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Everything posted by secnarf

  1. Well, my elation at finally getting FJ was quickly tempered by Yogesh winning. Agree that he shouldn't have been invited back. I would have been happy with either Ben or Troy winning. I bet Troy is kicking himself over his wager, although he had to do it.
  2. Didn't quite get there in time for FJ tonight *sigh*. I've been doing the globle capitals which is helping refresh me, as it's been a while since I did the Jetpunk quizzes, but couldn't sort through all the countries/capitals in time.
  3. That's really neat, thank you for sharing.
  4. Yet another 0/5. Since Jan 19, I have only gotten FJ twice. This is getting old.
  5. Well, I was thinking of Kofi Annan, so guessed Ghana and apparently don't know what hemisphere that is in. I was also mildly confused whether they meant north/south or east/west.
  6. I agree on both counts - I might give Yogesh more benefit of the doubt if not for his profession, though. But I really hated everything about that DD. I also went with Judges, but recognized it was probably wrong.
  7. Aww I love this. Kitty snuggles are the best!
  8. 0/5 again - I've done terribly the last month and a half
  9. I had the girlfriend pegged pretty quickly, and I was certain when she called Parker when she was "being kidnapped". Didn't love this episode, as I found it fairly run of the mill, but I know those types of episodes are to be expected.
  10. Thanks for this - I had also guessed Plutonium but didn't want to look up how badly I was off by. This makes me feel better about it! Today I initially said 1876, but didn't think that made much sense. I then decided on "100 years after the emancipation proclamation" but didn't know the year of that.
  11. I was rooting for both Hannah and Juveria and was sad to see them both go. As for Brian, I did feel a bit bad for him after his initial run, but I don’t think that excuses his behaviour this round. I don’t love criticizing people for things outside their control - although his hairstyle and how he styles his facial hair are within his control. But he has full control over his actions and I am allowed to find them off putting, regardless of how he was treated during his first run. Coming into the TOC, I would have been on the positive side of neutral towards Brian, but I really don’t like the excessive celebrating and it did lessen my opinion of him. Of course he has every right to celebrate and enjoy himself, but I don’t need to like it.
  12. 0/5 this week. I should have known U2, but didn’t get there in time :(
  13. I also figured it was the ex-CIA guy, because I recognize the actor. I couldn't quite place him, but knew it was him as soon as they had him in there. Per IMDb, he was in an episode of NCIS in season 9 - his wife was killed by CIA Ray.
  14. Joining the crowded table for 1! 1/5
  15. Yeah that's where I was confused too. I went to who lost the most recent election, and that situation didn't seem to fit with what was asked in the clue, so then went to the election before that and in that case Hillary Clinton isn't a "he" who lost and conceded, and then I just gave up because I clearly didn't understand the question. If they had used gender neutral language, I probably would have said Hillary Clinton. Had I understood the question, I'm not sure I would have made my way back to 2000 in time. Hard to believe that was 24 years ago.
  16. Yes - Brian Dietzen did a great job in that scene. I also felt that he hesitated in checking for a pulse, because until he confirmed no pulse, Ducky wasn't really dead. And then, checking anyways, knowing what the result would be - not just the absence of a pulse, but that by checking, it would confirm Ducky's death. I would have liked a Gibbs appearance, but right at the end, like Tony's - that way it doesn't take away the focus from Ducky/Jimmy. If done properly, it wouldn't have had to overshadow the story.
  17. I forgot what episode this was going to be, and then the minute Jimmy walked in Ducky's front door I realized and almost turned it off - wasn't sure I wanted to deal with this right now. But I ended up watching it anyways. Sobbed through most of the beginning, and then again at the end. I wish they had brought back more of the old crew - I mean, I understand there is some bad blood with Pauley Perrette so I didn't expect Abby back, but had hoped for Gibbs or Ziva. Would have been nice at the end, as with Tony. Wouldn't have wanted any of them back sooner; it would take the focus off of Ducky. It was a bit jarring how young they looked in some of those old flashbacks! I haven't watched re-runs in a while. Also realized that Ducky was the only character on since the beginning - no other original character is still on the show.
  18. In the shallow end of the pool, I loved Max's lilac coat that she was wearing in the last scene.
  19. I was kind of disappointed with FJ. The question was really just asking what an antitussive is (and were given the name "Buckley") - IMO too easy for FJ. I know everything is easy if you know it, but for FJ I'd expect more.
  20. Another zero for me - that makes only one single FJ in the last four weeks for me, a new low record!
  21. Cambodia saved me from a third straight week of zeroes! 1/5.
  22. Ian uses they/them pronouns. I felt the episode was okay, but kind of filler. I'm over Addison's relationship drama. I didn't really mind Addison and Ben together as much as many others seemed to, but I hate the triangle (quadrangle?). Either go for it or drop it, but I hate this in between. It doesn't make anybody look good.
  23. They have dry food out all the time. When I do try to separate them (when they get wet food for "dinner"), they refuse to eat because they are distressed that they are locked in separate rooms. They are very accustomed to eating dry food together, but especially Ginny - if she hears Luna eating, she will always come join, even before the microchip feeder. It doesn't help that I have a pretty small 1 bedroom apartment, so one would never be so far away that they don't hear what the other is doing. @Bastet thanks for the link! The rear guard isn't on their Canadian website, but is on Amazon, so I may pick that up, though it won't help Ginny sneaking in from the front. I also am hoping to get their stainless steel bowls at some point, as Luna has acne on her chin and the plastic has made it worse. But, I just spent a lot of money on the feeder itself, so I need to wait a bit before dropping a combined $100 on those accessories.
  24. This is exactly what has happened :( They do like to eat together - and especially Ginny will like to come over and start eating if she hears Luna eating. I had to wedge the microchip feeder into a corner so it is blocked from the back (it has an open back, which seems a poor design) and now Ginny tries to push her way in from the front. Luna has hissed at her more than once, but Ginny is not the fastest learner and will not give up.
  25. 0/5 - I am nothing without you guys! I made quesadillas tonight. They were a half-moon shape, so sort of fitting for 0/5?
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