heretofore only done virtually, if that. The grim lack of comic relief may be what makes me quit this show. They need a mini SG1 O'Neill to snark around the encampment. The many years I've worked for a sociopathic boss is my excuse for kind of liking the way Clarke shushed the Grounder while he was dying.
  4. LOL. While I do think the Canadian gene pool for actors is pretty white, especially for those of large, imposing stature, it's possible that the choice to use big white dudes might have been partially due to an effort to be politically correct in that they didn't want the evil doers to be all non-white. Apophis was a person of color--but that might have just been owing to the original casting in the movie; the show did an excellent job of casting the main players to look like the originals. It's interesting that a large number of the Jaffa were persons of color. Back to the episode: Even though the viewers are made to feel the WTFery of these supposedly advanced beings (Tollan and Nox) even considering that Ska'raa might not be entitled to his body, I think the show was pretty unique in presenting a universally unacceptable opinion in a balanced way--kind of like Star Trek's interracial kiss was unique at the time. But, then they kind of backed away from the idea of the Goa'uld's opinions of humans being worthy of consideration when they got around to the episode title's point: That the Goa'ulds cool rationality was a "pretense" for their planned attack.
  5. @stillshimpy, I've never seen Poltergeist, but that actually sounds a lot like a rewatch of SG1. ;-)
  6. Which reminds me: I'm no rocket scientist (metaphorically maybe, but not actually), but given that the Ark is in space (very cold), and given that they have energy issues, why was the vent Henry Ian Cusak was crawling through so hot that waves of heat were visible, other than that it was a cool (hot) special effect? You are correct. I did not recognize him, but usually I do.Editing to drag over Webbermon's post from TWoP:
  7. If Louis Ferreira's beard gets any longer, I'll be worried he's going over to Duck Dynasty. More Vega, please. When H!TG Martin Donovan/Miles Balfour put the tracker on his wife's car, you could clearly see Beautiful Brit[ish Columbia] on the license plate. So for once the victim sort of deserved to die.
  8. While watching via broadcast in the Chicago area, a blue band crawled across the bottom. I only caught a bit of the text, but I think it said something about a special broadcast of the show June 7, a Saturday. Anyone else anywhere see that? The penultimate episode is next Wednesday, the 4th. About this episode: So with Clarke escaping, I guess they'll use Finn to get their "doctor" back rather than kill him.
  9. It might not have been named that, but that's probably true--and with Octavia hiding out, she probably spent even more time "immersed" than the average Ark kid. And their sex ed classes probably included a lot of pre-recorded stuff too. So, thanks dr pepper, problem solved,
  10. Nah, I'm pretty sure it will be magically clean next time we see it, just like Clarke's, Finn's, and Octavia's hair.
  11. Thanks, @stillshimpy, if they had handled it that way today, Twitter would likely blow up about it. It's no different than I haven't seen Pretense more than once all the way through, unlike, say, 1969.
  12. Of course they do. This may be another show that needs a thread for addicts who want to quit but can't. So, they didn't kill off all of the name actors.
  13. From Wikipedia: I happened to catch most of this episode Sunday night on a WGN affiliate. In the end, as we all predicted, Skaara wins and the Goa'uld Klorel is last seen being shipped off in an aquarium-type container. Wouldn't Lord Zipacna,* the the Goa'uld who represented Klorel at trial, also have had a human enslaved in his body? Wouldn't that person and all the original owners of the bodies inhabited by Goa'ulds have legal rights to their bodies after the precedent set in this trial? And, if Tolan law didn't work that way, shouldn't Daniel or someone have at least asked the question at some point? Does it ever come up in a later episode featuring the Tollan? *Gotta hand it to the writers for coming up with an endless array of unique names that still managed to sound like they were of the same linguistic root.
  14. I'm not up for a lot of organized rewatching, but I happened to catch part of a season 3 episode last night and was wondering if there will still be a Season 3 rewatch thread for June? Maybe folks should just start threads for episodes as they happen to see them and have a plot point or two to discuss? What's the team's consensus? If the threads are started with the episode format box checked and the season and episode numbers correctly entered, then it won't matter if, say, an episode 2 of a season is entered after an episode 4.
  15. Right before being de-Grimmed, they have Juliette not wanting to marry him because of the Grimm chaos. Then, when the reveal comes in the car, she turns around with a look that, to me, seemed to say: I'm sorry. Sort of like when I took the snow shovel out of my car trunk, and then it snowed in May, and I felt guilty--not my fault that it snowed, but it just felt that way. So I thought it looked like Juliette wished she at least hadn't said she wished he wasn't a Grimm right before he was de-Grimmed. Anyone else interpret it that way? If that's the correct interpretation, I could imagine a future situation in which Nick has an opportunity to get re-Grimmed, and a Grimm is needed to save lives, but he hesitates because he thinks it would ruin his chances with Juliette, but then Juliette tells him to do it. Or maybe he just does it anyway.
  16. It's been so long since this show was on, that I wasn't sure I wanted to watch the new season, but watching the webisodes reminded me how awesome Grant Bowler is.
  17. No, I wouldn't have made that connection, so thanks for pointing it out. I did notice that she offered Jesse her "White Russian," and thought it was kind of cute.
  18. Thanks, @Carrie Ann, for reminding me/us. I couldn't recall any details. So I'm guessing the penalty for this could be at least life in prison, right? With the multiple dense plots going on already, it would be hard for them to address this one too, but I could see them resolving it with someone higher up than Paul being responsible, and somehow he was innocent--but that would be going into NCIS-type plotting, and right now we already have Prolethians, DYAD, the local police, Cal, and more to deal with and keep straight. This is my favorite show right now, so I hope they have a handle on how all of this is going to work out. And I hope Paul doesn't have to become a redshirt so they can quickly resolve the Afghanistan thing. I like Paul with and without shirts of any color. Well, they have been mentioning Afghanistan in recent episodes, so maybe this will get resolved soon.
  19. Yes, but depending upon the backgrounds of the writers and when this script was written/shot, it's possible they were also going for a pop culture double entendre--at least that's what crossed my mind while watching: Classical myth Hydra, Marvel Hydra, or both? "Little boys" would've been creepy too, but it happened to be "little girls."
  20. That was my interpretation/reaction too. I then figured "girls" because they can incubate more clones, whether through methods like the Prolethians, or in the usual way. But then I began to wonder if Kira was not really Cal's kid; maybe she's another clone. But if they were going there, they'd have to at least have characters remarking on how much Kira looks so much like her mother and aunties and have a picture of Sarah as a child that looks exactly like Kira. And a clone Kira would have been spontaneously conceived, unless the Sarah backstory is going to get more complicated with Cal working for DYAD and knowing about Sarah's existence and so on.Yes, @yellowfred, more sweet Jesse, please, and the phone call between Sarah and Cosima was heartwarming--and, once again, made me forget these are one person playing two.
  21. Yes. And then there was a line from the news reporter explaining that when Ferrell pulled her gun on Tate, the people near the bomb ran away and were therefore saved. It would've been better, IMO, if they had a little flashback of that event as the news reporter described the theory of what happened.
  22. In addition to the Canadian v U.S. original air date confusion, reruns and other special scheduling are bound to further confuse. For instance, if you missed the "Yankee Doodle" Season 2, episode 1 premier of "Raw Deal," on Wednesday, you can catch a rerun of it tonight, Sunday, May 25, 10 p.m. EDT, 9 p.m. CDT.
  23. With a day job of reference librarian, that comes up a lot. See also this Google search: control women's bodies "orphan black"
  24. These two articles combined might allow you to extrapolate that point if you/we can't locate the article that explicitly states it:slate.com/articles/arts/culturebox/2014/04/male_characters_on_orphan_black_are_undeveloped_making_the_show_s_feminist.html and then avclub.com/article/orphan-black-showrunner-graeme-manson-whats-tail-203405 with:
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