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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. I'm not seeing that on the FX schedule page. Where'd you see that?
  2. I didn't think the writers wanted us to feel that way; Kane announces to everyone that he will be the sacrificial lamb, and then they show him slowly stopping to clasp everyone's hands as he goes off to be a martyr, but, in contrast, Jaha just does it. To continue the scriptural references: Jaha does not pray in the marketplace where others will see how pious he is; he does it in private.So Jaha is back with the same bottle he was about to open the last time he thought he was going to die, but that time turned on the video and got an inspiration. If something similar happens again, it will be kind of comical, whether intended or not. Still, I hope it does, but doubt it will, since he twice said he was going to see his son.
  3. I'm just catching up on this show now. The Moses thing was BBT laying a plague on the supermarket king guy. He changed water into blood. That's why he was reading exodus.I didn't make that connection. Did he read as far as the plagues? I thought it meant that Malvo sees himself as Moses, who sees an Egyptian overlord beating his worker, so when nobody's looking, Moses/Malvo kills the overlord. For example, Malvo was probably ready to kill the blackmailer if he had been more powerful and violent that the blackmailee. But then, after asking his questions in the Smallest Closet, he decided the yoga teacher was not the one who deserved to be punished.The title to this episode, "The Muddy Road," is spoken by Molly in reference to the recent killings, but it is also a reference to this Zen koan. If there's a metaphor for this koan, I'm missing it.
  4. @Izeinwinter, that's what I thought too until I read Alex's recap: http://previously.tv/the-100/the-100-finale-carries-our-sexy-teens-kicking-and-screaming-to-a-place-theyve-avoided-all-season/ And then I recalled it had a lot of texture and an ornate frame, right? Or not?
  5. IMDb attributes this to Futon Critic: But Futon Critic has
  6. I didn't catch that. I did love that after the Alphas made their exit with his hand on her waist, Vega reminded Angie that he'd remarked earlier about Cross's nice suit(s); Vega's spidey/detective senses had figured Cross was dressed to impress a woman. So Cross said Angie and Vega had been partners 5 years and that is "an intimate" relationship. I get that Angie might have learned a bitter lesson about being romantically involved with her partner, but it seems Louis Ferreira has been wearing quite a few nice suits himself. I guess I'm the only one on this Eureka-less board that noticed two weeks in a row the murderers were Eureka alums.
  7. The Van Gogh in the room with a wild kid.
  8. Maybe the question should be: Who was not a Dr. Jackson fanboy/girl? Even though RDA was my fake boyfriend through Moebius, Daniel always had the most heart. It just occurred to me that the character of Finn on The 100 is probably supposed to be a less educated, teen version of Daniel. They are both all about the ethical thing to do.
  9. @beedub, "deja do" is perfect in my book. If he's not really a boyfriend anymore, maybe the thread title should be changed to: Paul Dierden: Deja Do
  10. I think OP's surprise was at the resources to transport it. Maybe it's a clue that the Ben Linus (Lost reference) of Mt. Weather is into preserving culture more than the lives of the Grounders, Reapers, et al. Anyway, Mt. Weather, VA is about 300 miles or 483 kilometers from NYC. I don't know about OP, but I keep forgetting they're not on Vancouver Island, which would be a bigger feat to transport a Van Gogh in the middle of the end of the world.
  11. "Mt. Weather beds." Hee I totally didn't get that it was the frackin original Starry Night. I wonder if Monty got the Mona Lisa in his room, or if it was destroyed in the apocalypse. @In2You, you forgot to mention the really pretty boy that Octavia seduced when he was supposed to be babysitting her for Bellamy. I don't recall how he died, but I think it involve the wrath of Bellamy. The brother sister farewell scene in the finale was the first decent sibling scene that I can recall.
  12. I remember those. One of my daughters had them at the time. Rats! I didn't realize their true potential. But that explains how my daughter was able to sneak out and do stuff without me noticing. ;-)
  13. Not obvious, but:At the top of the main Forums page, under Info > Site Business > Suggestions is a thread, "Sort Shows by Genre?" In that thread is a link to a page by Show Forums by Genre that mod Dougal has created: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/7834-show-forums-by-genre/ You can "Follow" it, which I just did. When you click on the My Shows link, it will not show by default; you have to click on the left of the page the Topics link, which will hide all the Forums, so don't forget how to click Forums there to get back to that view. I am now going to post in that Suggestions thread to ask if there's a way to have forums on that page with new posts be bolded. It won't be quite like TWoP, but maybe even better. ETA: Not technologically possible.
  14. I didn't, but that was probably because I didn't see how Sean from Psych's dad could be a bad guy, especially since he was beloved by a good guy main character here. Plus, I was very confused about the murderer not being the wife of the guy at the meth party where a kid was shot. I really want an epilogue for this one on how her murder trial goes. Angie states that because the doer had repositioned the camera 13 hours before the murder, it is premeditated. But that was after she saw her innocent husband being wheeled away on a prison gurney after being fatally stabbed, right? Or not? If so, could a lawyer get an insanity plea, saying she was in a fugue state? I can't really explain it, but that made sense to me, and I liked that she called him on it. So both last week and this week the killers were main characters from Eureka. Next week has two bit part Eureka alums too. It's nice they are getting work.
  15. What encounter? I either missed that or don't recall. I'm now remembering at the last moment of the Grounders at the Gates before the rockets went off that Finn gave Bellamy a knowing look, so I'm guessing that at the beginning of next season, after the pink smoke clears and the Mountain Men have carted the 47 off to Mt. Weather, that Finn and Bellamy will pop up out of tunnels like gophers. Assuming Murphy survives, how will this effect his sociopathic personality?
  16. So if he invokes the name of two shows that are famous for regularly killing off character (I know that and I don't even watch either of them), that could mean next season will be more like The 50.
  17. I took a handful of handwavium at that point and then enjoyed the rest of the episode...until I got Lost flashbacks when the Not!Others/Weathermen showed up. So Bellamy is toast, right?
  18. Adam Baldwin is always fun, so that might mean it's not as depressing as The Last Resort. And it looks like it might not be as ridiculous as Helix--but that's not a good thing if it's not worth watching for anything other than snark. I'll give it a go. Here's a trailer: http://www.imdb.com/video/imdb/vi3054413337/
  19. This one airs tonight in the U.S. on ABC at 9pm CDT and 10pm EDT. From Zap2it:
  20. For me, it just finally made sense. I adore time travel stories, time travel theories--if there were time travel themed undergarments, I would order them immediately--so I was hanging on by a thread this season, trusting all this confusion would come together--and in this episode, it finally did for me. I loved Lucas' revelation that Liber8 would always be somebody's pawns, in part because he's the genius--perhaps even more than Alec--and then having him toss aside the super gun was the frosting on the cake. I can imagine Kira and Brad getting him to join them to sabotage Alec's Halo if Jason doesn't first succeed in convincing Alec to pause production himself--or if maybe Kellogg pushes Halo production ahead against Alec and Jason's wishes. Question: When Kiera walked out of Alec's office/lab, we briefly see an image on Alec's monitor screen labeled "Kiera's CMR." Was that dead Kiera's CMR, or had he just hacked into live Kiera's? @iMonrey, I think you need to time travel with your post back to the previous episode's thread. Heh.
  21. LOL! Yes, true. I was thinking more like Billy Gibbons (Angela's dad on Bones), a street musician who folks might think looked familiar because he was secretly a rock star. But I guess a musical instrument case wouldn't look less menacing unless he played the instrument. ;-)
  22. Me too. What were his exact words? Something like: Happy day at the Pony *hand wave*The cinematographers and related folks on all the other crime shows should be made to watch the scene where they first found Polina's body under the bridge with the water lit by moonlight. ETA: I loved that the only time Walt smiled in the episode was when Sophia said he reminded her of Polina. Yeah, I agree, unless he or someone at the station adopts her, it seems unlikely she will have a happy home. But I guess "someplace better" isn't saying much anyway.
  23. LOL. Someone should make a t-shirt with that on it for Sendhil Ramamurthy to wear in between takes. I was thinking sunglasses. But a full beard and sunglasses would be better. A gray-white beard. Scraggly. But no, I guess we can't cover the pretty. This is the CW.
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