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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. That use of "so" has been around at least since the 90s when I was working at a Catholic High School and Sister Helen Timothy despaired/joked about how listening to a student giving the prayer at a service was the first time she had heard a prayer beginning with "so," as in: "So in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit..."About um, uh, etc., I heard on NPR this week that a study was done that showed that people who um and uh a lot have higher IQs. Like the current POTUS.
  2. It would have just been a little harder to prove his innocence because they would have had to catch someone who framed him.
  3. Okay. Now I'm wondering if we're watching Big Jim's dream while he's in a coma--like "Under the Dome" is what is being thought about under Big Jim's dome. Like Big Jim's pate is to this show as the snow globe was to St. Elsewhere.So, based on Barbie and Julia's true love and undying devotion to each other as seen in this episode, am I correct in assuming Julia's late husband has been retconned into non-existence? Along with the dog?
  4. Yes, but Eleanor is so crafty smart and calculating, and so economical with her speech, that I wonder if it was also a test to see if Charlotte really wanted that big lummox around or not. Thank you for putting this into words. To me, this is the only thing wrong with this season.
  5. I know! I really did LOL. But it wasn't just his realization that she took care of the Treasure Doll problem, it was her spouting Casti party line about it being unseemly for a Casti woman to bathe alone. Didn't his mom tell him that too? Dude. You have so married your mother. And clearly Christie picked up a few pointers from her own dear old dad too. I don't know about it being from beer, but, yeah, where is the girdle Bill Shatner wore as Captain Kirk when you need it? I was so expecting her to make eyes at Alak as she walked across the threshold. Anyone want to take bets on that soap opera for next season? Good point and another instance of showing how Christie's thinking is now in sync with Stahma's.
  6. I'm not impressed with her character either, but I *loved* that line for Sid's sake (may the character RIP), and Alexia Fast did deliver it at least adequately.
  7. You guys are sooo addicted! Heh.
  8. Yeah, only Wonder Woman would be a match for Stahma.Was I the only one thinking STDs when Alak schtupped Christie after having done it with Deirdra?
  9. I thought Laurie looked kind of horrified that Jill showed up. And it wasn't like the GR had been stalking/recruiting her.
  10. Hrrrmmm...Zap2it is showing Aug 30 and 31, which are Sat. and Sun, so better check your DVR. I don't have one but frequently read on boards that they get confused when networks mess with air dates. Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I'm guessing this is to make up for the week that got preempted.
  11. I've been puzzling over this too. I guess it Eleanor, and it's because she told her story in this episode.
  12. I don't know how credible this is, but from Gate World http://www.gateworld.net/news/2014/08/exclusive-saving-hope-returning-to-u-s-television/
  13. ...or a doctor or a lawyer or a telepathic paramedic a ghost whisperer or a....And the corollary to this one is: Only on TV would a telepath or a ghost whisperer use their skills primarily for crime fighting, especially unpaid crime fighting. The guy who got tomorrow's paper today didn't really have a choice, IIRC. I mean, IRL, they'd be in Vegas--either cleaning up gambling or doing stage shows.
  14. Was I the only one watching this show who has watched too many CSI shows and wanted to yell at Kevin for getting Patti's blood all over him and his finger prints on the murder weapon/shard of glass, not to mention disturbing the crime scene in general? Yeah, I know, at that point it was sort of moot.
  15. Possibly, but survivor's guilt doesn't require that kind of circumstance.
  16. The first half really felt like a comic book story or a Batman movie.
  17. I appreciate the way the story fits together in a way that doesn't have that making-it-up-as-we-go-along feel. I mean, we now arrive at a point where Sonia, for whom there is no compromise when it comes to telling the truth and obeying laws--becomes aware that the three men in her life (surrogate father, lover, and partner) are surviving by violating the commandments to not lie and/or not kill. I loved the cold opening of Fausto getting interrupted while on the pot. No wonder he's constipated, LOL. Fausto became more human this episode. He told Marco that he would see to Tate's death for both Marco and himself--I don't think he could afford to risk that Tate would identify those who took out his eye--and then the way Tate smiled at Marco made me think Fausto did Marco a real favor in finally killing Tate. But what really made Fausto human was the way Marco talked to him like the childhood friend that he is. I'm imagining Fausto getting to the fjords, liking the cold in spite of Ray Ray's racist/ignorant comment about Mexicans being unable to handle the cold (clearly Ray never lived in Chicago) but then Fausto getting shot down by a sharp shooter in the quiet snow. Maybe Ray is there too, and they see each other as they're both taken out--maybe by Cesar at Eleanor's bidding--not because they're bad guys, but just because they are risks that must be eliminated.
  18. It reminded me of Lake Michigan on days like yesterday, and the Great Lakes can be very ocean-like. Three foot waves breaking on the shore last week. Where do they shoot the show?
  19. Best Previously show-related piece so far, @Tara Ariano , and I got to Like it first!
  20. Viola Davis is worthy of season 2 True Detective, but I love my fluffy crime shows too, and she should make this one tolerable.
  21. I didn't see the episode so much about resolving the COTW as about resolving Kate's feelings for and trust issues about Donnie. Looking at the case as a vehicle for that, I thought it was way more effective than a lot of shows where they decide to put the couple together again after cheating and basically just do it by retcon. I also thought the exploding house was way more shocking than any other exploding house I've seen since Breaking Bad finished. Yes, we know they won't kill him off, but likely he's injured, and we don't know to what end. I love Daniel's teaching scenes. It would be awesome if we could get a hiatus webisode or two of his lectures. Please, pretty please?
  22. Was the guy in the gym the guy she slept with? If not, they should've had at least different color hair.
  23. I don't recall exactly, but when he said "ratas," wasn't he referring to someone who snitched? Would that work in as slang in Mexican Spanish?
  24. Well, if it's a contact thing, the car seat wouldn't go because there'd be whatever was between the baby's skin and the car seat (clothes, blanket, diaper, or whatever). But in my fanwank it's a transference of a physical entity from one dimension to another, so there could be a sort of magnetic field that takes only a limited amount of extra mass around the person to the other dimension. Then may be the air from the other dimension is transferred back. Or, IDK, maybe feral dogs were transferred back. LOL Of course none of this fits with the images from the opening of the show. BTW, I really appreciate how each cold opening scene always ends with a person with their mouth open and an anguished expression that fades into the same type of image in the opening credit montage. Not that I like seeing anguished faces. But then again, I am watching this show, so...
  25. Oops. You're right, he did: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0627878/awards?ref_=nm_awd
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