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Everything posted by secnarf

  1. The plus side is that it isn’t a holiday here (unlike when I had to take her to the emergency vet on Easter Sunday). However, I am very aware that giving her “a couple of days” takes us to the weekend :(
  2. Ginny's respiratory issues have reared their head again, when I thought we had solved the issue :( Poor girl is getting so stuffed up she is having trouble breathing through her nose. I bought a baby nasal aspirator off of Amazon which will arrive tomorrow. Also, since her respiratory issues were best on duck/green pea dry food, but she really didn't like the taste, I tried a different brand but still duck/green pea. I'm really hoping she doesn't need antibiotics, given how they seem to mess with her GI system, but I'm not sure we will be able to avoid. The good news is that the steroids are slowly improving her diarrhea - certainly not the dramatic improvement I had hoped for, but some improvement nevertheless. Hopefully this change in food doesn't throw her for a loop.
  3. I could only think of Murdoch Mysteries also, which was clearly wrong but I couldn't shake it to think of anything else. However, I know nothing about Succession and never would have got the answer anyways.
  4. Hawk also mentioned grandkids, didn't he? I wondered if one of his kids died, as an adult - if he already has grandkids - or maybe one of the grandkids. I don't think they explicity told us what the loss was.
  5. 0/5, sad. Will be commiserating with the help of donuts.
  6. Inhabitants led me to house, which made me think of the White House - then I thought, well, I wouldn't really call that an object (category: historic objects). But, since I didn't think of a bottle as packaging yesterday, and it was, I ended up going with the White House today. *sigh* I don't think I would have come up with the Liberty Bell though, so there is that.
  7. I don't really consider bottles to be packaging - it's a vessel. So, that the "object" may be liquid didn't occur to me. It isn't wrong, it's just that my brain went off in the complete opposite direction.
  8. See, had the clue actually said that it came in a bottle, I might have got there. However, I was thinking of an object packaged in glass and trying to figure out why or what the reason might be. Clearly not firing on all cylinders tonight.
  9. Does anyone have experience with a flea infestation? I am doing what I can in terms of cleaning - especially focusing on the carpet and cat bedding - but obviously it’s a big undertaking. And with the treatment for the cats, it lasts for 30 days and any flea that bites them will die before hatching eggs. So theoretically if I continue that for 3-4 months (or indefinitely), all the eggs should hatch and try to feed on the cats and then die right? So eventually it will work it’s way out? Just want to make sure it’s not absolutely critical to get every last egg.
  10. I believe James Cook was an asterisk - one contestant didn't participate and the other two said Magellan and Lewis. I got James Cook and Joan of Arc, this week.
  11. I also understood that they were referencing the opening of Star Trek, and also couldn't make the leap from Kirk to Cook. However, by happy accident, my default explorer to guess when I don't know the answer is James Cook, who I did a project on in the third grade but don't actually remember much about. So, that is how I stumbled onto my (so far) only correct FJ this week.
  12. I second the idea of calling the vet to see what they think - I did that once for Echo, when I was unsure, and they said obviously if I want to bring her in they would see her, but I should be okay to hold off and gave me warning signs for what to look out for. The lack of activity/eating is the most concerning for me. I hope Iggy makes a full recovery!! I learned today that my strictly indoor cats have fleas (found the reason for the little scabs that they have had over the last couple of months). So even unlikely things can happen. At least it's not ringworm.
  13. I took the question as both a warning, given the changing climate, and a nudge to propose sooner rather than later.
  14. For FJ tonight, initially all I could remember was "the one that they found in the parking lot" - it took me a few seconds before I blurted out Richard III. I remember when they found him. I also didn't like Aaron's obnoxious celebrating before the game was over. Plenty of people have runaways and they manage to keep it together.
  15. I feel so bad for Caroline. These witch hunts were awful. I wish they had shown her and Mary discussing what to do after Mary got Tim's letter, if only because seeing Caroline involved in the decisions may have made me feel marginally better about the whole thing. I do wish they focused on Tim a bit more, but I expect that will come.
  16. Add me to the list of people unhappy about Magic being an alcoholic - but as a general rule, I hate addiction storylines. Other than that, I was pretty ambivalent about the episode. They introduced a whole lot about Magic, but completely dropped the security breach that happens whenever Ben leaps.
  17. 5/5** I did it! My first ever perfect week!!!!! And probably my last ;) I made steamed custard buns for the first time this past week, so I will bring plenty to share.
  18. I just counted down the line of succession - William, his three kids, Harry, and then Archie is sixth. And then, made the connection to Archie comics - I don't think I would have gotten it from the year alone. Historically, J! contestants don't seem to do that well at questions about the current British Royal Family though.
  19. Well, for FJ today I was utterly unburdened of knowledge to bog me down. I picked Texas as the geographically largest of the lower 48 states. Makes sense it would have the most miles of highway, as the physically largest, right?
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