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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Does anyone know how the writers came up with the name "Chumhum" for the Google-esque company?
  2. When Art frisks Helena and finds a pointy pen in her sock: Sarah: What are you doing with my pen? Helena: I was going to write letter. Again, the humor is in "Helena's" delivery.
  3. Sarah is probably Team Kira and Team Felix before Team Clone.
  4. Why does Cal have a gas mask? I don't think for a minute that it's part of a Halloween costume. I wonder if any straight males watching liked the idea of having a woman like Rachel dominate them sexually? And, about the fingers in the mouth: Saliva can serve as a natural lubricant--but then Rachel isn't the nature type, so probably just more of her power tripping over his body--a kind of violation of his personal space and a symbolic reversal of the female/male. I was very disappointed that Helena didn't kill Rachel (and escape before Art got there), but not because of her kinky sex power performance--I wanted her gone so Felix, Cosima, and the rest wouldn't be used as hostages for her to manipulate Sarah. I wonder if we'll get to see a motive for Rachel's obsession with power. The title of the episode, "Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est," means "Knowledge itself is power," so, in a way, Sarah, Cosima, and even Helena are more powerful than Rachel.
  5. How about:Clones With Words: The Orphan Black Quotes Thread or just: Quotes: Clones With Words or: Quotes: Cloned Words
  6. Me too. I loved the color and Helena/Tatiana's flowy, fish-like hand movements. But I've seen too many exploding, gun shot, and otherwise crashed fish tanks on screen to not fear for their lives. I just paused that scene, and I'm pretty sure it's Cosima, because it had hair and glasses like hers, but I thought the name ended in an e. Maybe it was an "a" written like most fonts' typed a's. I've seen young children doing that these days--I guess because they see more printed words than written. Party of one here on this board, I thought it was.
  7. I really really want someone to blow up the cult and their little shop of horrors. I now think Helena has a remarkable sense of morality given what she was also subjected to. I was hoping she wouldn't accidentally do that, but now that y'all mention it, that's probably why she was hesitating--so she could kill two birds with one shot. ♥Loved♥ this. I may have to use sestra for my next screen name or password. I totally thought it was his own idea to give Felix a time extension to deliver the goods, and in my mind he was hoping Felix and the sestras would find a way out of this mess with no dying or fake murder convictions. But then, as some of us were discussing on the Once Upon A Time thread about Hook, I will always be a sucker for hot guys. Actually, he reminds me a lot of Ward from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., both the actor and the character. But why am I even mentioning those average shows when I'm discussing a show that is on par with Breaking Bad and True Detective?I usually just tolerate kid actors, but they did a great job of integrating her into the episode in a meaningful way without having her spout lines that would sound un-kid-like. And I'm glad the writers realized that Matt Frewer is not evil.
  8. A small, subtle horn on the horses' foreheads would be nice. Did we get closeups on the horses, or is it still possible for them to have horns next season to appease us fans who are thirsting for unicorns?
  9. I too am confused about the order of things this season. We either need a timeline provided by the show creators or captions telling what year it is on screen. It's really too bad that the show might lose its audience and get canceled all for the want of a few numbers appearing at the bottom of the screen.ETA: Here's a timeline, but it doesn't include this episode's events: http://continuum.wikia.com/wiki/Timelines
  10. I love this question so much, it almost makes me hope he did take it, but... He might also have put it in his pocket to remove it from his home--perhaps get rid of it--maybe because Joan is leaving?
  11. Oh, yes, definitely. Being buried with his phone is a given. Shirtless is just a preference.
  12. So I gather if Renard does not survive, the fan consensus is that there should be an open casket, shirtless funeral?
  13. I'm glad somebody's keeping track, because I lost count. But I find her behavior quite natural, given her background and age. She reminds me of myself sneaking out to see my boyfriend when I was her age, although that was a very long time ago and pre-apocalypse, so my exploits were much tamer. I wonder if they removed any such devices (or triggered a deactivation protocol) so that they could procreate in the event that they were able to survive. If so, Octavia could be pregnant by any one of a variety of dark haired men, and, if any of the hookups occured within a couple of days of each other, she could even have twins by different fathers. I'm not sure if that's more daytime soap opera than CW plotting.
  14. Gack! Bite your tongue! It could still happen. Huh. In the Pilot he was listed as Eddie Monroe, so I just thought Monroe was his last name that he used as his only name. But you might be right. Maybe he's like The Virginian.Forgot to mention in my earlier post: Hank giving away Rosalee was squee worthy. I don't want Renard to die, but that blood he coughed into the oxygen mask didn't look too healthy, so, I have to ask: Is Nick in line to be the new captain?
  15. I will just keep remembering Monroe telling drunk remorseful sister that he and Juliette hated the dress anyway. By next season, the rest will all be a blur. I'm tellin' ya, guys, they don't call her Trouble for nothin'. That was the most watchable decapitation I've ever seen. Juliette looked at Nick in the car like she was sorry for what she had said about the Grimm stuff being too much for her. Kind of like when it snowed this morning and I kept thinking that if I hadn't taken my show shovel out of my car trunk it wouldn't have. I too am so glad they at least got through the vows. Monroe's dad's speech was lovely too. But then Nick's nightmare about the wedding came to pass in spite of the sunglasses. Even if Trouble had heard about the sunglasses dress requirement for grimms at the wedding, I can understand why she might not have thought of bringing some at that moment. Nick's gonna have some 'splainin' to do regarding the crime scene in his house. I'm guessing Trouble will take the fall and will either leave town or go live in the trailer.
  16. Unlike everyone else, I did not rejoice in Stuart's new job, because I think they had accurately depicted how thankless such work can be, and it is not realistic that Stuart would really enjoy it. I suspect they only had him so grateful for and enthusiastic about the job because they are going to kill off Howard's mom over the break. After all, if they really are going to change things, that would have a tremendous impact on Howard, and now Stuart too. ETA: Maybe if she does die, she'll include Stuart in her will. I would love to see Stuart do something with his artistic skills.
  17. In the previous episode and in this one we hear that Mycroft "got out of MI6" and then got back in as part of a bargain to keep Sherlock from having to pay for his inadvertently aiding gun running terrorists as part of his drug dealings. If I understood correctly, working for MI6 was dangerous for those around the person employed by MI6, including Joan. Is that correct? So why is Sherlock now offering to work for them? Is this part of a scheme to "fix" Mycroft's situation, for which Sherlock feels responsible?
  18. If Adalind is going to de-Grimm Nick (which I doubt, but, whatever) it would be really convenient if she could do it in time for the wedding so he wouldn't have to wear sunglasses.
  19. I liked the episode because it showed us things that exposition fairies couldn't explain. For instance, the morphine drip was a nice analogy for being asleep to what cause she was serving. And now we know that her husband really did love her; many of us weren't sure. It did a great job of showing the various viewpoints of the many factions, which I find to be representative of real factions today. The problem I have with this season's episodes is that the time frame of the action needs to be more clear to the viewers. A few bits of text on the screen would do this without detracting from the story, IMO. I would like to know where it was filmed.
  20. Yes to all that, but...why didn't she jab Slade with the cure at the first possible opportunity???
  21. In real life yes. On a CW show? Or even any TV show? Difficult to do. I'm guessing miscarriages are the norm from remaining radiation--except maybe Lincoln and Octavia will have a little Abraham. Seriously, and now, really seriously. Clarke is like a right wing hawk. What would make sense is if they kill off Lincoln (person of color redshirt), Octavia is pregnant with their kid, and Finn shines on both Raven and Clarke to help raise Octavia's baby to be a pacifist. Since Abraham Lincoln is a terrible name for the baby, it shall be: Unity.
  22. Oh. I was watching a small screen across the room and didn't see the bows drawn. Still, if Clarke had run when he said run, would her posse have still fired their guns? So, now that at least Clarke has been told that the Ark-ites basically invaded the Grounder territory, can't they just make camp somewhere else? I mean, it's a pretty big, relatively unpopulated planet. I wish Octavia would get some Grounder history lessons from Lincoln.
  23. I must do the same. LOLEven though there wasn't much Malcom Merlyn this season, I'm glad to have regular cameo-ish scenes with John Barrowman. He's like the raisins in the oatmeal or the chocolate chips in the cookie.
  24. So the title of the episode comes from Felicity telling Oliver to let Slade "out-think" him--which I guess also means that Oliver loving Felicity is supposed to be "unthinkable." But what is unthinkable to the viewers if Laurel becoming Black Canary.
  25. Yes, but there's always the possibility that a few survived the crash and/or a few survived the Ark shutdown. For awhile I've assumed that when a show is on the bubble, the network deciders will watch the finale to help make their decision--to see the likely direction and vision. And I had assumed the reason this show won over Star-Crossed was in part because of descent adult actors. So now that they killed off those actors in the finale, I guess I'm not sure why this show was renewed. Must've been the abundance of sex and violence.
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