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Everything posted by shapeshifter

  1. Am I the only one who instagot the TS of Abstract Expressionism? Cool. 😎 $2K (FWIW) And I guess I'm also the only one who f'loved the new champ because I related to her story of having had so many addresses. Maybe @Clanstarling too? Plus, she's cute as a bug's ear; she strongly resembles one of my work-daughters. I would hope she could stay on J! long enough to get the recognition one cannot achieve when nobody in the neighborhood knows you, but probably not? Wait. I just noticed Amy Hummel is an ER doc. 🙌 I only got as far as "Blimp" for FJ. *sigh*
  2. I can relate. Sometimes it seems we're all living on borrowed time. In another era, I would have died in childbirth instead of having an emergency c-section 45 years ago. When I was being treated for what should have been a terminal cancer diagnosis 8 years ago, walking on the beach of Lake Michigan made surviving worthwhile. Now I can't walk very far or very long, but even brief stops by the shore of Lake Ontario lift my spirits. I keep checking realtor.com for a home with a view that I could afford. Tomorrow I'm schlepping off to a doctor for an injury from a fall a year ago that still hurts a little. It seems like a waste of time. But maybe it will be one of those doctors that has a healing vibe. If he's a jerk, I won't bother again.
  3. Wonderful title for a blog! How else would I have kept my sanity? I don't suppose anyone here was on the FanForum thread: AWACS - At Work And Can't Stay off the boards ?
  4. That happened to me a few times in the last 6 months or so on the tube of you. So now, if that's my only option,* I hit the pause button as soon as they even get to FJ. Then I open up the j-archive.com page for that game, set a timer for 30 seconds, read the clue, and hit the timer. _________ * I don't know why I don't just follow @Bastet's example when I have to miss a game:
  5. Unlike me, you must not have been one of those kids who had to write on the board 300 times: "I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class. I will not talk in class.…" LOL — ellipsis at the end in part for @Jaded: 🧸 Nowadays, we even have an ellipsis emoji for just such a case: 💬
  6. Thank you, @Anela! I've been vindicated! Now I wish I'd added onto "I've only read the last 5 pages of posts….": "…but I'm sure by the time I've submitted this post it will be 15 pages." If nothing else, it would've caused the TVWoP police person to pause for a moment — during which time another 2 pages to moderate on that thread would've appeared, LOL. No wonder those mods became certifiable.
  7. Sorry to be dense, but does this mean or at least imply that the captain is setting up Elsbeth to possibly be in violation of taking kickbacks by giving her tickets? (which would make her investigation into the same less credible) Maybe the captain hopes Elsbeth will just fail to do the paperwork and repayment for the tickets as you describe? If so, maybe the Captain is only guilty of failing on occasion to complete such paperwork and repayments in a timely fashion. Or, of course, maybe he is "dirty." Casting an actor as the suspected villian who is known to play beloved, upstanding characters would be a bit of genius.
  8. As crazy as TWoP moderation was, around 2005 I was posting on healthboards.com about cataract surgery, and the word "Google" was strictly forbidden. It might have been punishable by banning. Maybe in a colonial America sense. 🪨😱(hyperbole, of course) Not being permitted to link to other sites "in competition" with the site where you were posting was very common then. Anyhoo, I found an old post of mine from 2014, where we were chatting about where to go after TWoP shut down: https://web.archive.org/web/20140329231916/http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/topic/3220621-the-sci-fi-meet-market-life-after-twop/#entry16430522 It’s kind of sad to think many may have died without their aliases being known who might have wanted them shared after they were gone. But better to protect the privacy of the living.
  9. Heh, I only figured out what TWoP's "boards on boards" meant here on PT in the last year or so. At least, I think I figured it out. It means talking about how the site is moderated? But since I never knew what it meant on TWoP, I can't speak to specifically what constituted a minor or a ban-able infraction there. I think maybe any use of words like "TVWoP" or "site" triggered investigation, LOL. I got a demerit once when I posted on a popular TV show episode thread about an hour after the episode aired — Probably Lost? I had to work until 10 p.m. on Wednesdays — and there were already about 30 pages of comments, and I had the foolish audacity to preface my post with something like "I've only read the last 5 pages of posts…." I hadn't felt so bad since my first grade teacher told the class that everyone who was not in their seat had to go and put their heads down on their desks for 10 minutes.
  10. The only thing I can find in the transcript is that Angela was friends with the guy she (accidentally) killed, and the victim and his wife knew that their neighbor had converted all of his money into gold and had a bunker. Seems like a plot hole to me.
  11. I thought he did a lot with that tiny role. He is Edmond Laryea. The character was Will Douglas. I guess he's new-ish to acting? Here's his demo reel: https://youtu.be/sWwzxtoniRk
  12. As AI improves, maybe they will pay child actors “royalties” for the use of their original work to generate new episodes. Of course, in this utopian future, nothing will go wrong. 😑
  13. Same. So close. Like I could almost see it: 𝒞乇𝓻ภ Oh, I immediately recognized the names of the 2 HBCs. But United Negro College Fund is not something I “know.” I feel kind of embarrassed to have gone with NAACP. Nam’s “UNICEF” response may have been equally embarrassing, but I think I figured out how he got there: The clue began with “This organization was founded 80 years ago….” UNICEF was founded close to 80 years ago in 1946 (whereas the NAACP was founded in 1909, or 115 years ago). And the “U” in UNICEF is for “United.” And: UNCF is almost UNICEF I wonder if “United Negro College Fund” would have come to him eventually — like me with many of the clues. Well. I’d probably have to Google most of them.🙃 Thanks to Antiques Roadshow, I instagot the FJ of Tiffany.
  14. Heh, that’s probably because remembering might be triggering: “Posting Messages Dos and Don'ts “DON'T post in a thread until you've read at least the last fifteen pages or days of content” (https://web.archive.org/web/20140329222809/http://forums.televisionwithoutpity.com/topic/3150213-twop-forum-dos-and-donts/)
  15. Yes. I would love it on Friday night too. But MGH starring in a Friday night show? Wouldn’t something implode? When the show first premiered, the title seemed half baked. And there was a lot of throwing the spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks for the characters’ personal arcs. It’s almost like nobody ever took the show seriously. Like it was always just The Little Engine That Could — until they unplugged it. ☹️
  16. OA definitely doesn’t do impersonations. But I would love to watch a crime show where one of the regulars does do impersonations. Wait. There was one, but CBS just canceled So Help Me Todd.
  17. Yes, but, for example: Here on the "S03.E08: Holes Are Bad" thread, previews for "S03.E09: The Travelling Agent" are spoilers. But feel free to discuss them on the S03.E09: The Travelling Agent thread, where they are not spoilers. Here's the Spoiler Policy
  18. From IMDb: (See also)
  19. Yes. She expertly conveyed that there was something a bit off with her, but kept us guessing.
  20. Not any weirder than Goodwin’s heart growing 3 sizes in the last episode. Right? Both whiplash-inducing character developments are unrealistic. But I like them as an 11th hour addition to the show, leaving us with an emotional reward for having stuck with these often terrible people who reminded many of us of some of our own family members. The musical number was great. I saw Kofo briefly. Did most of the cast have cameos?The jazzy improv was nice too. It’s nice that the show was able to showcase the actors' other abilities for future roles.
  21. Ugh. I hate things like that. Maybe the conductor is going through something personally? But that's not an excuse for discouraging someone from singing in a church choir. That conductor needs to skip practice next week! Maybe just sing from the pews next week where you can essentially lead those immediately around you in song? (and enjoy singing!)
  22. I don't think any of us here has enough information to really advise you, but joining the gym for those reasons sounds like you are getting a handle on things. But if this: gets to be a regular occurance, I hope you'll get some counseling. Zoom therapy is so convenient! I retired in 2019 and then there was the pandemic and then I moved across the country. At least I still talk on the phone about once a month with a couple of my close former coworkers. Can you do the same or even have a lunch? The first 7 years at my job with the mean boss, I used to get expense paid trips to major cities for conferences. Then they lost most of their endowment in the 2007–2008 financial crisis. That was the end of the trips. I worked there another 12 years with at most 3% cost of living increases. My point(s)? 1: The good things about your old job might not have lasted anyway. Before I had that last job, I worked somewhere else for 4 years. I left because it didn't have a lot of the benefits of my next job, but I didn't have a mean boss there either. But if I'd stayed at the nice boss job, I would have been there the year it unexpectedly closed down after 50 years when I turned 63 and had stage 4 cancer. I'd have been unemployable with no health insurance — and not, instead, living in a place with a terrible climate but with the best cancer treatment centers. So, point 2: There's always good and bad things that you cannot predict. I hope you make a friend at the gym!
  23. I know Zora Mae Houston for Zora Neale Hurston would not fly on Jeopardy!, but do I get anything anywhere for it? I am so bad with names.
  24. Or… they knew it had been leaked (as is common these days) and decided to own it? But I hope it’s like when:
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